Life at 28 years of age…mother & daughter compare notes

Update on life comparisons with my daughter

I wrote this post a few years ago and I am re-posting it now as my daughter is about to get married this weekend.

In this story I wrote about the differences between our lives at the same age and I did the same for my other 2 daughters as well.

We have lived very different lives and that’s as it should be. It’s nice to reflect on what she has achieved and I am very excited about her impending wedding to Ben.  She has completed her Masters as well as organise her wedding both happening at the same time!

Here’s the link to the original post – I hope you enjoy!


Deb x


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Deb's World

Sarah at 28 Sarah at 28

I was lucky to have Sarah, my 28 year old daughter, visit for the weekend and while she was here I read a story in the paper titled ‘Like mother, like daughter? Three women compare their life with that of their mum at the same age’.

I decided to do a similar story with Sarah and I will do one with each of my other 2 daughters when I next see them.

Sarah & I talked about the many differences in our lives at this age.  The main one being that at 28 I was the mother of 3 daughters under 5 years of age, having just given birth to Eliza our final child that year.  Grant & I had been married for nearly 9 years and were buying our own little house in Newcastle.  Sarah on the other hand is enjoying life with her partner, Ben, with neither a wedding nor a baby in sight.  In her…

View original post 780 more words

8 Replies to “Life at 28 years of age…mother & daughter compare notes”

  1. Deb, our lives seems almost identical so there’s plenty I can relate to. My daughters and I have often commented on our different lives, but I’ve never thought to compare them. Thank you for the insight and I think your daughters are as they are because of you. So, take a bow for a job well done !

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks for that lovely comment! I really enjoyed doing the comparisons and learnt a lot from them. I’m very proud of my girls and love them to bits!! Isn’t it funny how our lives can be so similar to other people without even knowing them? I’m glad you enjoyed reading it.

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks Ruth, I enjoyed the process of writing this series of posts and went on to do my mother and I at the same age as well. Although i did them a few years ago hey are still very relevant. It’s good to have these things documented too I think as we sometimes forget as we get older 🙂 I’m glad you enjoyed reading the post.


      1. The comparison with your Mum is lovely. I wrote a post in October last year, Strong Women, comparing basic info on the women in my family who came before me, but that was more ages married, children, and living through world wars. I might have to do the comparisons with my daughters too.

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