Join me for a cuppa and a chat as we outrun October and give November a nudge

Come in for a cuppa

I invite you to get a cuppa, make yourself comfortable and settle in for a chat! Let’s take a break and look back over the month of October. Don’t you just love the spotty cups in the picture above? I’m enjoying lots of spotty, dotty things lately 🙂


As you know, TIME has been my word of the year (WOTY) for 2019 – and I really don’t know where the year has gone! Do you feel the same way?

My monthly wrap-up posts for 2019 all have a similar flavour, taking into account the theme of TIME, depending on how the month has gone. My last monthly post, in case you missed it, can be found here.


October was spent getting back into blogging after a break in September. I managed to write 11 posts during the month with the most popular ones being The Power of a Pink Octopus, Dottie and the Wombat, The Tooth that broke the Camel’s back – these all dealt with issues related to the very premature birth of my granddaughter in England back in August.

In relation to my story Dottie and the Wombat I am now making it into a story book for Dottie and I have an illustrator working on images to go with my story, I’m so excited! It will only be for our family at this stage but it’s a very special moment for us all! I can relate to these lovely Australian stories, with this title in particular capturing my heart, as I’m also a sort-of Grandma Wombat!

grandma wombat story book
grandma wombat story book

I have been blown away with everyone’s supportive comments and positive thoughts on Dottie’s early arrival and my month long visit to meet her. We leave within a few weeks to go back to see how much she’s grown and hopefully the news will be good about when she can come home. She’s now 11 weeks old (but in reality she should be 36 weeks and still in the womb!!) . Thank you all so much for your care of me and my family during this stressful time. I love you all xx

I really enjoyed writing a more general travel post with input from my husband – A Travel Quiz with a difference.

Top 100 Midlife Blogs

A big blogging buzz this month was being informed that my blog has been placed at #20 in the Top 100 Midlife Blogs. Very exciting indeed!

The other good news is that many of my blogging buddies are also on the list – in particular Leanne at Cresting the Hill at #3 and Sue from Sizzling Towards 60 and Beyond at #7. Go us Aussie Midlife bloggers!


In August I was one of six Tumbarumba locals interviewed by Qantaslink Spirit Magazine (an inflight mag) for a feature on our area. I was suggested as I’m a passionate advocate for Tumbarumba, I’m a blogger, and I’m heavily involved in many community events, but in particular our town’s Tumbarumba to Rosewood Rail Trail, which will be the first public Rail Trail in NSW. Most of the others interviewed are business owners so I was very excited to get an invite! It will be published in March/April 2020 – and I can’t remember what I said so I’ll have to read the article too! But hopefully I don’t have to book a QantasLink flight to get a copy 🙂 If you are flying then and see the article please let me know! They are sending a photographer out this week to get our head shots and I’m absolutely delighted!


I’ve read a few excellent books this past month and have updated my 2019 Books list. I’m currently reading my 97th book for the year!!

I must admit that I’m labouring through John Marsden’s The Art of Growing Up, it’s quite a heavy read but it’s very interesting and his stories quite relevant.

My favourite book this month has been Kitty Flanagan’s 488 Rules for Life, a humorous look at life. I must say I did agree with some of her rules. In my review I listed a few of her rules on blogging.

This was a fun read and as a blogger I was very interested in Rule #335 Don’t presume people have hours to read your blog – try to be concise…less waffle, more content, and Rule #336 Blogging won’t make you rich – as Kitty says ‘No matter what people tell you about advertisers and people buying space on your hugely successful blog, it won’t happen. So blog if you must, but do it because you enjoy it, not because you think you’re going to make monster coin.’

So many good tips and I smiled throughout the book – not taking things too seriously! 



Taking stock of health and life
Taking stock of health and life

Last year I had a virus and had some worrying blood test results, relating to cholesterol and sugars. I’ve been working with a nutritionist/dietician and my GP and having regular blood tests ever since. This month I had the best results ever and am pleased to say my lifestyle changes and eating plans have paid off, with my results putting me well back into the normal range for everything. I was put onto medication for my cholesterol back in June and it has been working very well. I have maintained my weight-loss of about 8kgs and am feeling healthy and on top of things. It wasn’t an issue but I also haven’t had any alcohol in well over a year and must say I haven’t missed it!


We caught up with quite a few family members during the month, we visited Canberra a few times, went to Floriade, enjoyed time with our daughter, son-in-law and one year old granddaughter, participated in the 10th Annual Walk for Prems, raising money for Life’s Little Treasures Foundation helping families of premature babies – a cause very close to our hearts.

My sister and her husband visited from Melbourne and we had a fun time doing photo shoots as part of her assignments. She captured this lovely shot of me which I was able to use as my new profile shot everywhere – thanks Sharon!

Deb from Deb's World
Deb from Deb’s World

My mum has just been to visit too and it was great to have her here. She lives at the other end of the state so we don’t see each other all that often but we keep in touch regularly.

My daughter and her husband celebrated their second wedding anniversary by having their 20 weeks scan of their first baby! What a great way to celebrate 🙂 More news on this exciting development in an upcoming post.


The big news is that this Globetrotting Granny and Papa G (the Mathematician) are on our way to see little Dottie, our daughter and son-in-law. We will be with them for two months, over Christmas and New Year, but not staying with them. Hopefully Dottie will be out of hospital soon and we can help them get settled in at home. I’m sad to be leaving the warmth of spring and the hint of the summer to come but we will enjoy coming back to the heat after a few months of English winter weather.

Dottie is growing but is still having trouble with her breathing as her lungs aren’t fully developed yet. It will be great to be with them all and I feel like I’ve been treading water ever since I’ve been home from my trip last month, just waiting to get back over to them. I should be packing and getting sorted!!!

Here’s a recent photo of Dottie for you, isn’t she a cutie??


If this is your first time reading my monthly wrap-up posts or even the first time you’ve read my blog – a huge welcome to you. To my regular readers I can’t say enough about my gratitude to you, it’s an amazing community to belong to and I value each and everyone of you!

It’s been a huge few months in so many ways and although we’re all tired, I think we’re coping OK.

Thanks for the chat and the cup of tea, I’ve enjoyed your company as always. No biscuits though 🙂

Wishing you all the best for November. Let me know what you’ve got planned as we enter the silly season.

Stay happy and well.

Deb 🙂

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41 Replies to “Join me for a cuppa and a chat as we outrun October and give November a nudge”

  1. Another busy month for you Deb. And how quickly it has flown by! Not sure if I’ll be on a Qantas flight in 2020 bit who knows. If so, I’ll look forward to seeing your article. Congratulations on being named in the 100 top midlife bloggers. Thanks for the reminder to check out some of the blogs on the list. #MLSTL Will share

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Hi Deb,
    I just love the phrase grab a cuppa, we don’t say that here is the US so it always sounds so exotic to me. It makes me think of Maeve Binchey!

    Congratulation on your blogging award! That is a major accomplishment!

    I will continue to send positive vibes for your tiny granddaughter. Enjoy your time with her!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Hi Deb,
    Loved the cuppa this month. Dottie’s grown a lot, yes? Her personality is starting to shine through in the pic.
    Time is a great woty, as it affects everything. I sometimes obsess over running out of time before I can do and see everything I want to do and see. But family time is the best, most rewarding time. You and the mathematician will be gone traveling a long time to support your daughter and Dottie in her next transition, but it is good time spent.
    BTW, my nieces (twins) were born quite early (not as early at Dottie, tho-) and one had breathing issues. They do resolve. And there is technology one can use at home to alert parents to breathing issues…issues that improve as the little pumpkin matures.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Well that was an enjoyable coffee catch up! You’ve sure had a lot going on Deb. I do love those dotty cups in the pic at the top and that opening quote is fabulous. I bet you’re so excited to see Dotty again soon and how much she’s grown. Hopefully it won’t be long and she will be home and life can really begin for your daughter and her husband and their new little family. I’m hoping November will improved for me because late September and all of October were not good for me health wise. A little holiday away somewhere would be nice. A proper beach kinda relaxing holiday where you lie about reading books and go for nice walks would be perfect. I must get on to that! Safe travels for when you go. I would be excited about heading to the colder climate but that’s me. I don’t like our hot humid summers much. xo

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Hi Deb, what a lovely catch up. I’ve just put Elliot down for a sleep so it was the perfect time for a cuppa with you. The book for Dottie is such a lovely idea and now with illustrations you may even publish it and become a children’s author!!! Dottie is adorable and such a little fighter. I hope she has the passion that her grandmother has and yes I knew nothing about Tumbarumba until I met you so well done for putting it on the map. Have a lovely November and thanks for sharing your cuppa at #MLSTL. xx

    Liked by 1 person

    1. It was lovely of you to drop by for a cuppa Sue, you’re always very welcome. I’m so excited about the book for Dottie as the drawings are so amazing. I’m not planning on selling it but I’ll still consider myself a children’s author!! Dottie is a little character and I can’t wait to see her very soon. I’m so excited about my article in the Qantaslink magazine too as I really can’t remember what I talked about apart from blogging and rail trails in Tumbarumba 🙃 It’s been a busy time and I’ll be glad to finally get away next week. Hope you’re going ok and love that you get to spend time with your grandsons. Take care xx


  6. I don’t know where to start with this one Deb – 1) I love Marc and Angel quotes – they’re wisdom was a godsend thru all my leaving work upheaval. 2) So glad you’re feeling well and all the tests were good + a bonus 8Kg weight loss – what’s not to love? 3) Dottie is definitely beyond cute and I’m so glad she’s thriving – hard to believe she should still be inside and not outside the womb! 4) You already know I love your new profile pic 5) Now I have to read Kitty Flanagan – those two blogging rules made me laugh – esp about everyone thinking they’re going to make a living from their blogging! 6) and last – congrats on being a famous international star in the Qantas mag + another potential professional profile pic to use – added bonus! Thanks for the cuppa and catch up and I’ve shared on my SM xx

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Oh Leanne, I love all of your comment. Marc and Angel’s quotes really resonate with me most of the time. I think we can all learn from them, just as you did through your upheaval. I’m glad Kitty’s rules amused you too, I laughed at loud at some of them and the blogging ones hit the mark! I enjoyed having you over for a cuppa. FYI the photographer today took lots of shots of me blogging in my sunroom, so maybe that will be one of the photos they choose to use 🙂


  7. A couple of well-deserved honors you received this month, Deb! Congratulations to you! Thanks for sharing the adorable photo of your tiny grandbaby. Here’s to a happy November! #MLSTL

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Hi, Debbie – Thank you for the great catchup. It’s wonderful to see Dottie growing stronger and stronger. She is absolutely gorgeous!
    Thank you for the book recommendations. I recently noticed Kitty Flanagan’s 488 Rules for Life recommended by several other bloggers as well. I’m adding it to my reading list now!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi Donna, I hope you ‘get’ her Australian humour, she can be quite cutting at times but I enjoyed the book as did Jo and other bloggers I’ve heard from. Dottie is growing bigger and her lungs just need to improve now. Can’t wait to get there very soon now xx


  9. Ahh – Look at Dottie in that little pumpkin outfit!! Too cute!!!
    97 books??? Oh wow – I felt accomplished hitting my goal of 35 for the year 🙂 HAHA!

    Liked by 1 person

  10. Great to catch up Deb. you’ve been a busy girl haven’t you. Congrats on the midlife blogger recognition, always lovely to have others appreciate what you do isn’t it? Hope the packing goes well, you may need a few extra layers as the weather is turning a little chilly at the moment.

    Liked by 1 person

  11. Loved catching up with you. This post read like one of those newsy Christmas letters folks send out with their holiday cards. That baby girl is an adorable lil punkin!! Praying she will be able to come home while you are visiting. So glad you can stay for a long time, an even longer time than your last trip.

    Your sister snapped a lovely photo. Perfect for your profile. Congratulations to you, Sue and Leeanne on the well deserved recognition for your blogs. Bravo!!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks Leslie,I hope the newsy Christmas letter was a god thing! Yes Dottie is certainly very cute and growing, I just wish her lungs would improve. Thanks for the comment about my sister’s photo, we had a fun time taking lots on the day! It was great to have you over for a cuppa 🙂


  12. Wow-you’ve been busy! I just want to say that your photo is lovely. You have such a kind face. How wonderful that you get to visit with your daughter and her family for two months. And how considerate it is that you and your husband are not staying in their home the whole time. And congrats on being named in the top mid life bloggers list. That is truly awesome.

    Liked by 1 person

  13. A massive month. Well done you on your health initiatives. I’ve given up alcohol during the week and, while I’m now in the habit of not having it Monday – Thursday, truly miss it. I’m not sure whether it’s the after-work ritual I miss or the drink with dinner. Whatever. Thrilled you’re getting Dottie and the Wombat illustrated – that is so very special, as is your story in the Qantas mag. Congrats on the blogger kudos – you 3 absolutely deserve it. Oh, and you don’t look at all tired in that photo… #justsaying

    Liked by 1 person

  14. What a big month you’ve had Deb. A huge congrats to you (and Sue and Leeanne) on your amazing achievement in making the Top Midlife Bloggers list. And Dottie looks as though she’s growing well, what a cutie. Wishing you all much love and happiness for November and beyond. xx

    Liked by 1 person

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