Taking stock of life in September

Taking Stock – September 2018

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Life is about not knowing, having to change, taking the moment and making the best of it, without knowing what’s going to happen next.  Gilda Radner

Blogging Update….

I read a lot of blogs each week and I try to comment and share as much as I can, so I truly appreciate any interaction on my blog.  Thanks to all those who leave me comments, ‘like’ my posts or share them around! We have a great community of bloggers 🙂

I’m reminded that blogging is not for the fainthearted!

I’m enjoying getting back into blogging more regularly and have found some inspiring blogs to read during the month.  Being part of active and supportive blogging groups is a source of motivation to keep going at times!  I actually wrote 13 posts this month, so I’m pleased with that!  Some were travel related, some about spring, some about becoming a grandmother and one of my favourites was Live Local, Shop local.

I’ve had a crack at writing short stories this month as part of Lorna’s #Ginspired Writing prompts and you know what, I’ve really had fun with it.  My first one was in response to a photo and prompt A sepia toned Fall Memory  and the next one was a prompt of How far have you travelled which I turned into something completely different!  I can definitely see my love of Doctor Who and other worldly stories coming out in my writing.  In case you missed them here are the links – A New World Order and Far away from home as she knew it

I’m happy to share these five top posts from others I’ve enjoyed reading recently.  They are all different but all very interesting. I’m sure they’d appreciate you visiting, just click on the links.

Angela’s thought provoking post – The problem with “Pretty Girls” and Princesses.

Leanne’s fab post on being a grandmother – Being a grandmother is the best kept secret

Hugh’s great advice on blogging – 7 things to lookout before following a blog

Sue’s motivating post – Why it’s important to share and celebrate your story 

Melanie’s latest exciting post on our recent trip to Iceland – Iceland Tales: Why you need to go to Þingvellir National Park


I’m feeling much better than I was last month when I wrote an update for August – you can read it here – Taking Stock of Life

Life is looking up due to the safe arrival of our first grandchild, Emilia Jane just a few weeks ago.  She is perfect and a source of great joy for all of us.

As I waited for my daughter to go into labour and ultimately give birth, I was reminded that although we’ve been doing it for years, it isn’t something we should take for granted.  It’s a scary and worrying time for everyone.  Being a grandparent is something we shouldn’t take for granted either.  We are fortunate to live in a country with good health systems and nursing staff who care. It has reminded me that giving birth, despite not being a new phenomenon, is still a risky business.

Throughout this roller coaster called life, I held onto the fact that soon I would be a grandmother and a new stage of my life would begin.  It was like the light at the end of the tunnel and I was well and truly hanging out for it!

Becoming a grandmother – what really happens to you?

Most of my friends are already grandparents several times over and continuously extol the virtues of this new stage of their lives. They had me wanting to experience it for myself and now that I’m on the same page, it’s even better than I expected.

But I have been surprised too, mainly with the emotional aspect of becoming a grandparent.

You relive your own children’s births which makes it even harder seeing or knowing what your daughter is going through in labour.

You feel torn, love for your daughter and love for your grandchild – is your heart big enough to handle it all?

Feeling a little bit helpless – despite having been a new mother many years ago, it all seems new and strange.  It’s an overwhelming experience for everyone.

Knowing where the boundaries are – not offering advice but trying to offer help can be a fine line

Worry for the life ahead of my grandchild

I want to write her stories and tell her things

New grandparents
New grandparents

I know I’m not the first person to become a grandmother but it’s a very special time to me.  My sister reminded me that she’s been a grandmother for over 19 years, she’s also 2 years younger than me and has a LOT of grandchildren!! She was lovely enough to tell me she’s thrilled for me.  It’s a very special time in our lives.

Health….making progress!

Due to recent illness and blood test results, I’ve taken steps to improve my diet and am making progress by cutting out sugar, eating lower carb foods and healthy fats. I have a great nutritionist/dietitian guiding me through this stage and lots of support.  It hasn’t been too hard and I’m taking it seriously, but I must say I’ve been surprised at what I can eat on this plan.   As my stamina improves I’m also increasing my walks and adding a bit of jogging into them, hoping to regain my fitness levels from earlier in the year. I am feeling much better already 🙂


I’ve read a lot of good books this year and I’ve already finished my Reading Challenge on Goodreads.  I set myself the challenge to read 50 books in 2018, and I’m now up to 55 books at the end of September.

A few recent favourites have been:

  • Crazy, Rich Asians by Kevin Kwan – I saw the movie first but enjoyed the book much more – isn’t that always the way?
  • Secret Daughter by Shilpi Somaya Gowda
  • Month of Sundays by Liz Byrski
  • The trilogy of Wool, Shift and Dust by Hugh Howey – very apocalyptic and gripping

I’ve updated my book page for all the books I’ve read so far this year, you can read it here by clicking the link – Books in 2018

Are you on Goodreads?  I love keeping track of what I’ve read and seeing what others are reading along with their ratings and reviews.  Feel free to join me.


In case you’d missed a few of my recent posts, it’s Spring here and I’m loving it!  I love my magnolia tree, my camellia trees, my tulips, my sun room and the new growth everywhere.

My sun room in the garden
My sun room in the garden

The sunshine is slowly getting warmer and everything is waking up, even me!  Since I shared this photo of my sun-room in a previous post, I’ve had a few comments about it.  It’s now been in place for five years and is a mix of greenhouse, sun-room, orangery, she shed, cubby house and glasshouse. It’s actually made of poly-carbonate and came to us in kit form which my clever husband, the Mathematician had to put together.  Thank goodness he loves puzzles!  It’s a great outdoor room in the garden and I love nothing more than sitting out there reading, blogging or just resting.  I have some seedlings planted and I’ve made it very comfortable.  It’s a protected area out of the cool wind and a real delight!

How are things with you? I’d love to hear what’s been happening in your life lately.

Feel free to leave me a comment below. I always enjoy hearing from you 🙂

Deb xx

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You can also find Deb’s World here – let’s stay in touch!

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Everyone has a story to tell!

Debbie - mother of a 40 year old

Deb is a young-at-heart & active 60+ blogger/retiree, after being made redundant from her 22-year career managing education programs in a men’s correctional centre (jail). She now spends her time reading, blogging, riding her ebike and travelling. Deb was awarded a Bravery Award from the Queen when she was 17 after a tragic accident – a definite life changing moment! She is married with 3 grown-up daughters & has 4 grandchildren. You can read more of Deb’s story here

Copyright © 2024 debs-world.com – All rights reserved

60 Replies to “Taking stock of life in September”

  1. Huge congrats on becoming a grandma and for the steps in healthy eating! My mum gained her first grandchild 18 months ago and its the best thing that has ever happened to her haha! She takes a lot of delight in telling me that it is like having children again but with less responsibility and much more fun!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks Susie, it’s always so lovely to hear from you 😊 how are you doing? I’m enjoying being a Grandma and have just returned from spending a number of weeks helping out after my daughter’s c-section. I’m already missing Emilia and my cuddles. I’m trying to refrain from telling too many stories about when I was a young mother, but my goodness, some things have changed since those days!! It’s a whole new world but such a lovely one and has carried me through some dark days after our big trip and the sadness of returning home.


  2. Lovely post. It’s always great to take stock isn’t it? I have a pile of books waiting to be read, and with the school holidays almost over, I’m hoping to get time this weekend. I used to think it would be terrible to be a grandmother, but I find myself looking forward to it. Just not quite yet! My kids are too young!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I loved your newsie post, Debbie. First of all, congratulations on the new grandbaby. Welcome to the “club.” Being a grandmother is a truly wonderful thing, but as you noted, not without worries and sorrows, as seems to be the case with all things worth being. I am glad you are feeling better and that your health is improving. I have read two of your five favorite posts and will visit the others. Thanks for the suggestions. I have also read The Secret Daughter, which I loved. I will add your other recent favorites to my reading list. Thank you for linking up with #BloggingGrandmothersLinkParty. Yeah! We’re glad to have you. I’ve shared your post on SM.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Great to have you stop by. I hope you enjoy the book, it was an easy read and quite entertaining. Thanks for your congrats too, it’s been fun getting to help out with the baby 🙂


  4. I love your photos and your posts. I can say that whilst it was a wonderful emotional time becoming Grandma the first time, it was something I found a challenge in terms of helping and at one stage my daughter had to say something to me about it. Yes, our parenting styles were (and still are) different) so it was a fine line at times, yet over time we became much needed support systems as her marriage ended and she had 3 under 6. Yep! Those grandkids had parents who love them very much but we were called on a lot more then. In fact everyone had a bed/cot at our place. These were re-used when our son had his kids stay with us while the parents worked so we ended up with a grandkids’ room. It is still hard for me in some instances being Grandma but as the kids are adults and almost all 8 are at school it is lovely to get a text as we do from time to time “Grandma are you and Papa home? We thought we would drop in to see you on our way back?”
    Thank you for linking up for #lifethisweek. Next week’s optional prompt is Best Friend Stories. Denyse.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks Denyse, for sharing your experiences. We never know what’s around the corner do we? I love the fact that your grandchildren enjoy popping in to see you. You are obviously a huge part of their lives, they are lucky to have you!


  5. What a wonderful way to enter Spring – with your new little grand baby girl. I always feel Spring should be when a new year begins, it’s such a joyous time when everything springs into new life, in your case a little blossom of human life. I’m sure the smile hasn’t left your face since your little angel arrived.

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  6. Again, congratulations to you all regarding the new family member. You will make a wonderful Nana 🙂
    Sorry to hear you have not been well. Have you been diagnosed with diabetes? I am sure you will be back to good health in no time and great that you have professional support. I thought you looked healthy when I last saw you!! Take care X

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks Suz, I’m feeling much better and no it’s not diabetes but I have to watch my food intake for a while and hopefully the numbers will drop to more acceptable levels. I’m going really well and the baby has helped me enormously 💕


  7. How wonderful and happy you look in that photo, Debbie. I have to add that I love the dress you’re wearing, too.

    So pleased to hear that your health is improving. Many congratulations on becoming Grandparents (I can’t remember if I congratulated you before). Your garden room looks great. I can see it bringing a lot of inspiration your way. Glad to hear that spring has sprung in your part of the world. I’m enjoying my favourite time of the year, too.

    As for my news – I’m currently in the middle of all the edits in my next short story collection, as well as rewriting some of the stories (on advice from my editor). Fingers crossed, it will be complete and back with the editor by end of Oct. Meanwhile, I won’t be around much in the blogging world until the editing is all done.

    Take care.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Aww thanks Hugh❤️! That was my special meet the baby dress and it’s a real favourite of mine, as I love all the colours in it! I’m tickled pink you noticed 😊

      We are loving our spring and it reminds us of our first few weeks when we arrived in England in May, as everything was flourishing and green before the heatwave of summer hit.

      You’re going to be very busy with your editing, I look forward to seeing your new stories. You write so well. All the best and we’ll see you back in the blogging world after you’re done 😊. Thanks again for your fab comment.

      Liked by 1 person

  8. Hi Deb, what a very special time in your life. Spring is such a beautiful season and coupled with becoming a gramma and embracing this new time in your life I’m so happy for you. All the best in all your diet and lifestyle changes, like everything you do I’m sure there are many wonderful happy days ahead. Happy October my friend. Big hugs xx 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

  9. Thanks for sharing your story, Deb – you certainly have your plate full. Congratulations on your efforts to improve your diet, which is never easy. I certainly need to pay attention to healthy eating and exercise this month, having been away for a few weeks and over-indulging. How wonderful for you to have a new grandchild. Toni x

    Liked by 1 person

  10. Hi, Debbie – I’m glad that you are feeling better, and are taking the time to enjoy Emilia Jane. I fully agree that life is about not knowing. Unexpected changes can take place in a blink of an eye. Your sincere gratitude for life, your family and all that you have comes out in each of your posts. That’s why I am a dedicated follower!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thanks so much Donna, I love having you as a dedicated follower. I’m now with my daughter, son in law and grand baby, helping them out this week. The things we do! Life isn’t certainly looking up.


  11. I’m writing from my hospital bed, a place I wasn’t expecting to be. Life sure is funny and not always in a ha-ha kind of way.
    I was in Tassie on Saturday hanging out with 10 of my grandkids, marveling at how different they all are and how they all get on so well and how my relationship with each of them is unique and how blissfully lucky I am to have these beautiful children in my life – and then I thought, and now Deb knows too. And as Emilia gets older you’ll know the joy of her spotting you and holding her arms wide for a cuddle, and sharing a soggy biscuit with you, and saying “grandma, watch me do a cartwheel!” – so much to look forward to. For now, cuddles with Emelia is more than enough.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. That’s so lovely💕! I am worried about you being in hospital again and wish you a speedy recovery. I’ll be down to visit you soon and we can chat all things grandma for the first time. I’m off to see Emilia this today (and her parents), I’m staying the whole week and am so excited to be able to help out. Yes there’s definitely so much to look forward to and cuddles are just the start. Take it easy and do what they tell you, I’m sure you’ll be up running about again in no time. Sending lots of 💕. PS. you made me cry again.


  12. What an eventful month! I’m glad to hear that you are making some positive changes in your diet. I think that so much of what we experience as pain/breathlessness/fuzzy headedness/exhaustion, etc. can be mitigated with a healthy diet(and proper hydration). I’m certainly not a nutrition poster-child, but I do know that I feel the difference when I take care of what – and how much – I eat. You want to feel great and be full of energy for your new granddaughter, I’m sure!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes that’s for sure Janis! I’m feeling the benefits already and I think it’s starting to work. I’m a firm believer of our diet impacting on our health and these past few months have shown me just how much. Cutting out sugar is a start and being more aware of what foods have hidden sugars in them is very interesting. I appreciate your caring comment.


  13. A wonderful month Deb and nothing could beat the arrival of Emilia Jane to lift your spirits and make your heart burst with love. Thank you for mentioning my post on sharing and celebrating our stories. Have a beautiful October and enjoy that darling new granddaughter of yours. I’m also glad to see you are taking care of your health. Take care my friend. xx

    Liked by 1 person

  14. Wow, Debbie, so much has happened in your life lately, that I don’t know where to start.
    I must simply celebrate your achievements and health, and commend you for your strength and energy that keep you moving ahead, while dealing with all these events.
    You’re a wonderful mother and will be the best grandma too.
    Cheers to you!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Many thanks to you my dear friend Lucile. You know what it’s like to have to keep moving forward, and how it’s not always as easy as it looks. I’m trying hard and must say I’m loving being a grandma. Hugs to you both. 💕


  15. So pleased to hear that you’ve become a grandmother, how exciting. You sound far more positive than in your previous post which is great news too. Enjoy every moment of grandparenting and let us know all about it.

    Liked by 2 people

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