Beautiful Brisbane – Musings on a Monday

Welcome to my weekly Monday Musings – a summary of things going on in my world and the world at large.

Brisbane is a lot warmer than my hometown, where FYI they have just started lighting winter fires! It’s very humid here and although the locals think it’s a bit cool, I think it’s a very comfortable temperature in the mid 20 degree Celsius range.

My daughter and I have been busy with wedding plans, PT sessions, shopping for household goods as she has just moved into a new place, cooking, going to the movies and enjoying a delightful spa treatment together. We’ve been trawling sites like Pinterest and Etsy for ideas and wedding inspiration.  We have made some plans but there are still so many unanswered questions too.  We do have 6 months to go, so no need to panic just yet.

I’ve noticed the aftermath of Cyclone Debbie in the parks where I run.  The debris from rushing water is evident but the cleanup seems to be happening.  While out the other morning I noticed a couple walking slowly and constantly looking up at the trees.  Apparently there are koalas in the area and they were doing a spot check on them.  They pointed out the two they had found, I was very surprised as I hadn’t realised koalas were even in this area!


I’ve had a busy week with blogging and being away from home makes it a tad harder to fit everything in.   I had huge stats (for me anyway) during the week from joining a few Facebook groups, where I had a day in the spotlight and everyone came to visit me, it was awesome.  There are such generous souls out there in the blogging world, thank you all!

I enjoyed participating in the weekly photo challenge with this week’s theme of Security, taking to the air from the security of inside the plane.

I had a lovely reaction to my angst filled post about being confused in the world of blogging, I really feel much better for having that off my chest.  I know to stay away from reading too many advice blogs from now on.

Another favourite this week was the story about I met a murderer on the bus and of course my 52 word story inspired (in part) by working on wedding plans with my daughter.  Yes my mind works in mysterious ways!!


I’m now visiting with my youngest daughter and her fiance and will go and stay with my  mother next week. My father is in care so it will be good to see him during the week and check his progress. We had a lovely dinner last night with my daughter, and her fiancé, my mother, my sister, my brother and his partner, one of my nephews and his wife. I enjoy seeing different places and the opportunity of catching up with family now that I have more time to do so.

My husband is off walking the Kokoda Track in Papua New Guinea for the 7th time! I’m very proud of him for all the effort he puts into these trips and for the sacrifice that’s required.  He loves it so doesn’t consider it as anything special. Every two years he and a group of local leaders take high school students on this historical and difficult trek. They have trained the students for the past12 months and have prepared them physically for the arduous trip, but the humidity and the emotional aspects will be another matter.  Some of these students have never flown before, are away from their families for the first time and will experience many highs and lows over the next 2 weeks. They have a spot tracker with them so we can all see where they are without doing any of the actual walking.  I’ve done the trek once and that was enough for me. It was great fun, a huge achievement and I’m so proud of myself for doing it but those scary bridges, the humidity, the mud, and the endless ups and downs of the track …..I’m having a nice holiday here thanks very much 😊

Mondays are for musing and mulling over the week so feel free to join me. What have you been up to?

Deb 🙂

My About me  page is up to date and you can also follow Deb’s World on Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram and Facebook, and even StumbleUpon if you are so inclined 🙂


15 Replies to “Beautiful Brisbane – Musings on a Monday”

  1. sounds like a fab trip to Brisbane Debbie and make sure you tell me next time and we can arrange a coffee catch up. Enjoy the time with your daughter and then also your Mum and Dad. These are special times. Great job on your husband’s part. I always had Kokoda on my bucket list but not sure it will get ticked off. Have a great week!


    1. This was in my spam folder too Sue, and I’ve just found it!! Kokoda is something well worth doing but it does take a lot of training and is hard on the knees! We are all enjoying our time together, thanks for your good wishes. I’m actually going to be back up in Brisbane on 24 & 25 April, if that’s any good for a catch-up. Let me know by Facebook message maybe and we can sort something out.


  2. As you’re entering winter, I’m so thankful to be getting out of it. I want to be warm again, lately, winter just seems to keep me cold both indoors and out. That’s impressive what your husband is doing and I might have liked to do it when I was younger, but I’m with you on having a nice holiday visiting family instead of being out on the trail.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I can imagine how you must be feeling, the warmth would be very welcome to you when it finally happens. Visiting family is great fun isn’t it? I don’t get to see my family all that often so being able to spend time with them without rushing around is good. My husband loves his trekking and would prefer that sort of thing to most holidays I plan. 😊


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