It’s all about the…numbers

I feel like numbers are taking over my world!

1. I’ve started going to the gym and have so many numbers to think about – I have to count the reps, remembering to breathe in and out at the right time, ensure the right weight is on the machine, firstly find the machine by its number on my personalised program, keep count on how many rounds of my plan I’ve done, all the while  watching the clock so that I can get home in time to get ready to go to work on time.

2. I’ve talked my husband into dancing lessons for our daughter’s wedding later in the year and find out that it’s all about numbers! Count out the steps of the waltz…1, 2, 3; the quickstep is 1,2 quick quick. My husband was initially hesitant but now loves the fact that it’s all about moving to patterns and shapes with his feet – aka numbers! It’s now become a challenge to get the patterns right, just like a numbers game! (Did I mention he’s a maths teacher and loves numbers?)

3. Temperatures are dropping, soon they’ll be in the minus zone. It depends on what the number is as to how I dress for the day.

4. Rainfall has been heavy and the talk is all about the numbers of how much rain we’ve had.

5. Organising a wedding is all about the numbers – guests, alcohol requirements (so much per person), catering, costs…..

6. Ages, kilograms, kilometres, running, distance, calories, cycling, time, passwords, logins, phone numbers, money, stats, views of my blog….the list of numbers in my life goes on and on!


10 kilometres!
10 kilometres – one day I’ll run all the way!

How about you? Are numbers taking over your life too??

I’d love to hear from you….Deb 🙂

6 Replies to “It’s all about the…numbers”

  1. We’re all about numbers too! How many kilometres to do in a day, what time to get up to cover that distance, when to stop so we have time to cook, eat and plan more distance for tomorrow. Watch the time we go to bed so we get enough hours sleep. The price of petrol, how far to… Numbers are en


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