Not every paradise is tropical – a dry run!

A Dry Run

A dry run – A practice; a rehearsal

Back in August 2017 we went on an adventure into the dry interior of South Australia – to the Flinders Ranges, Adnyamathanha country.

It could be classed as a dry run, as it was a plan to see if the walk was doable. We were in fact guinea pigs!

I wrote a series of posts about our adventures and this is the preface I used for each post.

The Frome River is the only river to flow north into the world renowned Lake Eyre, from high in the equally world renowned Flinders Ranges. From its watershed it drops about 739 metres over its 319 km length to Lake Eyre.  Our aim is to do a reconnaissance walk along the 110km of the mountain section to where it crosses the Strzeleckie Track.

Even this section has been divided into 2 stages because, although part of our mission is to travel the distance, the most important part of our mission is to travel ‘in the spirit’ of those whose country this has been for 50000 years.  And so this is a guided Cultural Walk in Adnyamathanha Country, led and supported by Adnyamathanha people.  The term reconnaissance is used because we are not following an already prepared walk but working with our cultural  guides to determine the best course, information points, pace, points of interest, and to suggest what and where infrastructure may be required. Iga Warta Pty Ltd provides all meals, guides, Cultural information and support.

An Aussie Outback Adventure

This was one of the best adventures we’ve ever been on for lots of reasons.

We were often reminded that this was an ancient and traditional walk, and could be compared to the iconic Camino walk in Spain.  We were encouraged to wash our hands or face in the water to connect to the river and Mother Earth.

On one of the cultural tours Terry our guide, stopped at a huge old tree and reiterated the meaning of life as seen by the Adnyamathanha people – connection to Mother Earth, respect, caring, sharing and above all else, love.  The branches and leaves supports animals, covers the land, allows replenishment and earth as the giver of life.  Values we could all do well to remember in this crazy world we live in today.

The dry river beds, old trees, the history, the culture, the environment, the walking, camping out and being off the grid, all added up to make it a most enjoyable adventure. Add we didn’t mind being guinea pigs at all!

These are some of my favourite photos of the dry landscape.

Some of the amazing old trees along the dry river bed

I learnt so much on this trip and will never forget it. Hopefully we can return to this area one day soon.

It was nature and culture at its best.

The simple message I took away from this adventure was – love, care, share and respect.

Values for life we could all use these days.

It doesn’t matter where you travel, what you do, what age you are – if we were all to stick by these sage words, CARE, SHARE and RESPECT, as spoken by the Adnymathanha people in the Flinders Ranges of South Australia, then the world would be a better place.

The world could use some of the serenity that exudes from my photos above – let’s all spread some love – for ourselves, our neighbours and our planet….

If you haven’t been to this part of the world I would highly recommend it.  Immersing yourself in the culture and environment is very therapeutic for the soul.  

Thanks for joining me today, I hope you’ve enjoyed this look back at my experiences. It’s so true, not every paradise is tropical.

Sunday Stills is all about Dry this week. Thanks Terri for having us.

Enjoy the week ahead

Deb xx

Sunday Stills photo challenge
Sunday Still weekly photo challenge

All my Sunday Stills posts can be found here

Linking up with Denyse for #Lifethisweek with the prompt ‘Share Your Snaps’

You can also find Deb’s World in lots of other places – stay in touch by clicking any of the buttons below.

Everyone has a story to tell!

Debbie - mother of a 40 year old

Deb is a young-at-heart & active 60+ blogger/retiree, after being made redundant from her 22-year career managing education programs in a men’s correctional centre (jail). She now spends her time reading, blogging, riding her ebike and travelling. Deb was awarded a Bravery Award from the Queen when she was 17 after a tragic accident – a definite life changing moment! She is married with 3 grown-up daughters & has 4 grandchildren. You can read more of Deb’s story here

Copyright © 2024 – All rights reserved

32 Replies to “Not every paradise is tropical – a dry run!”

  1. Hi Deb, I lived for a year in the Northern Territory so I was lucky to experience a lot of places and events that were steeped in cultural and historic significance. It gives you a true appreciation for our wonderful country and the traditional owners of the land. It is lovely to read your experiences. Regards, Christina

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks Christina, I now have a deeper appreciation of our beautiful country after that trip and we learnt so much about the culture. There is much more we still don’t know, so another trip is on the cards. Lucky you for living out there.


  2. What an amazing experience and fabulous photos by the way. I think we can all learn from the Adnymathanha people and their wise words.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. It really was a fabulous experience Sammie and almost like a retreat. They are a very wise group of people and so generous in sharing their culture with us. Thanks for your comment.


  3. The Adnyamathanha people certainly have it right. Above all else, love. Imagine what this world could e if we all just loved a little more, and were a little more tolerant and forgiving.
    Your photos are tremendous. In many ways, the landscape is very similar to far west Texas. Or maybe Arizona. We have had 9″ of rainfall this year. Things are dry. I need to snap my Sunday Stills ‘dry’ photo before we get some rain!!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi Leslie, your words are so right, love is what we need more of today! It’s interesting you say the scenery could be Texas, I’ve not been there. That is a very dry landscape – hoping for some rain soon for you x


  4. Hi Deb – it sounds like a fascinating tour and the photos are so clearly “Australia” aren’t they? The landscape and the trees are clearly part of our national heritage and it was interesting to hear more about the traditions associated with that particular area.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks Leanne, the landscape was amazing to experience as I’d not been out there before. It was amazing just how big our country is and how small we are!


  5. How truly amazing to be part of a walk through time and history and to tred where no one has in 50k years, Debbie! I felt like you did when I walked through the ancient petroglyphs in the Valley of Fire State Park near Las Vegas, Nevada last winter. Such beautiful pictures you’ve taken. I hope you can return some day. 😁

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes Terri, it was so memorable to be a part of the walk and to learn from the locals. We were accepted as family and loved every minute of it. Thanks for the opportunity to share my photos of the dry interior of Australia and some of the culture of the indigenous people.

      Liked by 1 person

  6. I love the concept of share, care and respect and these pics show a truly unique landscape – the light is so very clear. Paradise doesn’t always have to involve water – I can feel the serenity from here.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thanks very much Janis, your comments are much appreciated! I thought I’d share their words even if we can’t travel at the moment, they are still very fitting to life today!


  7. CARE, SHARE and RESPECT says it all doesn’t it Deb? I think these words apply not just to travel but also the way we live our life. I’ve not visited the Outback and would dearly love to. Perhaps COVID and the fear of overseas travel for a while, might give me the opportunity in 2021. I loved your photos (as always) but more importantly I loved the message. Enjoy your week. x #lifethisweek

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Hi Donna, I totally agree with you, they make a great mantra for us all, everyday. Thanks for your visit and comments on my photos, it was such a good trip and brought back great memories.


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