Retracing our steps

Every photo tells a story

Retracing our steps

The days of family camping trips are long gone

but the memories remain.

Purlingbrook Falls in Springbrook on the Gold Coast hinterland

The stories we tell and the steps we take

belong to a distant time.

Family time on a special day

We repeat the stories as we retrace our steps

slipping back to that time

when life was different and our family complete.

Tumbling water at Springbrook QLD

Retracing our steps

sharing our memories

creating new stories

 sharing the love.

Life is a story, our photos record those stories, and sometimes we need to retrace our steps.

This was one of those times for us.

Twins Falls Springbrook QLD

A wet weekend spent at Springbrook, in the Gold Coast’s hinterland, celebrating family, life and birthdays with my mother, sister and brother. Dad would have been proud of us for persevering through the rain – it’s the best time to see waterfalls in action!

Travel photography where every picture tells a story

Deb xx

You can also find Deb’s World here – let’s stay in touch!

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56 Replies to “Retracing our steps”

  1. There is nothing like being in the great outdoors with family, is there? In my case, one grown daughter continues to carry on our family tradition, and being able to truly hike with her at 35, vs the little mini hikes we did when she was younger, has been an absolutely wonderful thing.

    I remember that my rule when we went on long trips together was to find water to sit beside or play in for a bit sometime during each day, if possible. This went so far in adding to the ‘fun’ factor for our girls, and provided a much needed break in and amongst our touring. So many lovely memories of eating lunch beside a stream or pond while our girls gleefully splashed and played. Thank you for the lovely walk down memory lane!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. What a lovely memory walk through with beautiful photos. Photos help our memorable times so much. I love your waterfalls, courtesy of your wet weekend, they always fascinate me, a bit like sitting and watching waves form.
    All the best,

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Many thanks for your lovely comment Victoria. You’re right these days we can spend time looking st good quality photos we’ve taken. I love finding old photos and wondering about their stories.


  3. That was lovely Deb – poetic and the pictures really captured the rain, the waterfalls and family doing life together. Thanks for linking up with us at #MLSTL and I’ve shared this on my SM xx

    Liked by 1 person

  4. That was so refreshing. I am reminded of the words (don’t know the source) that go something like this: The memories may invoke sadness or happiness, regret or fear but you would not be here as you are today without those memories and experiences”. I too have some aspects of life that I recall with regret and sadness at how I was feeling back then but I say with kindness to myself “they have helped you be where you are now”.
    Denyse #MLSTL

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Oh I love Springbrook! I also love walking bush tracks, rainforest walks, anything out in nature like that. Oh and those waterfalls are wonderful! Yes – good on you for persevering during the rain! Lovely photographs! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Your words are so beautiful Debbie and how wonderful you could all be together to retrace some wonderful memories. I’m sure your Dad was with you all every step of the way enjoying the gorgeous scenery. Thank you for sharing at #MLSTL and have a beautiful day xx

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Very true! We did that too earlier in the year after dad passed away. It’s very therapeutic. This was a special time for our family to celebrate what would have been dad’s 80th birthday. The first of many firsts.

      Liked by 1 person

  7. Lovely pictures. We’re going to be doing something similar…BUT different. When I was growing up, all the pictures that my father took of every event went onto slides. And then he would show the slides at parties. I haven’t seen these pictures in 30 to 40 years, but we found them recently. And the projector and screen. In two weeks, we’re going to have an old-fashioned 60’s slide party. So that we can all look at the pics and laugh and reminisce. (And drink a ton, because hey…that’s what they did in the 60’s!)

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Oh that sounds amazing Jennifer, I remember those slide nights too. Thanks for stopping by and reminding me of those fun times. I wish you well with your ‘modern’ slide night. 😊


      1. That always helps being prepared 🙂 I convinced a certain other person and dog to go for a walk while in France, we all came back looking like drowned rats. Thank goodness for heaters and hot showers 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

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