How to be a perfectly grateful blogger

News just in …..

I woke to the news recently that I have been nominated in the Best Lifestyle Blog category of the Annual Bloggers Bash Awards. I sincerely thank whoever nominated me and I humbly accept the nomination.  I’m thrilled, proud as punch and amazed to even be nominated! The award winners will be announced in London on June 15 2019.

Nominated in Best Lifestyle Blog category
Nominated in Best Lifestyle Blog category


But there’s a problem – I’m a fraud. Well maybe that’s a bit harsh, I just feel like a fraud and only sometimes, not all the time!

I think I’m having one of my confidence meltdowns – where I don’t think I’m good enough, or have anything interesting to say or get confused or simply overwhelmed by everything. Do you ever feel like this?

Despite having been blogging for years and somehow amassing thousands of followers, I still don’t think I’m any good at it.  I’m not looking for compliments here or being self deprecating,  I’m seriously doubting my abilities – which I do from time to time!  At least I’m an honest fraudster  🙂 I’ll be fine in a day or two!

Why do I do this to myself and where has this feeling come from? 

I really had to stop and think about it. I don’t know if I’m just having a mini confidence crisis,  feeling lost, overwhelmed by things going on or is it just a slight case of imposter syndrome?

Maybe it’s just a mix of lots of things.  Hopefully it will pass and I will resume normal transmission soon. Do you feel like this sometimes, I’d love to know?

But I’ve also read a few articles about on-line bloggers/wellness experts/influencers who have abused their power and had some major negative press, and well deserved I must say, as a result of their questionable actions. Only this week I read Jennifer’s review of a book about one such person and as she said, if it was a novel, it would seem unbelievable.

I’m not one to presume to tell anyone what to do. I don’t like to give advice very often as I don’t think I’m qualified to do so.  Blogging is different for everyone, some want to entertain you, some want you to buy things, some want to rant about issues impacting on their lives, some want to tell you what to do.

I suppose this hit me as we all tend to hide a little behind our keyboards.  Life isn’t always as we blog about it.

I’m fortunate to have met in real life, some of my friends who I’ve got to know through this blogging community.  They have all been lovely, real, kind, generous, authentic and caring people – something I aim to be too.

Blogging Awards in fiction

Given the recent nominations for those of us lucky enough to have received them, these two books by Holly Wainwright also struck a chord.  I read them a while ago, and although works of fiction, they hit a nerve.

I thought of them and had a wry smile, as I read the post about the Annual Bloggers Bash Awards.  Thankfully I think it is an over the top depiction of bloggers, and none of us are going to go to such lengths to win an award!!

They are light reading but for those of us who are bloggers they also have some home truths, as many people can, and do, get caught up in their own ‘online’ and sometimes ‘unreal’ world.

The Mummy Bloggers by Holly Wainwright:

The blurb:

Sometimes life behind the screen is not as rosy as it seems… 

Meet three Mummy Bloggers – each of them followed, idolised, imitated, taunted and trolled online.

Elle Campbell is a glossy, lycra-clad mum with washboard abs, a ten-year plan and a secret past. Abi Black has quit sugar, moved to the country and is homeschooling her kids. Leisel Adams slogs away at her office job each day before rushing home, steeped in guilt, to spend precious moments with her kids before bedtime.

When all three women are nominated for a prestigious blogging award with a hefty cash prize, the scene is set for a brutal and often hilarious battle for hearts, minds-and clicks. As the awards night gets closer, their lies get bigger, their stunts get crazier – and some mistakes from the past become harder and harder to hide.

The Mummy Bloggers is a frank and funny look at the perils and perks of life online.

This was my review on Goodreads:

I was conflicted with this book. I’m a blogger, though not a mummy blogger, more of a midlife blogger, and understood many of the issues. The using everything that goes on around you for fodder for a post, the social media aspect and the time involved in maintaining a blog. Holly Wainwright got most of these things spot on. It made me stop and think about my ‘following’ and how intrusive some parts of blogging can be, in terms of time and effort. I don’t blog for money, have nothing to sell, and use it as a creative outlet but I could still see similarities, which I didn’t like! I also didn’t care much for the main characters. My blogging community is a much nicer world than the three bloggers in this story, I’m happy to say. The story was quite well done but it all just left me a bit cold at times. I also read the second book before reading this one so maybe that clouded my thinking a bit. I didn’t hate it, but I didn’t love it either.

How to be Perfect by Holly Wainwright

The bestselling author of The Mummy Bloggers is back with another page-turning, rip-roaring story about mums, phones and the cult of self-improvement. 

In the rolling green hills of Australia’s hippest hinterland, a new guru is blogging about her breakfast. 

ELLE CAMPBELL is back, holed up in an exclusive retreat where women pay thousands to mimic her extreme lifestyle, or die trying. But who’s bankrolling Elle’s new empire? And why are her two tiny sons suddenly absent from her glossy public image? 

ABI BLACK just wants to marry her true love under a tree in the garden on New Year’s Eve. But her ex-husband is building a financial cult in the shed, Elle is looming and her teenage daughter’s YouTube channel is gaining followers for all the wrong reasons. The wedding might have to wait. 

FRANCES GRAHAM has a colicky newborn, an absent husband and a WhatsApp mothers’ group that’s giving her anxiety. But she’s certain that if she can just be more like those fitmums on Instagram, things can only get better. And surely, if she can scrape enough money together to make it to Elle’s retreat, everything in her life will be just . . . perfect.

Through a world of fake gurus, green smoothies and bad influencers, How to Be Perfect follows Elle, Abi and Frankie into the cult of self-improvement that’s taking over your phone . . . and your breakfast.

These books show just how easily people can get hooked on believing something that’s far from real. I’m not sure I recommend you read these books but it showed me how thankful I am that my blogging community is completely different to the world in these books.

What I’m trying to say is that blogging is like any creative artwork, we all have our ups and downs from time to time, a crisis of confidence, writer’s block, burnout – you name it!

Last year I was nominated in the Hidden Gem category of the Annual Bloggers Bash awards and was lucky enough to be able to attend the day in London (all the way from Australia). I placed third in the category so I suppose I can now say I’m an award winning blogger 🙂

How to be a perfectly grateful blogger


I suggest we:

  1. Engage with others regularly
  2. Find a blogging buddy or a mentor and interact
  3. Check in on your buddies from time to time – it can be hard to know why some bloggers just disappear from our feeds
  4. Never be mean or nasty in comments – it is fine to agree to disagree but do so politely
  5. Try to meet in person – it can be such fun!
  6. Support each other wherever possible

So, in summary, I am trying to be a grateful blogger and I truly appreciate all your continued support.  Thanks again for the nomination, it made my day 🙂

Deb xx

I appreciate you

Are you on Instagram? Check out Deb’s World here: Instagram for photo updates

You can also find Deb’s World here – let’s stay in touch!

112 Replies to “How to be a perfectly grateful blogger”

  1. Wow a lot to reflect on here Deb. I appreciate your honesty and I think that is one key to your success. You are the real and genuine thing, not trying to be something you aren’t. A couple of years ago I went through this phase of not feeling good enough. I almost gave up blogging. I had to do some soul searching. I think for me the key is never to compare oneself. there will always be someone getting more page views or working with huge companies. For me the key was looking at what I wanted from blogging. What didn’t I like about it and making some changes based on those truths.Congratulations on your nomination! Very well deserved in my opinion. xoxo

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks so much for your encouragement and support Sue and for your understanding too. I’m glad to hear I come across as genuine and sincere. It’s interesting that many of us go through these stages from time to time and you’re right about comparing ourselves to others. It’s good to hear you also have had these thoughts and worked through them. Thanks for the congrats on the nomination, I’m really pleased. xx

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Well this was certainly a thought provoking post Deb but firstly congrats on being nominated. And yes, you DO deserve it because you’re genuine, talented, fun and far from a fraud. I tend to agree that blogging has its ups and downs but quite honestly I can’t imagine my life without it now. I’ve made some beautiful people through this platform. Yourself included. Have a fabulous weekend. xx

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks very much Victoria, the nomination was a surprise. I’m like you not an expert on anything but I do have lots of life experience!! Interaction is an enjoyable part of blogging for me as I’m quite a social person. Take care!


  3. Congratulations, darling YOU!! As I scrolled down to the comment box, I passed messages of love from so many blogger friends we have in common. You are loved. And this honor is most well deserved. Enjoy!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. I was also pleasantly surprised to be nominated int eh “entertainment” category – and I plan to fly to London to meet everyone and have a fun day with this blogging community – but I immediately thought: now what do I do? How “Entertaining” do I have to be for the next two months? I post every single day in a variety of categories, so we’ll see if they are indeed “entertaining” or not, but I completely understand what you wrote here! Oh, and congratulations to you!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Oh that’s great to hear John and congrats to you. Last year I attended from Australia as I was over there visiting my daughter. I loved putting faces to names and chatting to everyone. I’m glad you could see what I was trying to say in my post. You are to be congratulated for posting everyday and the nomination 😊

      Liked by 1 person

  5. Congratulations Deb. You absolutely deserve this nomination. I always enjoy reading your posts because you are so honest and sincere, and humble. I agree with you, I find the blogging community to be generally very supportive, and though I’m still learning, I’m glad to be a part of it.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. You are not alone Deb. I have experienced imposter syndrome in every aspect of my life at one time or another–including my parenting, my paid job, and my blogging. As you said, it usually passes, especially if I remind myself of the things I have accomplished and that no one is perfect, even those who seem to have it all together. I love your tips on being a grateful blogger. I so enjoy interacting with the people I have “met” online in the blogging community. I hope to meet some–including you–in real life one day. Congratulations on your nomination! Enjoy it.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks so much Christie. I’ve been surprised at the number of bloggers who have said they also suffer these feelings from time to time. I didn’t realise it was just so common. I’m glad my tips ring true with you and hope to meet up with many other bloggers in the years to come. Thanks for the congrats, I’m really pleased and honoured.


  7. Congratulations on your nomination. You certainly deserve it! You are not a fraud, but I understand those feelings. As long as you keep writing, I’ll keep coming around. (And not sure why, but your blog rejected my first comment, so this is the second one!)

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks for your support Jennifer, especially as your first message was rejected. I have no idea why it would do that!! I appreciate your encouragement and visits. You are an inspiration to me too.


  8. Many congrats on your nomination and you are so NOT an imposter. I’m loving your Instagram feed by the way. Your photos are inspiring and gorgeous. Yes, I believe we should all try and meet up one day – somewhere 🙂 Shared on SM

    Liked by 1 person

  9. Ah yes the well known Imposter Syndrome, I hope you get over it quickly, we all feel it from time to time. And a huge congratulations to you on your nomination.

    Liked by 1 person

  10. Dear Deb.
    You are OK.
    You have sooooo many things going right for you as a blogger I can see.
    Many followers and connections. That for me would be the best way to judge your effectiveness
    You also blog from a range of human experiences and I love that about how you write and share.
    As for the imposter syndrome….drop it ! I must add, my blog post is about me and the BIG C (and it’s not cancer!)…I do think we women “suffer” from this much more than any bloke

    Congratulations on your nomination.

    Denyse xx

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi Denyse, you always make me feel much better about myself, so many thanks for your insightful and perceptive comments. I did enjoy your C post and could relate to it all. You have so much wisdom to share. Thanks for your congrats, it means a lot to me. xx

      Liked by 1 person

  11. I struggle mightily with imposter syndrome, both on my blog and in my quest to begin a financial coaching practice. I know I can do the work but sometimes that nasty fear of being found out creeps in. Thanks, Deb, and congrats on the nomination! #MLSTL

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  12. Congratulations, Deb! A nomination is other people’s belief in you so I hope you enjoy it! That nomination will also bring a lot of other people who want to check out your posts and I think that can be intimidating. Enjoy it though, at least one person believes you deserve it and that is huge!! Good Luck!!

    Liked by 1 person

  13. Congratulations Deb! You’re not an imposter/fraud but I completely get how you feel that way because that is exactly how I feel about my recent Bupa experience – being a finalist in the blog awards and now being in their alumnae and part of the Bupa Influencer Program. I suffer Imposter Syndrome, Anxiety, and Comparison to others syndrome! On another topic – those books you’ve read sound hilarious. I think I’d read them for a good chuckle. I’m sure I’d see lots of things I could relate to but many I couldn’t. The midlife space in the blogging world is a very friendly one thank goodness! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi Min, thanks for your congrats, it’s lovely of you to share your thoughts as well. I enjoyed the books in a weird way, for their look at blogging from a different perspective and yes I did chuckle a few times but also cringed a lot! I agree the midlife space is full of amazingly supportive people and we’re so lucky to be a part of it. You are an awesome blogger and deserve your accolades too, x


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