Running and blogging over the age of 50 – a rare combination?

I recently found this very interesting site, Run Young 50, which talks about women from all over the world, who are over 50 and who also blog about running.

My blogging (and running) friend Annie at Unsporty Women Can Run was featured on this list and I am thrilled to say that I’m now featured on it as well!!  There are a few American & UK bloggers listed and now 2 Australian bloggers – Annie & I – how exciting is that??

I have been up and down with my running over the past few years and suffer a bit of loneliness at times.  I wrote a post last week that said it all and how someone, who I barely knew, offered to help me out of my slump. Maybe one day I can help others to continue their quest.

My recent post: Feeling inspired and supported as a runner.

I have also joined a Facebook page, Running Mums Australia, which has lots of inspiring and supportive members. I thought that as an older mother who just happens to run (in Australia) that it might not be a page for me but when I asked that question it seems that mothers of all ages are very welcome.  I had a fantastic response to my posts and feel like I am in the right place to be supported by like-minded people. It’s through these sorts of connections that I can get re-enthused and want to continue to improve my performance. I love to see others achieving great things as we age. Maybe one day I can run more than 5km – we’ll see.

I am reading a great book at the moment Lazy Runner by Marie Bean which I wish I had read much earlier than now! It’s very easy to read and quite entertaining and so much of what she talks about is what I’ve thought or been through so far in my journey of learning to run (again).  Annie at Unsporty Women Can Run recommended it to me and I’m so glad she did.

I think what I’m trying to say is that although we may run on our own, either from necessity or by choice, there are a lot of others out there willing to share their stories, support us and offer inspiration to keep us running.

I love blogging and running – I’m lucky to have found such great support networks both locally and virtually – some of them are people that I’ve never met and probably never will! I love the blogging community where I can share bits of my life that I want to share and read and interact with others from all over the world.

I started running a few years ago when I got sick of walking as it seemed too slow, I did an online Learn to Run program and really enjoyed it.  Since then I have entered a few 5km fun runs and try to get to a Park run when I’m visiting my daughter a few hours drive away in Canberra. I train on my own and go to the gym on my own so it’s lucky that I enjoy my own company. I used to be embarrassed when I started running in public and would deliberately stop and walk until I was passed by, but now I just keep running!  I feel good and am happy with myself most of the time.

I have updated my page on my blog ‘About my running’  and it lists all my posts that feature my running stories.  I hope you can stop by and have a look  – there were way more than I realised!

I just wanted to share a bit of my story and let you all know that there are others out there like us and we need to stick together! If you know of anyone who fits the bill women over 50, running and blogging about it then please let me know so that I can pass it on to Katie at Run Young 50.

If you’d like to know more about me then go to my About me page

I’m on here as well in case you want to connect: Twitter: @wonderwomandebz, Instagram: debs__world, Facebook – Deb’s World, Pinterest – @wonderwomandebz

Waving while running
Waving while running

My daughter is in this photo with me – I’m 6009 and she’s in the grey shirt 6011 .

I’d love to hear from you – leave me a message and I’ll respond.

Thanks for being with me.

Deb 🙂

17 Replies to “Running and blogging over the age of 50 – a rare combination?”

  1. Debbie, I commend you for your endeavors. Way to go.
    The only part that surprises me is the mentioning of over 50, as an age where you couldn’t do what you do.
    I think you are still very young, fit, beautiful and ready to do a lot.
    I know that the body changes and that’s not the same as being 20, but your age is still young to me. Maybe I think like that because I have a healthy 87 y/o father who still works every day and who just had two weeks vacations with us, walking and following our programs with the same level of energy we had.
    Cheers to your accomplishments!! Way to go!!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks for the inspiring words Lucile, I don’t consider myself old by any means. I actually forget that I am 54 at times and just do things. I like the story of your active dad, it’s great to hear. Thanks again for reminding me of what I have to offer. 🙂


  2. Deb, you are an inspiration, for sure~ I’ve never been a runner and when I tried to start up years ago, I ended up with a lot of joint pain. I just had a very hard time aerobically, too. Now my husband and I go to the gym and work the equipment and I have so much less joint pain afterward than I would trying to run. But I so applaud you and your accomplishments!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Hi Deb. I just read your “about my running” and “about me” pages. You are truly inspirational. I agree, I’m glad you’ve found something that makes you so happy and I’m so impressed that you can do so much in such a happy and positive way. X

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Awww, thanks for your kind words Desley. I’m not one to sit around and wait for life to happen that’s for sure. I enjoy what I do, otherwise I wouldn’t do it. You are also an inspiration, always so positive and encouraging. So big hugs to you 😊

      Liked by 1 person

  4. So wonderful you’ve found something that brings you such joy in your life! I feel that way about photography. Many blessings to you!

    Liked by 1 person

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