What’s in a name? – Weekly Photo Challenge

Let me introduce myself –  my name is Debbie or more formally Deborah.  Hello, I’m pleased to meet you 🙂

My daughters and other friends have called me Debs for quite some time now, so when I started blogging it seemed like a good idea to call my blog Deb’s World.

I received this personalised jar of Vegemite (an Australian delicacy) for Christmas and took the photo of the globe while out shopping just yesterday.  I made this photo collage last night, just for some fun, and shared it to my Instagram feed.  Did you notice I made sure the globe was positioned on Australia?  Get it – Deb’s World!!

As it includes my Name I’m happy to share it for this week’s photo challenge!  What serendipity 🙂

Debs World
Deb’s World

I have also been known as Wonder Woman Debs!

WonderWoman Debs

I once wrote a post about how I was named (here’s a link – The Power of Names) and it is with sadness that I acknowledge the recent passing of my namesake Debbie Reynolds.

What’s in a name?  Do you have a name story to share?

Deb xx

About me – updated!


35 Replies to “What’s in a name? – Weekly Photo Challenge”

  1. I love your personalised vegemite. My name is Judith, but I don’t like to be called that, It either makes me feel like I am going to be told off, or it makes me sound like an old spinster aunty!
    I much prefer Judy although all my family and close friends call me Jude. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi Judy, thanks for sharing your name preference with us. It’s good to know how others like to be addressed 😊 I used to take offence if people were too familiar by calling me Deb before I had got to know them but now it doesn’t bother me.
      I love the personalised vegemite too, it was such a cool gift! Enjoy the year ahead.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Interesting story. As you know my name too is Deborah – Debby with a ‘y’ for short. Only a few people have ever called me ‘Debs’ and I consider it affectionate when I’m called that by those people.
    I write memoirs mostly and have talked about my namesake as it was told by me, but I suspect Debbie Reynold’s fame at the time may have inspired the name, even though that wasn’t mentioned. In my faith, we name after the dead. My grandmother’s name was Dorothy, I had 2 cousins already born and given the name, so it was decided I’d be a Deborah instead of a Dorothy. When my other cousin was born she became a Denise. 🙂

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  3. love the Debs vegemite Debs! I get Debs from a few people too. What’s in a name? A rose by any other name would smell as sweet….
    im partial to Debs’s and people who share my birthday! Sadly, we’re out of vegemite here!

    Liked by 1 person

        1. Sarah had it made up for Christmas from Kmart I think! Very clever – a useful as well as personal gift. I wondered how many people would get the ‘delicacy’ comment!! 😋 yummy

          Liked by 1 person

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