Blogging thoughts 10 years on #lifesstories

It’s been 10 years since I started blogging

Thanks to WordPress for reminding me that I registered my blog 10 years ago – I didn’t know how long I’d be blogging for but I never anticipated that I’d still be here 10 years later.

10 years of blogging
10 year of blogging

In the beginning it was ‘The World According to Debbie’ but I changed that to Deb’s World a few years later – highlighting the fact that I wrote about Midlife, Adventures and Travel.

In those 10 years I’ve written 1659 posts. Most of those were in the earlier years which is weird as I was juggling work and blogging back then. I’ve slowed down in the last few years and try to keep it at 2-3 posts a week.

Back in 2012 I was still working full time and blogging in my spare time, mainly as a creative outlet. I wrote a lot more posts back in those early years believe it or not. It’s never been about having lots of followers for me but simply to have somewhere to be creative.

If you haven’t visited my blog before,  a big warm welcome to Deb’s World!  I love blogging and sharing my observations of life with anyone who pops by.

Debbie 2017

I have to say I’ve learnt a lot in those 10 years!

  • I’ve changed my theme a few times – the format, colours, appearance, widgets
  • I’ve been brave in adapting to changes in the WordPress platform
  • I’ve asked for help from the Happiness Engineers
  • I’ve cursed and spat the dummy a number of times when things just wouldn’t work
  • My tech skills have certainly improved
  • I’m not going to set the world on fire with my words!!
  • I’ve adapted and changed as the years have rolled on, like when we could no longer travel due to Covid and my blog had a travel theme, I changed focus.
  • Blogging is a gift that keeps on giving.
Me in action blogging!

Given most of the news lately is bad, I thought I’d share some good news with you 🙂

Debbie 2020

Blogging Friends

Along the way I’ve found a new group of friends around the world, some I’ve met in person but others will remain forever blogging friends inside our computers. I have been enriched by these friendships, encouraged, supported and uplifted. I have a wide range of friends in my every day life and blogging fills another need – and sometimes it can be hard for those who don’t blog to understand.

We all have stories to tell and usually our blogs are the way we share our thoughts – for whatever reason.

Debbie 2021

Hugh has written a great post Blogging is it all that you want it to be? as he recently celebrated 8 years of blogging. He makes some very valid points and much of it I can relate to. He also talks honestly about some aspects of blogging that others rarely mention.

Over the years I have written posts about my thoughts on blogging – here’s a selection you may not have seen.

Blogging thoughts

Apparently I registered my Deb’s World blog 4 years ago – who would have thought I’d still be here?!  I have no reason to doubt the scrupulous record keeping of WordPress but gee whiz that time has really flown by! I do remember writing some early posts and deleting them a short time later so…

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Just another ordinary day or something a bit special?

Another ordinary day or a bit special?  Five thoughts: Receive notification from WordPress of 5 year anniversary of blogging!  Not too keen on joining the Social Saturday bike ride group due to feeling tired and weather is a bit overcast,  but go anyway.  End up riding nearly 17kms, including hills, with the group, and feel…

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Becoming a Blogger – some thoughts from 2016

Back in 2016 I wrote this list in a post celebrating my 4 years of blogging. Some things have changed but others are still the same. I like to think that I have evolved a little bit!

  • I post with some regularity;
  • I follow lots of other bloggers and love reading and commenting on their posts;
  • I have dabbled in poetry;
  • I discovered I like taking photos with my iPhone of everyday moments that I see along the way;
  • I like to share my travel/adventures;
  • I engage in photo challenges which challenge my creative side;
  • I’ve taken some Blogging U courses to improve my knowledge and craftsmanship and I’ve enjoyed it all.  
  • I can do all sorts of things now that I couldn’t do in the early days like ping-backs, including links to other posts, customising my blog to the way I want it to look, setting up new pages and widgets…the list goes on.

I’m the first to admit that I don’t write deep and meaningful stuff but I don’t think I’m that shallow either.  

Debbie (2016)

Why do I do it?

That’s the question that I often get asked, as non-bloggers just don’t get it.  I write for myself, to record events, thoughts, moments, stories and to express myself whether it be through photos or words.   I enjoy thinking of things to share, responding to comments, engaging with others and it gives me a purpose.

These thoughts are from my post 10 thoughts I shared about blogging talk at the local library in 2021.

This is a big question and every blogger has a different answer. These are just a few of my thoughts!

  • It’s fun and gives me joy, makes me feel alive and included.
  • It has made me more observant.
  • It allows me to leave a legacy behind – my grandchildren may learn more about me through my words in my blog in future years.  One of my daughters loves reading my posts as she always learns something new about me.
  • Gives me a sense of purpose.
  • I feel relevant – being made redundant was an awful feeling after so long in a rewarding role.
  • I don’t want to fade away and become invisible as can so often happen as women age.
  • I enjoy finding and belonging to a community of like-minded people all over the world. 
  • I like to discuss important things with others.
  • To challenge myself.
  • I get to use the creative side of my brain.
  • I get to escape into other people’s worlds.
  • To experience life through the eyes of others and share my world at the same time.
  • I like to think I can inspire others to do something that pushes them.
  • I love to promote Tumbarumba whenever I can.
  • It’s a form of therapy for me.

I appreciate all my followers and thank everyone who has ever left me a comment or liked a post.  I am humbled at your support. You just never know what affect your words can have on others.

I know I’ve probably said all of this in previous posts over the past 10 years but I couldn’t let this special anniversary go without acknowledging it.

Cheers to many more years!


Deb x

Joining Denyse for her fortnightly link up #LifeStories

You can also find Deb’s World in lots of other places – stay in touch by clicking any of the buttons below.

Everyone has a story to tell!

Debbie - mother of a 40 year old

Deb is a young-at-heart & active 60+ blogger/retiree, after being made redundant from her 22-year career managing education programs in a men’s correctional centre (jail). She now spends her time reading, blogging, riding her ebike and travelling. Deb was awarded a Bravery Award from the Queen when she was 17 after a tragic accident – a definite life changing moment! She is married with 3 grown-up daughters & has 4 grandchildren. You can read more of Deb’s story here

Copyright © 2024 – All rights reserved

54 Replies to “Blogging thoughts 10 years on #lifesstories”

    1. Thanks Tanja, I’m fortunate to be retired (early) but still love spending time blogging away. Congrats on 6 years, I can imagine kids would slow down the amount of time you have available, so well done!


  1. Many congratulations on ten years of blogging, Debbie.

    That is a lot of posts you have published. Unfortunately, I’ve deleted many of my older posts, so I don’t know how many I’ve written and published in my eight years of blogging.

    And I’m so pleased to read that you adapted to the changes that have occurred in the blogging world and to the WordPress platform over those years. I saw quite a few good bloggers give up on blogging after the Block editor was introduced. Sadly, some didn’t even try using it, let alone try using the Classic editor via the Classic block. They simply gave up.

    And I am delighted that we also got to meet at the Bloggers Bash back in 2018. Keep on enjoying the blogging experience, Debbie.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks for your lovely words Hugh. I’m surprised that so many gave up blogging when the changes to the platform came in. Yes a highlight of my trip in 2018 was meeting you and other bloggers in person.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Congratulations on 10 years of blogging, Debbie. I’m so glad you started and kept going all these years and that we found each other in the blogging universe. I can relate to much of what you said, especially that sense of belonging. I find it invigorating to have friends around the world…people whose paths I am unlikely to have crossed in person. On the technical side, one thing I haven’t tried yet that I want to is changing themes. I think that might be one of my first projects after I retire in a couple of months.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. All of those 10 things I’ve also done or learnt. Especially the change one. I don’t understand why the new editor blew up the blogging world and people actually quit because of it?? It wasn’t that hard. I love the connections I have made through blogging and how the people are caring in the blog world. You as a perfect example.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi Bernie, the changes have been a great way to improve my tech skills and helps keep my brain ticking over! Thanks for your kind words we seem to find like-minded people through our blogging and that is one of the best bits!


  4. Your blog and your presence is sunshine on a rainy day for me. Congratulations. I did a BIG cull over the years of my blog (started at end of 2010 where I had NO idea of what I was doing) and I thought long and hard about it but as I ‘pay’ for storage where my blog is hosted, and I have a photo heavy presence, I let those words go. Recently when I started to blog less, I also deleted (and then trashed!) about 200 posts because “no longer needed” and I retained the 3 most important sections. My HNC story, Women of Courage and Telling My Story. I am not sure, whenever it does happen, what I will do about my blog. Possibly retain it as a static site. Sorry, rambling on..not going to happen this year!! Thank you so much for linking your blog post up for Life’s Stories my “now” fortnightly blogging link up at Denyse Whelan Blogs.

    I appreciate your support and continuing blogging connections and friendships.

    I will be back with the next #LifesStories link up on Monday 11 April 2022.


    Liked by 1 person

    1. What a lovely comment Denyse, sunshine on a rainy day 🙂 thank you so much for that, what a lovely gift you’ve given me. I should do a cull of posts too but it’s on my rainy day list. Thanks again.


  5. I celebrated my 10th anniversary with Friday’s post. I love how you retraced your steps and included what you’ve learned over those years. I relate to all of them, I didn’t know that Hugh had just celebrated 8 years. How far we’ve all come! I’m linking this post to your comment in Story Chat Summary this month. Thanks again for participating in SC. 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

  6. 10 years is a real achievement in the blogging world, Debbie! How did we make friends in the past before blogging? To me that is a huge gift that keeps on giving! This year in October, I will have 11 years in, so we must have started very close to each other. While you have been consistent, I blogged back then sharing ideas about work and some other related subjects. Work was overwhelming and I had no idea how to manage a blog so I rarely posted anything until Sept 2014 on the verge of my pending retirement. It was then I joined the WP blogging 101 and photography 101 series. Total game changer and launched the best years of blogging of my life. Like you, I’ve met so many bloggers IRL and plan to meet more this year. Keep up the good work, my friend. Your posts are a gift to US!

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Congratulations on 10 years of blogging, and the growth you’ve made. People under estimate how hard blogging can be, and you make it seem easy.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes I agree with you Deb, more routines, less time and more productivity back then for me. I must say that I am enjoying my time faffing about without too many constraints to my time these days!


  8. That’s a great milestone you’ve passed Debbie….they turn up quickly when you’re having fun😊

    One of the reasons I think you’ve done well is because you speak honestly about how you’ve lived and enjoyed your life with all the good and not so good aspects of ‘growing older’ without any of insecurities shown by some mid life bloggers

    The blogging community is made up of all ages and this ‘slightly older than you’ blogger hopes to be reading Deb’s World for many years to come.
    Take care

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Oh what a lovely comment to read Cathy, thank you so much! I do enjoy sharing the good and not so good things that happen to us in midlife and I always try to be honest! I enjoy my blogging and it doesn’t feel like 10 years since I started, which means it’s not a chore 🙂 Thanks again. x


  9. Wow Deb, congratulations on your 10 year blogging anniversary! It’s a wonderful achievement as it takes dedication and perseverance to keep going with a blog. I loved your reasons for blogging and feel my reasons for having my blog are very similar. Thank you for your inspiration to help me keep going.


    1. Thanks Janine, it does take dedication and perseverance but it hasn’t felt like a chore at all and 10 years has gone by so fast! I think many bloggers would have similar reasons for blogging. It’s lovely to connect with so many lovely bloggers like you!


  10. 10 years is a fabulous milestone and achievement! Congrats! 🎉 You said it well…..blogging is the gift that keeps giving! I’m so grateful for my blogging buddies around the world! We’ll probably never meet IRL but I cherish our virtual friendship!


  11. Hi Deb – congrats on 10 years and all those posts. I used to write 3 times a week in my early years (while working) but that has tapered off to once a week – maybe I have less to say these days? I can relate to a lot of the reasons why you blog and the fabulous friendships along the way (yours included!). Blogging has taught me so much about myself, increased my tech skills, and kept me growing – you can’t ask for more than that can you?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks Leanne, blogging friendships have certainly been the icing on the cake and connecting with you over the years has been great! I agree with you, I’ve learnt so much more about myself and the world and I’ve grown in so many ways too!


  12. Happy 10 year Blogaversary Deb! We are nearly bloggy twins – it will be my 10 years of blogging in September. The first couple of years were with a different blog before I started WOTM in 2014. I love all the reasons you wrote as to why you blog and yes I totally get it. Sometimes I don’t feel like blogging and other times I have so much to share that I’m tapping out blog posts like there’s no tomorrow. Regardless of how I’m feeling though – I love my blog and all that it has given me and I know you completely know what I mean! xo

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes Min we are almost twins in lots of ways! I always listen to my inner voice and if I don’t feel like blogging then i don’t force it. Life’s too short for that! I’m so pleased you understand what I was saying and ‘get it’. Lovely to have you along and I always enjoy catching up with your lovely blog too.


  13. Congratulations Deb on 10 years of blogging which is no mean feat. i’ve seen bloggers last 6 months. I agree with all you have said about Why your blog and I’m so happy that I discovered not only your blog but have developed such a special personal friendship. Here’s to another 10 years of blogging! thanks for the joy you’ve brought so many. xx

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Many thanks for your kind words Sue, your friendship and the inspiration you have provided has really helped me over the years. I truly value your friendship.xx


  14. Congratulations on your 10 years of blogging, Debbie. Your reasons for “Why Do It” resonated with me. Especially, finding and belonging to a community of like-minded people all over the world. For me, that has been the greatest gift of blogging — and one that I didn’t even consider when I first began.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thank you so much Donna! I think we all agree it’s the ‘ finding and belonging’ to a community of like-minded people that is the best thing about blogging – and not always expected!


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