Finding my MOJO in November – Jumping on board

Grab a drink, get comfy and jump in for our penultimate monthly chat for the year – and this is my final one in my 50s!!

How I found my MOJO

During November I joined a course with the Australian Writers’ Centre, called MOJO Month. It’s sort of like the NaNoWriMo, (National Novel Writing Month) for those who don’t necessarily want to write a novel during November, but do want to write.

The course had daily challenges and interesting insights, built around the initials MOJO.

  • M for Mindset
  • O for Online
  • J for Juice
  • O for Operation

Some of the random things I did during the month:

As I said, it’s been very interesting. Each morning I woke up looking forward to seeing what the day’s MOJO would bring and where it would take me. There were inspiring quotes, ideas for writing and lots of interaction within the group.

So much fun and highly recommended! And you’ll be happy to know my MOJO has reappeared 🙂

You could say I jumped on board the MOJO train!

I had fun with this MOJO exercise, it was all about using the subject lines of emails (in bold) and making them into a brief book blurb (with nothing to do about the original email). Well I did it and had a laugh while doing it, so I thought I’d share them with you. It was another creative exercise.

Let’s make music: A new approach from experts, on how to handle the global pandemic. Hear from a variety of musicians and rock stars, like Jimmy Barnes, on how they coped through lockdown.

Another gift for your tight hips: How to celebrate an upcoming special BIG number birthday with complete style.

Cosy matching Christmas pyjamas: An intriguing tale from those on the ground at Santa’s North Pole workshop. What really goes on??

Jump – my WOTY for 2020

Reminder: My Word of the Year (WOTY) is Jump, so my monthly updates tend to use this as a theme. And I also try to capture a ‘jump’ photo each month.

Let’s talk about jumping…..

This month I managed to walk and even jog a little, which is a big improvement on previous months, due to my knee/leg issues.

As I’ve said all along, cycling is fine but I’ve had trouble being able to walk as briskly as I used to do. So I made a huge effort to jump off the newly renovated railway siding along the Tumbarumba to Rosewood Rail Trail, combining two things I love in the one action 🙂

I have been known to leap frog in my time and decided to give it a go – see I told you my MOJO was back!!

I’ve also updated my Spotify Jump playlist and have enjoyed jumping around to my songs – my favourite at the moment is Jump Around by House of Pain – more for the beat than the words – apart from the all important Jump Around words of course!

Blogging fun

I’ve had another great month of blogging, thanks for all the visits, comments and follows 🙂

My #ShoutOutSaturday posts have continued to be popular, I can’t believe I’m up to number 18 this coming Saturday!! Feel free to join in and share something or someone who has made you smile. I’ll be taking a break over the holiday period but will be back with more shout outs in the new year, it’s fun!

I’ve joined Terri for most of the #SundayStills photo challenges and my favourite for the month, was all about weathering.

I’ve also enjoyed linking up with Denyse each Monday for #lifethisweek with optional prompts and a great community of bloggers.

My favourite 3 posts for the month are these ones – please note they’re not necessarily the most popular ones! I usually choose posts that have meant something a bit special to me or were just fun to write.

Wordy Wednesday – Blogging Friends

When set a writing challenge of 1000 words, I couldn’t go past writing about my blogging friends. Friends are like stars, you don’t always see them but you know they are there.

Friday Fiction – what’s been read lately?

It’s time for a Friday Fiction post with a roundup of all the recent books I’ve enjoyed. I also feature a special author, my good friend Joanne Tracey! What are you reading at the moment?

What are you thankful for in 2020? #SundayStills

This week #SundayStills is all about being Thankful. It’s easy at times, to just see the bad things that have happened in 2020 so looking for the good things has been a timely exercise.

Jumping into a new experience

I was a guest on a podcast during the month too, which was a whole new experience for me! My lovely friend Sue interviewed me as part of her Women Living Well After 50 series and it was more fun than I thought it would be!

You can read more about it here: Debbie on Turning 60

Guest on Conversations with Women Living well After 50
Guest on Conversations with Women Living well After 50

So, that was my month, how was yours?

Thanks for dropping by, it’s always great to have you join me. These monthly chats are a fun way to collate the news of my world and it helps me realise that I haven’t sat sit around all day twiddling my thumbs!

There’s been lots of family issues going on during the month but I might talk about them in another post. It’s been one of those years, as I’m sure you’ll understand. I know I’m not alone in hoping 2021 will be a better year.

I’m always interested in hearing your news, so let me know what’s been happening in your world.

Thanks again for reading my news and being an important part of my world. I am turning the big 6-0 in December. Unlike my massive turning 50 celebrations, this year will be quieter and more restrained – it’s just been one of those years and it doesn’t seem right to go all out on a party.

This tweet says it well.

Take care and stay well.

Deb xx

Linking up with other bloggers around the world for A Sentence A day

You are invited to the Inlinkz link party!

Click here to enter

Previous monthly updates:

Jump into a new year – January

Jump in for a chat – February update

Jump in for a chat – March update

Jump in for an April update

Jump into May

Not much jumping in June

A hop, skip and a jump into July

Jumping in and out of August

How do you jump with a dodgy knee?

Jump starting my way through October

You can also find Deb’s World in lots of other places – stay in touch by clicking any of the buttons below.

Everyone has a story to tell!

Debbie - mother of a 40 year old

Deb is a young-at-heart & active 60+ blogger/retiree, after being made redundant from her 22-year career managing education programs in a men’s correctional centre (jail). She now spends her time reading, blogging, riding her ebike and travelling. Deb was awarded a Bravery Award from the Queen when she was 17 after a tragic accident – a definite life changing moment! She is married with 3 grown-up daughters & has 4 grandchildren. You can read more of Deb’s story here

Copyright © 2024 – All rights reserved

36 Replies to “Finding my MOJO in November – Jumping on board”

  1. Can’t believe you’re nearly 60 – I think you’re reverse ageing! I love those writing prompts, especially the one about the matching PJs. I am a big advocate of the matchy matchy! I know I shouldn’t wish my life away but I can’t wait to see the back of 2020! Not expecting any great shakes in 2021 but I’m looking forward to a clean slate! Stay safe and well x

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Lovely catch up Deb. Thanks for you on-going support of my blog and this link up. The turning of a new decade number is worse beforehand from my experiences. I did have special (for me anyway) celebrations for 50. My request was for Mum to cook me a baked dinner and she did that at our daughter’s house. For 60, I had a friends and family female High Tea at a local lovely hotel. And lunch with my Dad, kids and partners and my husband and a very little granddaughter. 70 bothered me. My husband told me “life does actually change” in some ways and I did have a lovely time celebrating with family and friends…and then a few physical things required surgeries from March to August and in COVID year, recovery just added to my ‘not fun’. However, 71 is cool. Like it a lot. There you are, from me!

    Thank you for linking up for Life This Week. Next week is the last Share Your Snaps for 2020 and then only one week to go after that before a short break with Life This Week returning on Mon 4 January 2021. Hope to see you next week too. Denyse.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Lovely to read of your celebrations Denyse and you’re right it is the thinking of it beforehand that makes it harder! I also celebrated big when I turned 50. I love that you are enjoying being 71, it’s always good to know what’s ahead!
      The year is almost over!!

      Liked by 2 people

  3. Thanks for explaining what Nanowrimo stands for! I thought it was Nano (which in my mind means ‘small’, so writing in small increments) Write More.
    Best of luck with that writing competition! #lifethisweek

    Liked by 2 people

  4. Happy to hear the past few weeks have been kind to you Deb. Your WOTY has definitely shown up for you many times. It’s been the perfect word for this dreadful year that we’ve had. Fun times ahead with your birthday. I’m sure jump will feature

    Liked by 2 people

  5. Hi Deb, I’m so glad your knee is improving. A lot of my time is being spent rehabilitating myself so that I can get back to work. Our bodies don’t heal as quickly as when we were young so I do get frustrated at my slow progress. Have a lovely 60th birthday, I hope your celebration goes well, regards Christina

    Liked by 2 people

  6. I love how you theme these & the number of things you’ve jumped into this year…or off. I had to go and look up the words that were first used in 1967 the year I was born and am pleased to be associated with flower power, love-in, psychedelia, self-professed and zonked-out.

    Liked by 2 people

  7. Oh, how I love that MOJO writing workshop. Such fun, creative prompts and ideas for spurring your writing MOJO. I admire how you are always looking for ways to explore and enjoy creative writing. We belonged to a writing group here that met on Saturdays but members began arguing about politics and we bowed out.
    Glad to read that you are trying to jog and walk more. I tried to jog yesterday in the desert but the shifting sand really caused me to struggle. It has been a month today since my parathyroid surgery so I hope to start doing more as I am feeling great.
    Thank you for sharing the Time Travel dictionary. Apparently the phrase ‘sex kitten’ was introduced the year I was born…1958. But of course!!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. You are doing well Leslie, considering you are only a month from your surgery. I do hope you are coping OK with the COVID issues over there. You are in my thoughts. I love that sex kitten was introduced the year you were born – very appropriate!! Thanks for stopping by and enjoying my post.

      Liked by 1 person

  8. Busy busy busy! I like the idea of that course. I need some motivation to get into things on my list but I’m not sure adding things to the list (from the email) would help solve the dilemma. You’re prolific at getting things written and posted. I’m much more of a slow beast I’m afraid. Takes me days to do just one. Keep on MOJOing.

    Liked by 2 people

  9. Debbie, Looks like you’ve had a very creative November. I’m glad to hear you’ve got your energy and your MOJO back. Wishing you a wonderful December and a fabulous birthday celebration however you choose to celebrate it.

    Liked by 2 people

  10. Wow Deb, you’ve had a busy month haven’t you? So much writing and jumping especially. Congrats on the forthcoming ‘insignificant’ birthday. Not a big deal is it (ours are next year so playing it down as much as possible).

    Liked by 2 people

  11. I always have trouble with changing decades Deb – it’s like a new challenge presents itself and how do we make stepping into another “age group” positive rather than dismally declining? I think blogging has been a huge help in that area and I think turning 60 will reflect that for both of us. Love all your positivity and so glad your November MOJO challenge turned out to be such a positive and fun experience for you – keep jumping my friend and high five to turning 60!! xx

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thanks Leanne, I am unsure about the big 60, as I’m feeling a bit low at the moment given things that have happened lately. I enjoyed the MOJO course so much I’m actually missing it but that’s what made it so good. New challenges abound as we age which helps keep us young I think.

      Liked by 1 person

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