Feeling triumphant!

Photography 101 has been a great month-long challenge. I am triumphant that I have lasted the distance and managed to complete each daily challenge.  As I said in yesterday’s post I feel I have learnt new things and from now on will think much more before I go to take a photo. It’s been quite a demanding month and I’ve certainly been consumed by it all but despite that I really don’t want it to end in some ways!

I’ve met some lovely, clever people and enjoyed sharing my photos and stories with others.  Well done to all involved and thanks WordPress for all their efforts in keeping us involved and intrigued.

Here I am with my chooks from my Double post…we’re celebrating the end of Photography 101 together!

Hanging with my chookies!
Hanging with my chookies!

I don’t think I’ve managed the contrast part of today’s task too well but I’m happy with my Opera House shot which I’ve had a great play around with, using some editing tools that I don’t usually use.  I like the result, do you?

I did manage to run up these steps so am triumphant about that as well!!

Sydney Opera House – I ran up these steps!

Just in case you didn’t get it from my post, today’s final task:

Photography 101: Triumph

Today, let’s bump up the contrast for a bold take on triumph.




11 Replies to “Feeling triumphant!”

    1. Thanks for commenting! I too like the yellow and the fact that it’s a bit crooked gives it a quirky air. I take your point that it could be straightened though and appreciate your suggestion. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  1. Love these…somewhere I have almost the exact photos of those steps 🙂

    ps and nice to see the chooks again (and I realised just now it was the spellcheck on my mac which deleted the ‘h’ I just had to add it back again…

    Liked by 1 person

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