Magic rocks – Weekly Photo Challenge

The Moeraki Boulders are magical 


Magic is the prompt for this week’s photo challenge.  Look at these boulders on the beach at Moeraki and tell me they’re not magical!!

As has been the way during our holiday in New Zealand, we decided on a whim to pull in to have a look at these rocks, not expecting to be blown away with their beauty and awesomeness.

There was a gift shop and a cafe plus a donation box requesting $2 for those walking onto the beach to view the boulders. It was a wet windy afternoon so we sent my husband down first to see if it was worth the effort. He returned wet through but insisted we all go down onto the beach to see them. Which we did.

I was amazed to see many of these round rocks strewn along the beach, looking like something waiting to hatch in an episode of Doctor Who.

There are lots of theories about them but I prefer to believe in magic.

This was my favourite photo.

I’m in the process of writing up my travel blog of our New Zealand trip so if you’re interested feel free to check out some of my recent posts. It’s an awesome place to visit and we will definitely be back for more.

Deb 🙂

About me

29 Replies to “Magic rocks – Weekly Photo Challenge”

  1. It’s interesting which photos really leap out to you after you get back from a holiday. I really love this photo and recall seeing one that could well have been taken there, which looked like a row of large tortoises lined up along the beach, but wasn’t. I had a similar experience when I visited Monkey Mia many years ago to swim with the dolphins. However, what I remember most was floating along at Shell Beach. Here’s a link:
    There’s even a church made out of this shell rock.
    Best wishes,

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks Rowena, it’s lovely to have you join in and I appreciate your comments. This was a great holiday and I really love the photo of these rocks. I’ve not been to Monkey Mia but I’ll be checking out your posts, never fear!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I haven’t written about my time in WA and this link was to a tourist info site. There’s so much more to that area than the dolphins. Really interesting natural formations and vegetation.

        Liked by 1 person

  2. Sometimes nature is the best artist… It looks a sorceress lair. More I see about New Zeeland more I want to go : ) . Great picture, thanks for sharing!

    Liked by 1 person

      1. They do look amazing… I’d love to visit New Zealand one day.. it’s on my vision board so it’s been lovely to read your ‘tour’ and see the sights.. You’ve transported me there instead! x


    1. Thanks so much Tom for those kind words. I must admit I love it, it might be my favourite from the trip. I look forward to updating my travels once I get time and access.


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