A Birthday Letter from Me

Let the birthday celebrations begin …..

As it’s my birthday today, I decided to write a letter to myself.  I tend to celebrate my birthdays with gusto – for example, when I turned 50 I spent the whole year in birthday mode! So indulge me…..

Happy birthday letter to me

Optimism about one’s ageing exerts measurable, positive effects on the brain

John Medina in brain rules for ageing well, 10 principles for staying vital, happy and sharp

December is party month

My birthday is in mid-December, just two weeks out from Christmas.  I love the month of December – it’s party mode all month for me.  I don’t know if it’s something I’ve learnt to do so that I don’t miss out on any attention or if it’s just the pure joy of having a birthday but I just love to celebrate.  Being showered with love and gifts, all month, is also great fun!

I must admit I take a dim view of anyone who sends me a birthday card (yes I still get some cards in the actual real mail, but these days the money inside is missing) with a cheaper Christmas stamp on the envelope.  And don’t even think about wrapping my birthday gift with Christmas paper because that’s all you have lying around the house at the moment.  Definite no-no.  I’m not being ungrateful, would you wrap a birthday present in May with Christmas paper?  No I didn’t think so 🙂

December birthday

Happy Birthday to me!

OK – I admit that I saw this idea on someone else’s blog and loved the idea. I left a comment on her post and she encouraged me to give writing my own birthday letter a go, so here I am.   Come and enjoy the trip down memory lane with me.

Dear 1 year old Deborah: Apparently you were called Deborah in those days! Enjoy being the first born because soon enough you’ll have a sister and a brother for company.  Don’t expect to see your father very much in your first few years, he’s married to the Navy too.

Dear 5 year old Debbie: You are lucky to have made it to 5 years of age, what with car accidents with your mother, surviving dreadful illnesses and hospitalisation for months!  Thankfully all that baby fat gave you the strength to carry on.  You are now a proud big sister.

Dear 10 year old Debbie: Girl Guides, running, bike riding, reading, hanging out with friends and your new house in the bush make life one big adventure which sets the scene for your future.

Dear 16 year old Debbie: Who would have guessed that starting a part-time job as a check out chick would lead you to meet a tall, dark, handsome stranger who would feature heavily in your future life.

Soon after this you travel on your first overseas trip on a school excursion and survive a horrific accident in which 3 people die and you receive a Bravery Award from the Queen as a result.

Sweet 16
Sweet 16

Dear 19 year old Debbie: Your 19th birthday and in exactly a month’s time you’ll be marrying the love of your life.  When your father asks if you’re sure it’s what you want to do at only 19, that there’s no rush, that there’s a big wide world out there to explore – tell him you’ll do all the travel and adventuring together as a family. You’ve already started a new life by moving away from home, to Newcastle, and started saving to buy your first home together.

Dear 22 year old Debbie: Once you have your own house, it seems the right time to start a family and it doesn’t take long. Melanie arrives half way through the year and changes you from a couple, into a family of three, and you wonder how your heart can love someone so much.

Dear 25 year old Debbie: Life continues to get busier with the arrival of Sarah half way through this year, your heart continues to grow with love.  Melanie and Sarah are dubbed by some friends as Search and Destroy.

Dear 28 year old Debbie: By the time you are 28 you are the proud and happy mother of three beautiful and clever daughters with Eliza being your Bicentennial Project.  How much love can your heart take?  You are also a qualified breastfeeding counsellor (bet you didn’t see that one coming) and enjoy helping other mothers over the phone while your daughters wreak havoc around you. They love it when the phone rings – it means they can go wild and you can’t do anything about it.

Dear 32 year old Debbie: Don’t hesitate to take on the world, it’s a scary thought travelling to the other side of the world for the first time and going on a Teacher Exchange with three little girls in tow is full of unknowns, but believe me, it’s well worth the effort.  Saying yes to the opportunity becomes one of those life changing moments you’ll never regret.

Living in the UK in 1992
Living in the UK in 1992

Dear 40 year old Debbie: You know how you always wanted to be a teacher?  Well it finally happens and you start studying by distance education with 3 teenage girls at home, while also working 2 part-time jobs.  Graduation is a very proud moment, with the Mathematician and two of your girls there.

Your father rings you to tell you the story of how you came to be named Debbie – very special – treasure this moment.

Graduation Day
Graduation Day

Dear 50 year old Debbie: This is a huge year for you.  Turning 50 with a combined 110th birthday party with your friend Ros who turned 60, with a surprise visit from Melanie all the way from England, followed by an extended family weekend to a Queensland island where Sarah surprised you by coming home from England as well. You had all three girls, your parents, your brother and sister – and you met your youngest daughter’s new boyfriend (spoiler alert: he goes onto to become her husband). Then you continue the birthday celebrations by travelling to Europe with your parents, sister and daughters and go on a barge and bike ride from Paris to Bruges.  This time with your parents turns out to be very special.

Since turning 50 you have lost your brother-in-law who died suddenly at age 55 and you wonder how you can cope with the awful grief.  Then a few years later your father dies and only a few months later your father-in-law dies suddenly while you are travelling the world on your 3 month Odyssey.  It is an extremely sad time so take every opportunity to see them, talk with them and show your love.  You also become Mother of the Bride – twice!

Dear 52 year old Debbie:  A great idea! Why don’t you prepare yourself for a monumental photo at the precise moment of 12.12pm on 12/12/2012! It’s a once in a lifetime opportunity 🙂

Dear 56 year old Debbie:Don’t panic but your career of teaching in a men’s correctional centre  (YES, a prison) spanning over 2 decades, is about to end and you’ll be VERY upset about it all.  In fact it makes you very sick and stressed, as it’s not your choice to finish up this way.  Being made redundant is always hard but remember, it’s not you that’s been made redundant it’s the job. Hang in there, life will get better.

Dear 58 year old Debbie: Happy birthday Granny Debs!  Yes, you’re a grandmother now and don’t you just love this new role? Make sure you enjoy your new granddaughter but don’t neglect your own children, they were here first remember, and still need you to help and guide them through adulthood.

It’s a bittersweet birthday this year as it’s the first one since you lost your father in January and your father-in-law in July.  Spend time doing what you love is my only advice to you, as you never know what is around the corner. You and the Mathematician take a huge 3 month Odyssey during the year and visit bucket list places like Iceland, cycling in Amsterdam and the Tour de France.

Granny Debs and Emilia
Granny Debs and Emilia

It’s the end of wearing your 57 years bold t-shirt so put it away for your sister’s birthday, you know she’ll love to wear it one day soon 🙂

57 years bold
57 years bold

Happy birthday from me to you.

 Deb 🙂

It seems I have enjoyed writing a birthday post every year since starting my blog! did I tell you i love having my birthday??

Birthday Girl – 2013

Birthday thoughts – 2014

I just needed to crunch some leaves – 2015

Bring on 2017 – 2016

What makes the birthday girl so special – 2017

Midlife is an adventure

Feel free to leave me a comment below. I always love hearing from you and try to answer all your comments 🙂

Are you on Instagram? Check out Deb’s World here: Instagram for photo updates

You can also find Deb’s World here – let’s stay in touch!

You can contact me by clicking here

116 Replies to “A Birthday Letter from Me”

  1. I love this birthday letter to yourselves, what a great idea! Maybe I’ll steal your idea when I turn 60 next year–I am a December 4th baby, so I understand this time of year. My sis-in-law has a December birthday too and instead of getting each other Christmas presents, we celebrate our b-days by getting each other something special. Love your pics of you as a young girl and into adulthood–so cute! Happy birthday, Debbie and enjoy the whole month!, fellow Sagittarius!


    1. Hi Terri, isn’t it a great way to record things?? I was really taken with it when I read it on another blog. Feel free to use for your 60th birthday 🙂 . No wonder we get on well, Sagittarians rule! Thanks for your lovely comments, I’m not afraid to share my old photos or my age!

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Great trip across the years, Deb! Really enjoyed it, especially the photos! I actually think I had exactly the same hairstyle as you at 16!
    Hope you had a wonderful day. Best wishes and many more.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. What a gorgeous (true life) story! It’s 2am in the morning, I couldn’t sleep so I got up to read blog posts. I’ve loved reading yours 🙂 Happy BIrthday Debbie, and Merry Christmas to you too 🙂 xx #MLSTL

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes it’s all true life here Jo! I’m glad your 2am awake time allowed you to enjoy my post but I hope you managed some sleep too! Thanks for sharing for #mlstl , we’re an awesome bunch aren’t we??


    1. Thanks so much for your comment! It’s been a fun time for the most part but testing too, like everybody else’s life I suppose. I had a great birthday and am thrilled so many have enjoyed my post and the photos.


  4. Happy birthday, Deb! You’ve lived a wonderful life! I loved this so much and I’m so glad that when I encouraged you to write your own birthday letter you followed through! My birthday letter is one of my favorite posts each year and I have to admit that I love rereading it as I take a walk down memory lane each November.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I’m so pleased you got to read my post Deb! Thanks again for the inspiration, your post really resonated with me. I did find it hard at first to get my voice right, as in talking to myself!! It’s been a popular post for me and I’m thrilled with the reception of it. It took me a fair while thinking about which bits to highlight, as you probably found too, but so good to get it out there and my dorky photos too 🙂 Thanks so much!!!


      1. HI Deb, work has been “crazy” with audit. Should settle back to “busy all the time” in the new year. Trying to put a post together on the last trek which was next level. Think I will post it in the new year. Have a good Christmas with your beautiful new granddaughter. Louise

        Liked by 1 person

  5. Happy Birthday Deb – and what a lovely overview of your life – it certainly reads like a very full and rich life so far. Exciting to think what the future holds isn’t it? I was chatting to a guy who lives near us and he mentioned he was 87 – he’s really fit and healthy and super friendly and I thought to myself that the next 30 years looks pretty cool if he’s any example! Have a great birthday and I’m sure you’ll rock it all the way to Christmas!
    MLSTL and I’ve shared on my SM 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Great example Leanne, I admire such people and hope I can continue in that vein as I age. It is exciting to think of what the future holds but also a bit scary if I’m honest! I really enjoyed sharing these snippets from parts of my adventures so far and I appreciate your shares and comment. x


  6. What a fabulous idea Deb. I loved reading your letter and also following your progression in photos through the years. Happy Birthday Deb. I hope December is a wonderful day. By the way my grandson was born in Christmas Fay and woe betide anyone who gets the idea to give him a combined Birthday and Christmas present! #MLSTL Shared on SM

    Liked by 1 person

    1. That’s so sweet of you Sue, it is lovely to take time to reflect and birthdays are great for that. I am very proud of my family but I think you know that!! Hugs are welcome anytime 🙂 xx


    1. Thanks Natalie, it ‘s the only advice I dish out these days! It’s been fun seeing the reception this post has had and I’m sure it’s the photos of me in my younger days that hold the appeal!!


  7. Loved reading this Deb, and the photos brought back so many memories. Have a great day for your birthday with another wonderful year to follow.👏👏🎂💝

    Liked by 1 person

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