Have you ever felt discombobulated?

Crossing the world, and seasons, has left me feeling discombobulated!

I am now back home in Australia after spending a month in England. It wasn’t a relaxing holiday by any stretch of the imagination, but it was a change of scenery, and seasons, at the very least. And of course, I got to meet Dottie, my tiny dinky-dot of a granddaughter.

I left Tumbarumba (Australia) in winter, arrived in Cheddar in the South West of England, in late August, just as summer was slowly turning into autumn and I have now arrived home to spring! That means I have covered all seasons in a month!!

Autumn colours slowly changing in Cheddar

I am now feeling a bit discombobulated as a result.

Discombobulated is a favourite word of mine which means: to cause to be in state of confusion, disorient, upset


Four Seasons

As you probably know by now, autumn and spring are my favourite seasons, followed closely by summer with winter being my least favourite.

I thoroughly enjoyed the late summer/early autumn temperatures in England and the start of the changing colours of the trees. I had little rain with most days being very pleasant. The hanging baskets and gardens, were still awash with flowers and colour.

I arrived home to cool (read freezing cold), crisp spring temperatures, with blue skies and a beautiful array of colour in our garden. I always hang out for September for my magnolia tree to flower and I was worried I would miss it this year, but never fear, it was hanging on for me.

The first thing I did when I finally arrived home was take a walk around the garden, (all credit goes to the Mathematician for anything that happens in the garden by the way), and take some photos of my favourites – daffodils, magnolia, camellias, and all the green-ness! So many parts of Australia are suffering crippling drought but all is green and lush here, I actually feel a bit guilty.

When we return to Cheddar later this year, in mid-November for two months, we will experience our second winter of the year. If I wasn’t going to be spending the time with my new granddaughter and her family, I would be questioning the choice of travel at that time of the year. Our Christmas and New Year will be completely different this year to our usual Australian fare and I will no doubt have more feelings of discombobulation!

Life is always an adventure for this Globetrotting Granny!

In a complete coincidence

As I was preparing this post, I searched my previous posts as I thought I’d used the word discombobulate before and lo and behold I found that I wrote this post Worth a Word Wednesday – Blue skies above on this same exact same day back in 2017!! How bizarre is that??

Are you a fan of odd words too? What’s your favourite word of the moment? Leave me a comment letting me know, as I love learning new words.

Enjoy the weekend ahead my friends and I’ll try to regain my sense of equilibrium. 🙂

Deb xx

Over at Terri’s Second Wind Leisure she’s talking all things Autumn for Sunday Stills so I’ll join in with this post. It’s been a while! All my Sunday Stills posts can be found here.

Sunday Stills photo challenge
Sunday Still weekly photo challenge

Linking up for the first time in a long while to Denyse’s #lifethisweek where it’s all about spring

You can also find Deb’s World in lots of other places – stay in touch by clicking any of the buttons below.

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39 Replies to “Have you ever felt discombobulated?”

  1. “Life is always an adventure for this Globetrotting Granny!” Well, you do get about a bit, Deb! 😂Welcome back! I hope things settle with the discombobulation a bit soon but it’s not surprising, that’s a lot of chopping and changing and seasons to cover in a short space of time. Personally, I’d like to go somewhere that just has one season (warm, sunny summer) all year and stay there forever! It’s only the start of October but my body is struggling with the British cold already.. not sure how I’ll manage when the real winter kicks in! I love all the photos, absolutely beautiful 🌷
    Caz xx

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  2. I’ve been using discombobulated more recently and yet for no reasons like yours. I think it helped me understand the transitions which happen rather fast from “cancer patient needing regular visits to specialist” TO “no, you don’t need to come back for a while”. OH. It is that I have been so used to planning every.thing.I.do. around trips to them and Sydney. All good.
    I like that since you writing this post, you have been to the dentist and let yourself be more than a little upset at life…and then with understanding you have moved on.
    Thank you for linking up for #LifeThisWeek. Next week’s optional prompt is 40/51 Share Your Snaps #8. 7/10/19. Do hope you join in too. Denyse.

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    1. That would be quite a discombobulating feeling Denyse. You have been through so much over the years and it must feel like it all revolves around your cancer. You are a very wise woman and I am learning from you more and more. Life happens and we deal with it as we can. Thanks again for your support and understanding. It’s good to be back in the swing with #lifethisweek with you.


  3. When I travel to/from the UK I find the seasonal change as challenging as the time difference. You know what they say though, a change is as good as a rest so I do find the seasonal changes really rather refreshing. I’m not a fan of English winter but I do miss a British Christmas and especially all that yummy Christmas food. You’re in for a treat and of course, you have your present a little early this year – your granddaughter is such a treasure!

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    1. Yes Sammie, it will be so different for us this year. I’m so looking forward to spending time with my daughter and her family and hopefully I can cuddle Dottie by the time we get there. xx


  4. I didn’t realize you were going for such a long break in November Deb – you’ll forget what Australia looks like at this rate! I also credit any gardening results to my husband – I have a grey thumb I’m afraid. And my ‘interesting’ word is “rigmarole” the US bloggers comment when I use it in a post because it’s not one they use (they also don’t say “fortnight” either – which I find very strange!)

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi Leanne, yes it’s going to be a mammoth trip (again) and I’ll be looking forward to some summer heat by the time we get back! I love the word rigmarole too, a very useful word. Isn’t it weird how different countries use different words, I always thing it’s an education to learn these things.


  5. I’ve missed your cheerful, upbeat posts, Debbie, but I understand why after seeing your precious granddaughter in your FB posts. You are all lucky to be there to celebrate her birth and continuing care. Why wouldn’t you feel discombobulated after all these life events? I’m glad you could pop in for Sunday Stills and you might have fun with the upcoming theme of bugs since you enjoy macro photography so much. And your pics are lovely!

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    1. Thanks very much for the welcome back Terri! I’m now feeling even more discombobulated as I’ve broken a tooth and I’m waiting to get to see a dentist. I happen to dislike dentists and everything they have to do, but I’ll force myself to go.

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  6. It is a lovely word isn’t it? I can well imagine how your body is having problems adjusting to what time of year it is – after all, in England we can have all four seasons in one day sometimes!

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    1. Hi Donna, we have so much in common 🙂 . Yes it’s all been a bit stressful lately so I’m enjoying my sunroom and taking things easy. We’ll be back with Dottie before we know it! I really enjoyed your recent guest post over at Sam’s blog by the way!


  7. I currently feel discombobulated as I’ve just got up at 03.40 and am currently on the drive to the airport. Actually it doesn’t feel so good getting up so early and I’m looking forward to my porridge at about 05.30!! We always used to use the word discomknockerated which I think means the same thing and was invented by the late Ken Dodd!! xxx

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