HOW do YOU blog?

This one is for all the bloggers out there

I’ve been blogging for many years now and still consider myself to be learning, even after more than 1200 posts and half a million words.

Yet I consider my blog to still be very much a work in progress – as am I, as an evolving blogger!

I don’t like offering advice and I never tell anyone how they should do things. I’m not that type of blogger, although I probably could have something useful to offer.

I’ve written a few posts about blogging but not in a particularly helpful way 🙂

I’ve whinged, moaned, shared my confusion and been sarcastically caustic at times! But I’ve also been grateful!


I’m always left wondering how others do it. How do they find the time, the motivation, the topics, the commitment, the organisation, the connections, the interaction, the thoughts……

So tell me, how do YOU do blogging?

Whenever I meet bloggers in person, I really want to know HOW they do things. Not so much the WHY they blog, but the mechanics of it. Of course, we always get onto the ‘why’ as well, which is a very interesting discussion in its own right!

Things like these interest me:

  • Do you plan out every post in advance?
  • Do you schedule posts weeks/months ahead of time?
  • Can you write a spontaneous post at the drop of a hat? Do you?
  • Are you super organised?
  • Do you keep track of what works and what doesn’t – via stats or other feedback?
  • Are you constantly changing things around on your blog?

Just this week I read a tweet from a blogger who said they’ve written and scheduled posts up until May next year!! I feel excited if I’m lucky enough to be a week ahead, but that’s the beauty of blogging, in that everyone is doing it differently – but I’ll admit that I’m still awestruck at those who are soo organised in advance 😲

Take this short poll – please!

I am keen to know some of these answers via my short poll below. I appreciate your honesty and thoughts. You can tick as many of the options below that apply to you.

If you’d rather just leave me a message in the comment section at the bottom of this post, then that’s just as good too! I may even write a follow up post to share what I discover 🙂

Me and blogging

Thinking back to when I first started blogging, I had a full-time job, a family still at home and many other commitments – and yet I probably blogged more back then than I do now that I’m retired.

I know some of you newer followers may find that hard to believe, but it’s true. What I know has happened over the years, is that I’m now more consistent and more organised than I was before. I’m also very social with reading and sharing other blogs – which can be just as time consuming as writing a post!!

I’m not sure if that makes me a better blogger but I know I don’t feel too overwhelmed these days. I set the pace and some weeks I’m away so I don’t blog much or I have posts ready to be scheduled ahead of time which reduces the pressure.

I blog for me, when all is said and done, so theoretically, I’m the only one I have to keep happy 🙂

I have a basic plan for each week with a few recurring posts and linkups – Sunday Stills, #Lifethisweek, Wordless Wednesday, Midlife Share the Love linkup, a Friday compilation post, a monthly wrap-up post, themed posts like #AgeingWellinAugust – thankfully not all of these require posts to be written but they do involve reading and sharing to some extent.

I take my sharing, commenting and engaging responsibilities seriously. I also ensure I take regular blogging breaks, which I think all bloggers need to do from time to time. This is something which Hugh talks about in this post.

No right or wrong way to blog

There is no one right way to blog in my humble opinion. Everyone has their own style, their own reasons and their own voice – and it’s that which makes a blogger feel good, when it all comes together and works. It’s also what keeps others returning to your blog, your voice and personality shine through.

But how do YOU judge that it works?

I love engagement on my posts, but at times it’s hard to get people to comment or interact, especially non-bloggers! If you have any answers or suggestions on how to improve that one, please let me know. I answer all comments on my blog and try to leave thoughtful and relevant comments on blogs I read. I think that’s the least I can do.

We all have stories to tell and usually our blogs are the way we share our thoughts – for whatever reason.

I discovered that I’m a writer!

I found a whole heap of old diaries recently, from when I was a teenager and then a new young mother – OMG I wrote everything down back in the day, so why am I so surprised now that I’m a blogger – it seems I’ve always been a writer!!

It hit me, just like that – I’ve always been a writer, and that made me so very happy!

How about you? Any thoughts to add?

Have you any thoughts on your blogging evolution, or what works for you? I know there are millions of bloggers offering tips, courses, ebooks and each day alone thousands, if not millions, of posts are added to the internet, so how do you manage it all?

I look forward to hearing from you and seeing the results of my poll – feel free to share with other bloggers and I’ll definitely write a follow up post later on.

Thanks again for your input.

Deb xx

You can also find Deb’s World in lots of other places – stay in touch by clicking any of the buttons below.

84 Replies to “HOW do YOU blog?”

  1. I love these posts where we can talk “shop”! You have a plethora of comments on this post! 🙌

    For me, I enjoy spurts of spontaneity within my loose structure. Because my focus is mostly book reviews, it’s fairly easy to know what I’m doing next. My loose schedule consists of TTT or an ARC review on Tuesdays, throwback Thursday, and a book review for Friday. I will fit in occasional discussion posts on mondays or Wednesday’s….but only if I feel inspired. At the end of the month I schedule a wrap up post. I do look at stats and use them to inform decisions….I found that posting at least 3 times a week (versus only 1 day a week in the beginning) significantly brought more views and followers.

    I blog for the joy of it and for the connections and conversations. I have yet to take a blogging break….if I’m feeling stressed I cut back to 2 posts for the week instead of 3 or 4. I can envision myself taking a complete break though! For me, sticking with a routine contributes to success..if I don’t have a routine, it’s a slippery slope!

    Great post!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I agree Carol, and I always enjoy hearing how others do this blogging thing. No one way is right or wrong but we can all learn from each other. Routine has become more important for me too, as the days can just disappear and I don’t know where they’ve gone! Thanks for joining in with your great comment.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. I used to blog about 2 years ago but stopped. I’m a spontaneous blogger writing anything that came into my mind. But I soon found out that it was impossible when holding a full time job. I don’t travel nor socialize often and there was practically nothing interesting to blog. It became a chore instead of having fun.
    I was browsing through WordPress to help me learn to create a website and I stumbled on a blogger who writes about her fight with depression. I realized her blog is all about that subject and it has invited thousands of followers. So, I plucked up the courage to start blogging 2 weeks ago with a Theme : My Life Story From 1959. But in between my stories, I will continue to write anything that interest me! Thank U for sharing this post and I hope to share some good views of my new found theme in blogging! 😉

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Good on you for getting going again and what a great concept! All the best to you and thanks for sharing your story here. We all have a story to tell and if it makes you happy then just go for it is my advice 😊thanks for stopping by and leaving a comment too.


  3. Wow well I’m pretty new to this but these posts are so helpful. Really resonates with what I’m finding so hugely encouraging. So far I’m really enjoying it – it feels like having a whole new baby in the house with all the joy and frustrations that brings. And a whole new community of people to share information with. I seem to want to write everyday – but I’m a newbie so dare say that will change.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks for your response Debbie, and I love the analogy of a new baby in the house! That’s exactly what it’s like 🙂 Good luck with your blogging and just post what and when you feel like it, it’s your piece of the internet!


  4. Oh to be an organised blogger, with a plan, and a good dose of spontaneity. I’m none of the above. I’ve been blogging irregularly for nearly 3 years. I cannot believe this. Blogging and I have a love / hate relationship. I often threaten to sack blogging from my life. But I don’t! The truth be known I get incredibly frustrated with all I need to learn. Yet the twist is I love that I am learning things I never dreamed I would. And I get a high when I master something I had been finding difficult. I enjoy the creativity of blogging. And there is never time to be bored. I also enjoy the interaction with others from around the world. For me, blogging is ONE of my hobbies and interests in retirement.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes I agree with all that Estelle and I appreciate your honesty. Sometimes it is a love/hate relationship and like you, I get a real rush when I’ve achieved something I didn’t think I could do! I also class blogging as just one of my interests now that I’m retired. You are doing great things and I wish you well as you continue blogging – it’s hard to give it up, trust me, I know!


  5. I’ve blogged for a little over 3 years now and was inspired to blog as a way to connect with other women my age (50s) as I am no longer able to work due to fibromyalgia.

    I also felt that a blog might help me with being creative. As a child, I began creating short stories after receiving a typewriter for Christmas, pecking the words out letter by letter, key by key. I didn’t learn to type properly until I was in high school but that didn’t stop me from creating my stories and getting them typed out on paper as a child.

    My answers are:

    Yes, I plan out every post from the title, text, and images.

    No, I don’t schedule ahead of time unless it’s something like a seasonal post. For example maybe a Christmas post that I was inspired to write in the spring, then yes, I’ll write it and schedule it. My posts that aren’t scheduled way in advance just come to me. I write and post when I can due to my illness. If I’m not able to sit at the desktop computer or use my laptop in bed then I record my thoughts onto my iPhone. I then copy and paste those thoughts into a post.

    No, I can’t write at the drop of a hat.

    Yes, I am super organized. I have to be or either the fibromyalgia brain fog would take over.

    I do sort of keep track of what works/what doesn’t. I look at my Google Analytics about once a month and appreciate/reply to the feedback/comments from my readers.

    I only change things when needed to make my site work better and for it to be a pleasing experience for my readers.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks so much for your comprehensive reply Dee, I love that you know what you are doing and stick to a schedule fo sorts that suits you. It is obviously working as your blog is always interesting and reflects your style really well.

      Liked by 1 person

  6. I liked the poll and was surprised that most people on the poll don’t plan out too much. I have a rough schedule of ideas but nothing rigid. Seanwes has advice that you should have a 6-8 week content buffer. I’d like to get there, but so far all I’ve managed is a 1-2 week advanced blog writing. I’m with you — always so much to learn. But I love “meeting” other bloggers like you, sharing your experience, lessons and insights with the rest of us. Thank you! –Paige Bainbridge (

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks for your response Paige, it’s great to have your thoughts. I rarely, if ever have content planned weeks in advance but it doesn’t worry me! You’re right there is so much to learn 🙂 . The poll has been very enlightening!


  7. Hi Deb, I’m pretty organized and use a schedule of my own creation to track all of my posts and stats. I am usually planned out for several weeks, but not months and months! One thing about blogging is that we are all unique, in our voice, our perspective, our goals, and our presentation. That’s what fascinates me about this ‘world’!

    Liked by 1 person

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