Contemplation – Week 3

Hello and welcome!

I can’t believe it’s already week 3 of desleyjane’s new blogging challenge Contemplation! I have been meaning to respond each week,  but just haven’t managed it – until now that is.contemplation

Deselyjane explains the idea behind this challenge: Each week, I answer a prompt from the Kikki.K A Sentence A Day Journal. I’ve been answering these daily prompts for about 8 months now and I really enjoy the generally personal nature of these prompts.

This week’s prompt is: What do you like to do in your “me” time?

I am a big fan of ‘me’ time as I know the value of it after raising 3 daughters and having a dearth of ‘me’ time for many years.  I must say that I wouldn’t change a thing about those years!  I do admit that I am enjoying this time in my life, where I have time to do things, to think clearly and to focus on a range of things. We all have many versions of ourselves.

I think of ‘me’ time as time where I can rest and recharge my batteries, time that I spend contemplating my life, where I’m going and how to improve my well being.

So what do I do in my ‘me’ time? Anything that allows me to unwind really.

Here’s my top 5 ‘me’ time activities:

  • I love to read and can lose myself in a book very easily.  I also watch movies for the escapism value.
  • I blog and read blogs to escape my professional life, even for just a little while.  I enjoy the creative side of blogging and feel that I can express my real self without fear of appearing unprofessional.
  • I walk, run and cycle regularly, not just for the fitness benefits but for the mental release as well.  My mind can wander, I’m not tied to anything or anyone while I’m out there, and I feel free.
  • I enjoy a good massage too which helps to uncoil my twisted muscles. It isn’t just about the feeling of being indulged but that certainly helps too.
  • I am a member of Rotary and love that I have the time to help the community in a meaningful way. Sharing my skills, time and experience allow me to continue to grow personally and professionally while helping others.

After reading through these points I an see a pattern forming – my ‘me’ time is all about escaping my normal everyday life!  Is that a bad thing or am I just very normal?

I’m so glad I finally managed to respond to desleyjane’s contemplation challenge and I look forward to participating again.

It’s always interesting to hear how others respond to these prompts so feel free leave me a comment telling me how you spend your ‘me’ time.


9 Replies to “Contemplation – Week 3”

  1. I love massages! At least now with my running I have an excuse for monthly massages. Sunday’s race had free massages, but I was waiting for my friends so I couldn’t avail myself of it. It’s time for one!

    These days it seems I’m pouring most of my free time into my blog, but I enjoy it!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. It sounds like you spend your ‘me’ time just the way it’s intended, focusing on what makes you content and gives you meaning. I’ve had a bit of me time lately, as my other half has been away. For me it’s reading, losing myself in writing and being outside, and giving time to my mum while I still have her around.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I think you’re right Miriam, it’s time well spent and does make me content. Your me time sounds familiar! I’m glad you can give time to your mum too and see it as a special time.

      Liked by 1 person

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