#ShoutoutSaturday 9 – sharing joy, laughs, podcasts, love and thanks

Welcome to shout out #9 for 2021

Hello and welcome to this week’s edition of #ShoutoutSaturday. It’s been another big week, and how can we be coming to the end of March already??

welcome to #shoutoutsaturday
welcome to #shoutoutsaturday

It’s time to share something that’s made you happy! Here are mine plus I’m joining in with Natalie’s Weekend Coffee Share – there’s lots to read!

1. Finding Joy

I saw this TED talk earlier in the week and have been back and watched it a number of times now , I just love the message in it.

Joy is an intense momentary experience of emotion – something that makes us smile, laugh, jump up and down. It’s different to happiness, which measures how good we feel over time, joy is about feeling good in the moment, right now.

Where joy hides and how to find it – from Cherry blossoms and rainbows, bubbles and googly eyes: Why do some things seem to create such universal joy? In this captivating talk, Ingrid Fetell Lee reveals the surprisingly tangible roots of joy and shows how we all can find — and create — more of it in the world around us.

I love the way Ingrid explains that some of the things that brings us joy cut across age, gender, ethnicity – like pops of colour, confetti, sprinkles on ice cream.

We all start out being joyful but as we get older, being colourful or exuberant opens us up being judged.

Ingrid Fetell Lee

As someone who loves colour I read this with glee – colour is a sign of life and energy. The drive towards joy is the drive towards life.

Shout out to those who spark joy, understand joy and bring joy to life.

2. Podcast News

My first podcast episode hot off the press – recently I saw something about converting blog posts to a podcast through my WordPress account through Anchor.

I started the process of investigating this and then put it aside. Well yesterday I went back to it, followed the prompts and completed the first episode. Suddenly I now have a podcast!

Honestly it was that easy. I had the choice of having my posts read automatically or reading them myself, so I went with that option, despite not liking the sound of my own voice. I just followed the prompts. When it came to adding artwork for my podcast I could have used their suggestion but I went over to Canva and made myself a podcast cover from the templates, which is what you see above. I may add a photo to personalise it once I get going but it’s a start and I couldn’t be more excited!

I won’t add every post to the podcast, but some of my more pithy, interesting and entertaining ones will make the cut now that I know how easy it is. How about that?

Isn’t this my year of becoming BOLD afterall??

A shout out to Sue from Women Living Well after 50 for being such an inspiration and support to me. I have linked to her podcasts on her blog.

3. Some laughs from Jimmy

Just imagine if your iPhone was a person 🙂

A shout out to Jimmy Rees for making funny videos that always make me smile 🙂

4. Bushfires, drought, pandemic, floods, mouse plague – what’s next?

May be a cartoon of text that says 'here there is great love, there are always miracles Willa Cather'

Shout out to all the helpers out there in these tough times.

Image from Red Tractor Designs – Facebook page

What’s my Shout Out Saturday all about?

Shout Out Saturday is where I invite you to join me, by leaving a link or a comment, to something that has had an impact on you recently. Something fun, something you’ve enjoyed, what’s made you happy lately….

We need all the good vibes we can get at the moment, don’t we?

You can read more about #ShoutoutSaturday in this post

You can leave a link to a post on your blog, or maybe something you’ve read on someone else’s blog, or simply share some good news, something you’ve enjoyed, or watched or you can just drop in to say hello. Join me for #ShoutoutSaturday

Anything really – it’s up to you!

Thanks for stopping by and joining in, here’s wishing you a great week ahead!

Boldly moving forward.

Deb 🙂

You can find all my Shout Out Saturday posts here

Contact Deb here

You can also find Deb’s World in lots of other places – stay in touch by clicking any of the buttons below.

Everyone has a story to tell!

Debbie - mother of a 40 year old

Deb is a young-at-heart & active 60+ blogger/retiree, after being made redundant from her 22-year career managing education programs in a men’s correctional centre (jail). She now spends her time reading, blogging, riding her ebike and travelling. Deb was awarded a Bravery Award from the Queen when she was 17 after a tragic accident – a definite life changing moment! She is married with 3 grown-up daughters & has 4 grandchildren. You can read more of Deb’s story here

Copyright © 2024 debs-world.com – All rights reserved

52 Replies to “#ShoutoutSaturday 9 – sharing joy, laughs, podcasts, love and thanks”

  1. I saw the podcast opportunity on WordPress too. I will check yours out. I am still on the fence. I would listen to yours just to hear that Aussie accent! 😉 And for the content, of course.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I hadn’t heard this about podcasting or at least not how to do it. Congrats on your first episode! I think it’s a great idea, even though now that I think of it, I’ve heard some people gripe about it. I don’t like my own voice either and, besides, am horrible with English pronounciation. I’d love to try a podcast someday though. Oh and I’ll definitely join in with your #ShoutOutSaturday sometime soon.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Ever since meeting you, Deb, I have become more aware of bold colours. Especially red and orange. I wear my orange hoodie (re: wine event) and I always think fondly of you.❤️ I have bookmarked the “Joy” video and I will listen to it. Interesting information about the podcast. Same with Jimmy Rees video. I often feel my shout out for the week could fill many pages. Grateful! xx

    Liked by 1 person

    1. That’s a lovely compliment Erica, that I make you think of me when you see bold colours :). I’m smiling all over! I love your orange hoodie! The fact that I limit myself to 3 or 4 things to shoutout makes it hard to decide what to leave out but it’s a great way to share some good things. So grateful! xx

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks Natalie, it’s still got a way to go but I’ve taken the first step and that’s what counts in my book – always learning and trying new things.


  4. How exciting to have your own podcast, I shall certainly listen to that later on! Loved that video about the iPhone, definitely made me chuckle! So true in so many ways!

    Liked by 1 person

  5. I thought the podcast was great! I might try and be brave enough to have a go at a podcast eventually and speaking of podcasts I recently discovered Jane Goodall’s Hopecast which I thought was also wonderful, it gave me joy, (I did put a link on my blog, gumtreesandgalaxies). I love that quote from Jane: “What you do makes a difference, and you have to decide what kind of difference you want to make.” Without meaning to I seem to be having a bit of a bold year also, loving the way you are living the word.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks very much Sharon for your comment and Jane’s podcast, sounds lovely and I will definitely pop over for a look. That quote is very true and happy to hear you too are having a bit of a bold year. I’m enjoying my word so far!


  6. Hi Deb – well done on the podcast creation – another feather in your blogging cap. For those who prefer listening to reading, podcasts would be a great way to access your blog. I’m also going to have to watch that Ted talk on joy because anything that promotes joy is wonderful in my opinion – thanks for another great Saturday post x

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks Leanne, it was so much easier than i thought but now I have to keep going with it – one episode does not make a podcast is my thinking! The joy Ted talk is brilliant 🙂


  7. Hi Deb, you heard my joyous news because I’ve been broadcasting it far and wide: I reached my goals and now can go back to work! I’ve been so happy this week because my hard work is seeing results.
    Congratulations on your podcast. I read that WordPress article too. Such a great idea. I have one in the planning stage but it’s going to be about my BRCA2 gene mutation and cancer awareness. I was surprised that there were so few podcasts about it so I’ll make one myself! I’ll have a listen to yours. Have a great weekend, Christina

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Every week, bolder and bolder…and why not indeed.

    Congratulations Debbie on following new paths and new ways to connect.

    You get a #shoutout in my Monday #lifethisweek as I highlight yours (and two other women’s) Women of Courage stories under #heroic.

    I am off to see the sights that were under water a week ago…just my local lake area.


    Liked by 1 person

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