What makes you thankful? Thankful Thoughts in pictures and words.

I’m Thankful for…..

I’ve created an acrostic poem using photos and words in response to Terri’s prompt for Sunday Stills Photo Challenge Thankful


T is for TREES

H is for HEALTH

A is for AGE

N is for NATURE


F is for FAMILY


L is for LOVE

Thankful = Trees, Health, Age, Nature, Kindness, Family, Unemployed, Love

These are all photos from my image library from over my years of blogging.  It was very hard at times, finding the right photo for the words, but I’m happy with my collection of Thankful Thoughts.  These are all things that are very special to me.

Feel free to leave a comment below.

What’s your favourite photo from my selection of Thankful Thoughts?  And what are you thankful for?

I always love hearing from you!

Deb x

Linking up with Denyse’s #Lifethisweek 68/2019 with the prompt of Thank You to Me 24/51

All my Sunday Stills posts are here

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Midlife is an adventure

56 Replies to “What makes you thankful? Thankful Thoughts in pictures and words.”

  1. Lovely to re visit this post Deb, Hope you are continuing to enjoy a break from the cold.
    Thank you for linking up for #lifethisweek. Next week we are HALF-way in our #ltw prompts for 2019 and this one is Share Your Snaps. Hope to see you there! Denyse.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Wonderful pics Deb – and unsurprising to see so many family snaps in amongst them – what would we do without our husbands and families? Also smiled at your unemployment reference and pinned the retirement quote because it gave me a laugh – bring on that best life!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes indeed Leanne, bring it on!!! I enjoyed sharing this one again for Denyse’s #Lifethisweek, it’s amazing what I can find in my archives when I go looking! I don’t need to write anything new ever again it seems 🙂 but I will! Thanks for commenting again on this post 🙂 xx


    1. Yes Deb, the U had me stuck for a minute until I remembered, hey I’m unemployed (in a sense!!) Never let a chance go by 🙂 . All the best to you as you go through this, it’s hard I know!


  3. Thank you Debbie for linking up with us at the #BloggingGrandmothers End of the Year Link Party 2018! Party ends January 5, links are unlimited so feel free to add more!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. That’s a great idea to share in the FB group next week, as long as a link to my post is allowed? I love trying creative ideas out and this one was fun. We are truly blessed I agree and I try not to take it for granted. Thanks for your comment and the opportunity to share.


  4. I love the photo gratitude list! And I am intrigued by “U.” I taught in public schools in the US for 15 years…and that career did not end happily. The end of that career was the theme of my gratitude list this year, because it has led to a better place for me as well. I look forward to reading about more of your adventures! I have added you to my reading list! #mlstl

    Liked by 1 person

    1. That’s so good to hear Bethany! I, (along with many other dedicated teachers), was made redundant after 20+ years of teaching in a men’s correctional centre (Jail). It really hurt at the time but now I’m happily retired (at very young age) and loving life. I’m sorry to hear your career didn’t end happily either. I’ll go and find your post, I’m sure we have much in common. Thanks again for stopping by!


  5. So many wonderful photos Deb, hard to choose just one. Love your wedding and family shots, I think in the end it’s those special memories that stand out. So much to be thankful for, so blessed. Stay that way. A lovely post. xx

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you Miriam, it was fun putting words to the letters and then finding photos. I get creative ideas but sometimes don’t know if they work out that well, I’m quite happy with this one I must say! And yes I am blessed 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes that one really appealed to me at the time I was finishing up at work too! I understand the quiet shopping time, it makes such a difference to the whole experience. Thanks for your visit.


    1. Thanks so much Rachna, I’m so pleased to hear that. I could have used Unique for the letter U as it really had me stumped for ages. Yes my 57 years bold shirt only has . a few more weeks of life in it, before my birthday. Maybe I can get away with it for a while longer 🙂


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