Ready to jump ship – a year of jumping comes to an end!

Jump – my word of the year (WOTY) for 2020

It all started with a puddle and some spotty boots.

I couldn’t just walk around the puddle. Despite the fact I had just turned 59, I was drawn to jumping in the puddle – so I did!

I was in England for Christmas this time last year, and the weather was wet, cold and a bit miserable but my new boots made life fun.

I decided to jump into the New Year choosing Jump as my WOTY. I liked the fact that it was an ‘action’ word and would hopefully keep me accountable!

Jumping in puddles as I approach my last year in the 50s
Jumping in puddles as I approach my last year in the 50s

Every month I have posted about how I managed to jump in some way, whether it was metaphorically or for real – I took opportunities to find ways to jump:

  • to jump for joy – we welcomed a new grandson to our family this year, so I was jumping for joy!
  • to jump at chances – never let a chance go by!
  • to jump the gun
  • to jump ship
  • to jump on my bike
  • to jump start my blog – like introducing my #ShoutoutSaturday posts
  • to jump in and out of things – photo challenges, writing competitions
  • to jump on board with new ideas – like being a guest on a friend’s podcast
  • I jumped at creating a playlist on Spotify – it’s full of jump songs!
  • I jumped into zoom meetings with friends and family
  • I’ve jumped up and down (literally)!

And in so doing I have managed a whole year of jumping – apart from June when I was pretty low and couldn’t find the energy to jump at anything. I’m only human!

I’ve managed to jump into a new decade; I’ve jumped out of my 50s and into my 60s; I’ve jumped into creative writing; I’ve jumped into learning new skills and improving old ones.

Sixty reasons we love Debbie
Sixty reasons we love Debbie – a gift from my youngest daughter

I’ve loved my WOTY and the focus it has brought me in what has been a pretty crappy year. Little did I know when I set this word, just what the year would bring!

This is a really fun way to set your intentions and theme for the New Year, or any other life event for that matter. Instead of a rigid New Year’s Resolution, a Word of the Year is your constant—yet gentle—reminder to focus on creating positive change.

Jump quote
Jump quote

Lights, camera, action!

During the year I also tried to include a jump photo in my monthly updates and here is the collection. Thanks to the Mathematician for his patience in getting my jump shots just right!

“Love recognises no barriers, it jumps hurdles, leaps fences, penetrates walls to arrive at its destination full of hope.”

Maya Angelou

Previous WOTY

For the past few years I’ve chosen a word of the year and you can find my previous words in these posts – I always enjoy reading back over them to see what sparked my choices at the time. Are you choosing a WOTY for 2021?

2019 – Time

2018 – Focus

2017 – New Horizons

Are you like me and about ready to jump ship out of 2020 and into 2021 – it’s really been one of those years hasn’t it?

Have you had a word this year? How did it go for you?

Jumping into 2021

I have a word ready for 2021 and given that I’ve just turned 60, I think it’s quite a fitting one! Stay tuned 🙂

Take care, stay well and keep jumping!

Deb xx

Linking up to Denyse’s #lifethisweek

My monthly JUMP updates:

Jump into a new year – January

Jump in for a chat – February update

Jump in for a chat – March update

Jump in for an April update

Jump into May

Not much jumping in June

A hop, skip and a jump into July

Jumping in and out of August

How do you jump with a dodgy knee?

Jump starting my way through October

Finding my MOJO in November – jumping on board

You can also find Deb’s World in lots of other places – stay in touch by clicking any of the buttons below.

Everyone has a story to tell!

Debbie - mother of a 40 year old

Deb is a young-at-heart & active 60+ blogger/retiree, after being made redundant from her 22-year career managing education programs in a men’s correctional centre (jail). She now spends her time reading, blogging, riding her ebike and travelling. Deb was awarded a Bravery Award from the Queen when she was 17 after a tragic accident – a definite life changing moment! She is married with 3 grown-up daughters & has 4 grandchildren. You can read more of Deb’s story here

Copyright © 2024 – All rights reserved

42 Replies to “Ready to jump ship – a year of jumping comes to an end!”

  1. This is so good! I set for myself New Year resolutions and it never worked for me . Plus, it’s upsetting when I realized that I’m failing. I might steal your idea of jumping on things. Looks fun and ghee no judgment for failing. Keep jumping and inspire others!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. You sure did well with JUMP. I cannot even imagine jumping at my age…good to have done this at YOUR age though. I was not going to have a WOTY until my husband wrote something on the envelope of my birthday card and “boom” I now do have a WOTY. All to be revealed on 4 Jan.

    Thank you so much for your blogging friendship, linking up as you have in 2020 and looking forward to more in 2021 when Life This Week begins…the link up I mean on 4 Jan 2021 with “Word of the Year” as an optional prompt. Stay safe and well, and see you soon…Denyse.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks for your friendship and support during the year Denyse. Jumping has been a highlight for me during 2020 and I’m so glad I chose it for my WOTY. Looking forward to reading about yours too. I’ll be there to link up with you and will reveal my WOTY. Take care and stay well. xx

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Jump is a perfect WOTY for you, Deb. It’s action-oriented and evokes fun. Your photo gallery and your daughter’s gift are awesome. I look forward to hearing your WOTY for 2021. Happy holidays to you and your family! #lifethisweek

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Hi Debbie
    You tease by making us wait for your 2021 word!
    And imagining you jumping in that puddle – with the awesome Photo to give us a feel for setting – with your boots and puddle on that walk well that
    Was inspiring
    And then to see how the year connected to your word jump shows fully aliveness
    And what a great way to end another decade
    Happy 60th my friend

    Liked by 1 person

  5. I’ve loved your word Debbie and think it’s probably helped you this year as well. I love how you’ve woven it into your wrap-ups – something I’m bearing in mind as I contemplate my word for the year…

    Liked by 1 person

  6. I have never picked a Word of the Year but I do love reading about others who have an seeing what words they’ve picked and how it helps them shape their year.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. We have had a lot of rain here, Deb. Yet I love the rain! The sound, cozy when inside, exhilarating, and good boots and rain jacket make all the difference. Jump seems like a perfect WOTY for 2020 for you. Especially the “jump for joy.” I like the way you phrase a “gentle” reminder. I believe we can all be more gentle with each other and with ourselves. Your jump quote reminds me of a recent Mr. Bean video where he is on a diving board, thinking about jumping. The Maya Angelou quote is also a good reminder. I look forward to hearing your new WOTY. I look forward to visiting and sharing in 2021.xx

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Yes Michelle, I was very happy with my JUMP WOTY and will miss it now that it’s all over! I enjoy finding a word and then using it to focus. Let me know if you pick one!


  8. Hi Deb I loved your WOTY and Jump well it brought so many opportunities for you to live your word – some good and some not so good. It was lovely to see all of the Jump photos and I saw a great video on FB the other of Dawn French in a Vicar of Dibley episode jumping into puddles. It had been modified to fit the last 3 years. Such a classic and spot on I will send you the link as I think you would appreciate it. Thanks for jumping onboard with the podcast and I hope you will be my guest again in 2021. It’s been a hell of a year for everyone and I know you’ve certainly had your challenges but you’ve jumped all of the hurdles and inspired us all. xx

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks Sue, I loved that video of Dawn French jumping in puddles, it sums it perfectly! The podcast with you was a real highlight during the year, so thanks for having me. Wishing you a happier 2021 xx


  9. How wonderful Deb! You’ve managed to turn a year that was quite flat in many ways into something worth jumping for. Here’s to a much brighter 2021 and look forward to finding out your new word! Hugs xx

    Liked by 1 person

  10. Hi Deb – Jump was a great word – it kept you looking for the positives and sharing them with the rest of us. 2020 threw a spanner in the works for all of us, but it was interesting how our #WOTY’s adapted to the challenge. I have my word for 2021 and will be doing the big reveal in early January – I think 2021 is going to be a really great year. x

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi Leanne, yes Jump did keep me looking for the positives in what was a pretty harrowing year all round, it was perfect in so many ways! can’t wait to read about your WOTY!!


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