I wasn’t expecting that

Unconditional Love!

Wasn’t expecting that, by Jamie Lawson is my favourite song at the moment.  I know that it’s a love song and the lyrics and sentiments are for a ‘love interest’ but I still want to use it as the basis of my post in response to Eclectic Corner #10 Unconditional love – photography, quotes and poetry.

Unconditional love is known as affection without any limitations, it can also be love without conditions. This term is sometimes associated with other terms such as true altruism, or complete love

My middle daughter is turning 30 in a few days time and I have been thinking of her arrival and the years in between that have made her into the beautiful young woman that she is today. This song kept coming into my head for some reason.

I don’t think I ever expected the feelings of unconditional love that came with having a child.

A few years ago I wrote a few posts comparing my life to my daughter’s lives at their respective ages.  You may not have seen these if you are new readers of my blog – they are the posts that I’m most proud of.  You can find them here, here and here.  I also compared my life (at age 53) to my mother’s life at the same age – these were all very interesting posts to write and to me, demonstrate unconditional love.

I wrote each of my three daughters their birth story and gave it to them when they turned 16.  It was a mix of how I was feeling before their birth and in the days immediately after their arrivals.  I kept a diary for many years and have been able to produce stories about their childhoods, which I’m sure I would have ordinarily forgotten, without these diary prompts.

Here’s an edited excerpt from my middle daughter’s story to celebrate her impending 30th birthday written in the form of free verse.

Here I am in bed 31 on Friday 3 May 1985.

You were due 5 days ago.

I wasn’t expecting that.

You must be too comfortable where you are

so tomorrow you are to be helped into the world.

I wasn’t expecting that.

I feel excited now that I know you are to arrive soon.

It’s a lovely sunny day.

I wasn’t expecting that.

You were beautiful, weighing a massive 4080 grams and 56.5cm long

with lovely long fingers, hands and limbs.

You were very fair and just so gorgeous.

I wasn’t expecting that.

Your name came from family history records and it suited you perfectly.

You were our precious little ‘princess’

I wasn’t expecting that.

Happy 30th birthday to my beautiful daughter – it’s been a privilege and a pleasure to be your mother.

Such a cutie!   Photo by AC.
Such a cutie!
Photo by AC.
On the go with mum!
On the go!

Deb 🙂

23 Replies to “I wasn’t expecting that”

  1. This post smells, tastes, speaks, sings,, touches sees,,listen to and gives love. How touching and genuine.beautiful!
    Your daughters must be so proud and happy to have a mother like you!!
    Making these diaries was a great idea and ind they can treasure.
    I wish i had one like that! My mother had 8 kids,,and I guess it was impossible for her.
    Thanks for sharing!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. What a lovely comment! I’m a bit overwhelmed by it to be honest 😊 I think my daughters like me more now than they did when they were growing up!! Thanks again for your lovely thoughts on my post


    2. Thanks for your lovely comment Lucile, I must have missed it earlier. I always value your comments and look forward to hearing what you have to say. You are always so encouraging – so thanks again for always finding the time to be such a lovely blogging friend.


  2. very nice mum! She was a little cutie! Just so you know your making more work for yourself because I now expect this!
    I also don’t remember getting a birth story. Do you have mine?

    Liked by 1 person

  3. That is so utterly adorable it made me want to cry so so sweet.

    It’s amazing you kept a diary I now seriously wish I had done such a thing so I take my hat off to you doing this.

    Thank you for such a personal post love it xx

    Liked by 1 person

    1. What a sweet comment, thanks so much! Writing a diary seemed like a good idea at the time! Over the years I dipped in & out of writing things about the girls, usually I did an update on their birthdays. It’s quite fun looking back on my comments – not always good ones especially as they grew older! I really love this song so wanted to weave it into my post and this gave me a great opportunity to do just that. Glad you liked it ❤️

      Liked by 1 person

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