Welcome to my (temporary) neighbourhood

Life this week

I’ve been a bit off the air in recent days, trying to get my head around what’s happening in the world and I haven’t wanted to join the conversation.

I have nothing to say that hasn’t already been said except – stay safe.

It’s time for #Lifethisweek with Denyse and the optional prompt is My Neighbourhood. I’m sharing with you my temporary neighbourhood.

A new baby in the family and the neighbourhood

The Mathematician and I have been away from home for about 3 weeks now. We are up north staying in Scarborough (Queensland), as our youngest daughter has recently given birth to her first baby.

We have been on hand, but not 24/7, to offer support, love and practical help, as we have done with both our other daughters. After baby Patrick arrived, we moved to a ‘villa’ in a holiday village just metres from the beach and about a 20 minute drive away from the new little family – close but not too close! We’ve visited them every day and enjoyed helping out in many little ways.

Our temporary neighbourhood

It’s been perfect as we’ve been able to ride our bikes every day, walk to the beach, watch the sunsets, eat seafood and watch the world go by from our little deck in our temporary neighbourhood.

It is about the exact opposite to where we normally live in Tumbarumba, with views of snowy mountains, heavily forested areas and sparsely populated small towns.

This has been a great neighbourhood to visit for a few weeks and we’ve enjoyed it immensely. We’ve had visitors – my mother, my daughter, son-in-law and new grandson, my sister-in-law and also my blogging friend Sue.

We’ve been active every day but also had downtime to just stop, read books and try to make sense of the current world.

Here are some of my favourite photos from our time away, I hope you enjoy them 🙂

Are you ok?

How are you coping at the moment? It’s all a bit scary isn’t it?

I honestly think I’m worried because I’ve read so many apocalyptic books over the years and have an overactive imagination – a case of reading being bad for your health. I can’t seem to make sense of it all and I’ve become a bit addicted to washing my hands, if I’m being honest. Coming on the back of the dreadful bushfires just a month or so ago, it’s hitting many of us very hard.

I feel for my children and grandchildren, especially the new babies. I also can’t help but worry about my mother and mother-in-law, who both live alone. We are in touch with them daily and am monitoring things as best we can.

Feel free to start a conversation with me if you feel the need to get things of your chest – my world is a therapeutic and supportive world.

We are heading home in a day or so having been away now for nearly 3 weeks and I must admit I’m looking forward to getting home and holing up for a while.

Stay safe out there!

Deb xx

You can also find Deb’s World in lots of other places – stay in touch by clicking any of the buttons below.

37 Replies to “Welcome to my (temporary) neighbourhood”

  1. Hi Deb, Baby Patrick is exceptionally adorable. There is nothing like the cuddle of a newborn. Great photos. The various blues in the one photo, made me stop and take a deep breath. As you know things are changing by the hour. Around here, completely isolating from friends and family to try and keep everyone healthy. We have a children’s park across the street, usually filled with children and laughter. This afternoon all parks closed. The neighbourhood is eerily quiet. Many positives and grateful our family is healthy. This too shall pass, although it may take awhile. Thank you for being my feel good moment of the evening, Deb. Stay healthy.xx

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    1. Hi Erica, thank you very much for your lovely comment. Patrick is so cute and I miss my daily cuddles now that I’m home. Things are changing very quickly here too and it’s getting a bit scary. Thanks for all your support and I’m so glad you join me with reading and commenting on my posts. Thanks so much and take care of yourself xx

      Liked by 1 person

  2. I see you are in pig heaven! No better place to be than snuggled up with your newest grand, close to a beach, eating seafood. Hi five, girl!!
    Had to save the image of Patrick with the little sign in the crib about waking up all night. My 3 month old grand is still waking up several times a night. Her mommy, my daughter, will appreciate that photo.
    Wish you would create a bucket list post with me…03.21…and share some things you are doing or hope to do while we are rather quarantined. Your ideas might be just what someone else needs to keep them from falling apart during these difficult days. You are so wise.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Yes I am as happy as a pig in mud Leslie! Hope you and your family are well, that card with Patrick is from a set of baby cards that are all funny or smart! New mothers need a laugh every now and again!! I’ll have a think about your bucket list ideas 🙂 You are so sweet xx


  3. Gosh Deb how is it to be Granny all over the world? It has been lovely seeing your updates and I can imagine being back in Tumba you and your hub will find life at home a ‘bit different.’

    Thank you for being part of Life This Week. Next week’s optional prompt (made before COVID 19 lol) is 12/51 Out & About. 23.3.2020. Hope to see you there too. Denyse.

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  4. Every now and then I write a comment that doesn’t work. So here is the shortened version. Congratulations on the birth of your grandchild and the gift of time well spent with family. I am glad you will soon return home and hope that being there fills you with peace and inspiration. May the gift of laughter be yours and may you find hope and healing from the horror of the fires and the unknowns of the present. Michele

    Liked by 2 people

    1. What a bummer when comments don’t work for whatever reason, it’s happened to me too and it’s hard to recreate what you’ve already typed in once! Thanks for persevering 🙂 Yes we are now home and we’re pleased to be here given everything that is going on. Life is very different and it’s changing everyday. Thanks for your lovely words and to have this so soon after the fires is just devastating but we will get through it! Take care Michele x


  5. Safe travel home, Deb. Thank you for sharing your very nice temporary neighbourhood and beautiful photos of your new grandson. How wonderful that you met up with Sue while in the area. Stay safe and healthy. #lifethisweek

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks Natalie, we got home and I feel much better now that we are here with everything is going on in the world. I always try to meet up with Sue when I’m up north and it’s always a fabulous few hours with her. Stay well xx


  6. What a wonderful idea to help out the new family by being “close but not too close”. Good for both you and your husband and for the new parents as well. I loved the photo of you with your precious new grandson. He’s a cutie!

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  7. What a lovely little neighbourhood to chill out in for a while Deb. I love how you choose to spend time with your newborn grandies but without stepping on their parents’ toes in the process. I imagine you’ll be very happy to be home again and tucked away from all the craziness that has become the norm in our world lately. I haven’t written about the Corona virus either – enough has been said. I’m just washing my hands more and getting on with a quieter life (because quite a few of my normal weekly outings have been cancelled). I’m also grateful that our local supermarket has managed to keep most things in stock and fortunately I didn’t need toilet paper! Stay safe and think positive xx

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Hi Leanne, I really was very pleased to get home after seeing my mother and mother-in-law on the way home to assure ourselves they were coping OK. We offered them both a place to stay, with us, but they were adamant they were fine at home on their own. Things are moving very fast now and life is certainly very different to even a week ago. I’m missing the baby cuddles but we’re starting a family facetime chat every few days so we will all stay in touch that way. Hope all is well with you and your family.


  8. Lovely photos! And the gold pants and long hair on the disco dudes…lol

    The dog I used to walk has a newborn in his family now. First baby. He came early, 6 weeks. Thank goodness they made it home before this virus hit…

    Stay healthy and sane.

    Liked by 1 person

  9. What a beautiful baby, congratulations. I am very worried here in the UK. It looks like the over 70s might be in self isolation for a long time from this week. My 89 year old mother is 250 miles away and not feeling well so I am advised not to visit. By the time she feels better her care facility will be in lockdown I think.
    We had my last choir session yesterday for the foreseeable future and discussed cancelling our concerts and the financial implications. Difficult to see anything cheery at the moment. However the garden is starting to come alive. We are planting new potatoes in barrels. Also starting to think about going for walks after dark!

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    1. Thanks Catherine, he is very cute and I’m loving the time with his parents. Yes the news around the world sounds very worrying with so many things being cancelled. It is going to be important that we maintain our mental health and watch out for others. All the best with your spring garden as we go into autumn. Thanks for your visit and thoughts.


  10. Aww, that’s a lovely addition to your family and I’m so happy for you. Love your temporary neighbourhood too but I’m sure home will be welcome. As for what’s happening right now, I for one am frustrated. I’m taking measures to be responsible and maintain proper hygiene etc but I’m also devastated at all the things being cancelled including smaller events. I need those for my wellbeing and it’s taking its toll. Trying hard not to dwell on it too much but it’s hard not to when I keep getting cancellation notices of everything.

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  11. What a lovely part of the world but there’s no place like home, is there?! I must say I am suffering from an acute case of coronanxiety and feel like I’m living in a sci fi movie. I must say though as an introvert, I’m quite happy to stay home with my hubby and my hound. Stay well and safe journey home x

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  12. You’re right Deb, it’s all been said. I don’t have much more to add. There’s so much fear, worry and uncertainty out there. Best we focus on what’s outside our door and the good things in our life, like what you’ve shared in your pics. Stay safe and well my friend. xx 🙏

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