Shout Out Saturday#5 – Do you have something to share??

You are more than welcome to join me for Shout Out Saturday

What’s it all about?

Shout Out Saturday is where I invite you to join in by leaving a link or a comment to something that has had an impact on you recently:

You can leave a link to your own blog, or maybe something you’ve read on someone else’s blog, or tell us about your favourite blogger, or simply share some good news, or even just drop in to say hello….

No strings attached, simply leave a comment, check out the others if you want to, there’s no need to get caught up too much in compulsory sharing or other rules – just keep it family friendly and we’ll all be happy!

Blogging, to me, is all about community, engagement and sharing. What does it mean to you?

Remember Saturday can cover any day of the week

My Shout Outs this week go to….

NICU Awareness Month (UK)

My daughter brought it to my attention that September is NICU Awareness month though a recent post on Facebook:

September is NICU awareness month.

The NICU is an amazing place but certainly one that no parent ever wants to visit. There are no words for how wonderful all of the staff that work in these units are. They look after the smallest, earliest, sickest babes and do their best to get as many babies as they can home to their families. All while tucked away in maternity units with little to no awareness that they are there just being super heroes everyday.

For a place that is incredibly daunting, and damn right scary to spend time in, it was also weirdly a safe place. The staff looked after us just as well as they looked after our baby. They comforted us on the hard days, celebrated the small milestones and most importantly were honest with us about how to handle our time on their units.

It was however also a place that stripped away a lot of the natural instincts you have as parents and although I know it was what was best for Dottie, it has still made this first year of being parents harder and more complex than I could have imagined.

Her first lullabies were a chorus of beeping machines rather than our tone deaf singing.

Her first home was a clear humidified box rather than her cute little crib.

Her first outfit was a tiny knitted donated hat and the smallest scrap of a nappy rather than the adorable outfit I was hoping for.

Her first food was TPN and not my milk.

Her first chance to be held by her dad was a week after she was born.

Her first night in this world was miles away from anyone she knew.

Her first time being outside in the world was 98 days after she was born.

Her birth was so scary but nothing compared to what she was going to have to endure after she entered the world.

But, through all that, she’s here home with us and becoming the most curious, joyful and remarkable little character. The two amazing NICUs gave us this opportunity and we will be forever grateful for what they did for us and will always do what we can to raise awareness.

I get it that if you’ve not needed a NICU that 1) you’re very lucky but 2) that you can’t really understand how it feels.

So all I ask if that if you know someone whose parenthood journey started, or is staring behind the NICU doors, check in on them as often as you can. Make them some meals, clean their house, offer to take them to the hospital, look after their other children or pets, buy them meal/coffee vouchers, listen to them, educate yourself on what they might be going through and if you can just find away to show them all the kindness you can muster. It will mean more than you know and will make the journey they are on that little bit easier.

I’m sure you’ll agree that Melanie has a way with words. Our whole family joins with her in showing our gratitude to everyone involved in the Neo-Natal Intensive Care Units (NICU).

Walk for Prems in Australia

Last year I captained a team of family members to raise money and awareness for Life’s Little Treasure Foundation by walking in the annual Walk for Prems. We did it for Dottie.

Walk for Prems for Dottie
Walk for Prems for Dottie

This year the walk has had to go virtual due to COVID-19 and I have signed up again. If you feel you can donate to this great organisation then please click here: Granny Debs Walk for Prems

One walk. A thousand locations.

For the past 11 years, families, friends and supporters have come together to walk, connect and celebrate, whilst raising money and awareness for premature and sick babies.

This year we’ll still be walking for the same reason and with the same sense of purpose and connection. However, due to the current health pandemic, in the interests of protecting everyone (especially our precious prems!) we are encouraging participants to walk in small groups on a 5km route of their choosing on Sunday October 25, 2020.

My heart goes out to all those parents and babies who experience NICU in any way. Dottie had 98 days in NICU and I was there for only a fraction of those days, and believe me they were hard enough.

Shout out to all the fathers for Father’s Day

It’s Father’s Day here in Australia this Sunday, so here is a lovely quote from Red Tractor Designs that says it all!

Red Tractor Designs

Having lost my father and father-in-law within months of each other in 2018, every Father’s Day brings lots of memories.

I have to say I admire the way my sons-in-law are handling their roles as fathers and give them all a huge shout out!

And of course the Mathematician – one of the best 🙂

Care to Share??

Are you keen to share something? I hope so – just leave a comment or a link!

Has someone done something nice for you, have you witnessed a random act of kindness, have you read something interesting or watched a good movie lately?

Anything really – it’s over to you!

As always, feel free to share and get the word out there #ShoutoutSaturday

Thanks again for all your support, it’s much appreciated.

Deb 🙂

All my Shout Out Saturday posts can be found here in one place

You can also find Deb’s World in lots of other places – stay in touch by clicking any of the buttons below.

Everyone has a story to tell!

Debbie - mother of a 40 year old

Deb is a young-at-heart & active 60+ blogger/retiree, after being made redundant from her 22-year career managing education programs in a men’s correctional centre (jail). She now spends her time reading, blogging, riding her ebike and travelling. Deb was awarded a Bravery Award from the Queen when she was 17 after a tragic accident – a definite life changing moment! She is married with 3 grown-up daughters & has 4 grandchildren. You can read more of Deb’s story here

Copyright © 2024 – All rights reserved

18 Replies to “Shout Out Saturday#5 – Do you have something to share??”

  1. Didn’t realize it was NICU month but I am raising a little money to help a NICU nurse put together photo shoot opportunities for her tiny patients. Would love to invite any and everyone to donate a $1 or $2.

    I remember sponsoring you for your NICU walk last year. Look how far your little angel has come in a year’s time. She is a miracle and a credit to all of the hard work NICU nurses do.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes you sure did support us last year Leslie, thanks so much. We’re thrilled she has come so far! I will pop over and support your fundraiser as it’s a great cause. Good on you for doing your bit to help out. Thanks again Leslie.


  2. Hi Deb, my shoutout this week goes to one of my Saturday Sisters, Caz. We are training for a marathon in October and she keeps me motivated and helps me believe in myself. Yesterday we clocked around 31km and feeling pumped! Love you Shout out idea and two great causes highlighed this week – NICU Awareness Month and Walk for Prems in Australia. Have a beautiful week my friend. xx

    Liked by 2 people

    1. That’s great Sue, you are amazing and Caz sounds like the type of person you want on your side as you train for your marathon. 31km is fantastic as I know you were hoping for 30+km. Thanks for joining in Sue and for your support of Life’s Little Treasures back in July. xx


  3. I love this entire concept for a post, Deb. It also reflects the essence of you, gratitude, love and kindness. ❤️ I appreciate how there are no parameters. My contribution this week: A shoutout to the exceptionally friendly, creative, innovative team at the Halfcorked Marathon Roadshow. #uncorkthesun #hcm2020 #halfcorkedmarathon #halfcorkedmarathonroadshow 🙂

    I appreciate your shout out to the NICU. Your little Dottie is already loved by many. ❤️

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks Erica, I just like sharing, engaging and helping people out – broaden everyone’s world a little bit. Your visit to the Halfcorked Marathon Roadshow looked great fun by the photos you’ve shared! What a great initiative. Yes Dottie really has a fan base these days that goes around the world!

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Wow 😉 and I thought I had a day having leaky plumbing pipes replaced and a new kitchen faucet in stalled & Emmy my February adopted one year old kitty sitting on the bookshelf staring at me hours on end working at the computers. Don’t ask me why I spend that much time on line whilst when I think I have read the .www they keep adding new stuff ❗️ Now I get a phone call from brother Dave in St. Regis, Montana en-rout from Minnesota to Washington State And his wife was hospitalized with a bowel infection. Now am waiting for the window air conditioner to thaw out so I can use it again. 🙂 thank you for asking for a ‘Shout Out’

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Hi Deb, it is a great cause as the staff in every NICU are amazing. I could never do paediatric nursing as it can be so sad. Your daughter writes from the heart – the perspective of a parent who has experienced it, will always make an impact. I’m so pleased Dotti is doing so well.
    I had a short trip back to hospital this week where my surgeon operated to treat complications after my mastectomies. It appears to be successful so I’m so happy that he did that. My recovery starts again so no walking the dog, doing very little with my left arm and relying on my husband to wash my hair and do basically everything. It’s like dejavu! But this time I have my right arm so I’m not so disabled. I’m feeling really positive and over-the-moon that this has been done.
    Before I went to hospital I wrote a blog post (I was obviously in a different headspace to how I feel now) – here is the link:
    Take care, regards Christina

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks very much for your generous words and donation Christina. I’ve just been over and read your post and wish you well with your recovery. Your tips are spot on. I’ve shared in numerous places and appreciate your dropping by.


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