
Playing games at the beach
Always playing games together

We are all in shock. It was so quick, so unexpected, so sudden, just too awful to think about. It was all over so fast. He was too young. His body was sick but we didn’t know it until too late, and neither perhaps did he.

Seeing ‘signs’ all over the place that I wouldn’t normally notice. Ads for Funeral directors, health checks, cancer council car, bye bye miss American pie on the radio – this will be the day that I die – way too soon to hear that.

Family rallying, travelling from all over
Talking over things, over thinking things
Memories flitting through my head
Crying, consoling, grieving, laughing, thinking, talking, remembering.

Trying to be strong. His wife, his children, his parents, his sister, my husband (his brother), my children, family, friends, colleagues, team mates and everyone else who knew him – all sad, all shocked feeling the loss already.

Being a mother is discovering strengths you didn’t know you had and dealing with fears you never knew existed

Sherene Simon

He lived an active life and he was liked by everyone,
not one for the limelight, a quiet ‘get on with it’ sort of guy.
He was fun, he was competitive, he was sporty, he was involved in many community groups. He was a caring, gentle, happy, thoughtful man and he was one of the nicest people I have ever known. More like a brother to me than a brother in law.

Writing helps, words and thoughts tumble and fight to be written.
Running helps, although my heart is in so much pain I don’t know how it manages to keep on beating at times.

Wishing it wasn’t so, remembering that it is.
Live each day as if it’s your last, because you just never know.

Rest in Peace Cliff (1958-2014)

With love.

Debbie 💔

Cliff, Carol and Grant
Love this picture of Cliff, Carol and Grant

You can also find Deb’s World in lots of other places – stay in touch by clicking any of the buttons below.

40 Replies to “Shock”

  1. Whew. I don’t know if I would have been able to share a meaningful comment if I didn’t know that you had traversed much of the winding path of grief already.
    I can feel the intensity of your and your families loss. The honesty and depth of feelings that you all have for Cliff comes through in the wrenching staccato tempo of your prose.

    I see the writer in you Deb. I’m also so glad to see (after having read so many recent light-hearted posts here) that you have continued to journey.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Hope you’ve all been ok today and that you gave G&G big hugs from us. This is such a beautifully written post and sums up exactly how we felt then and still feel now. He is the best bloke and we were all so lucky to have him in our lives. 🎶give a little bit, give a little bit of your love to me🎶 I’ve had this on constantly today 😘😘

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Death and cancer of two friends were the things that motivated us to get out there and try something new so we could do more travelling. I remember them and others we loved who have died by lighting candles in churches as we travel. You and your husband are enjoying life and no doubt your brother/in law would say if he could “Well done you two, Go for it”.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Debbie your ability with words to express thoughts and feeling we all have had at times like this is profound. Hugs to all of Grant’s family. Memories are so precious at a time like this and I hope they generate laughter and joy with the recalling. Hugs to you special friend.


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