Inspired by…..

What is your inspiration? What moves you? What is it that never fails to motivate you, to get you going, or make you happy? 

These are the questions posted in the Weekly Photo Challenge with the theme Inspiration.

In answer to the questions posed in this week’s challenge – my 3 beautiful daughters inspire me – they never fail to move me, motivate me, get me going and make me happy. So I have posted a photo of them!

I’m also inspired by: My family, my running and my adventures.  When I did a search of all my posts that had the word ‘Inspire‘ in them, most of them were from these three categories.

I am inspired by people, by nature and by life in general.

I love adventure so much that I have started a daily feature on my blog that highlights the importance of finding the adventure in every day things. I am up to day 55 and going strong – here’s a link to my posts so far Every day is an adventure project.


Inspiring stuff! What inspires you?

Deb 🙂

I’m here as well: Twitter: @wonderwomandebz Instagram: debs__world Facebook – Deb’s World Pinterest – @wonderwomandebz

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