Surprisingly there is a life after retirement – Musings on a Monday

Retirement update

I have now been ‘retired’ for some time and can honestly say I have not missed going to work at all.

There I’ve said it! I don’t miss going to work! Surprise, surprise!

I do miss the social interactions with my co-workers but as my staff all finished with me (we were all made redundant together), there’s not much to miss, apart from the few special people I enjoyed talking to outside of our area.

What I don’t miss

I don’t miss the toxic environment, the mean, nasty people who love to gossip and make life hell.

I don’t miss the demands of inmates (I worked in a minimum security men’s correctional centre)

I don’t miss the never ending emails from head office staff who knew nothing about what we actually did!

I don’t miss the ‘system’ that governed our workplace

I don’t miss the negativity and low morale.

I sometimes wonder how I managed to work for 22 years in that environment, although in retrospect there were lots of rewarding ‘highs’.


My days now consist of a few main activities:

  • I run or walk or ride my bike – I like to do this early in the day to get it done (I do have the odd meltdown though)
  • I blog
  • I read blogs
  • I attempt the daily crossword puzzle
  • I do the essential housework
  • I think of what to cook for dinner
  • I shop only when absolutely necessary
  • I wander around the garden admiring my husband’s handiwork
  • I socialise with others or I stay home all day, it’s up to me
  • I plan holidays, make bookings and check out the web
  • I try to learn new things, like using Pinterest – it’s often said as you age you need to learn a new language to keep your brain functioning, well I can assure you that trying to keep up to date with social media is just like learning a new language.
  • I lie in the hammock – life’s tough you know!
  • I smile….a lot
Life after retirement

I am still finding it hard to imagine that life could be so good after such an awful few months leading up to my final day of work.  I’m happy, relaxed, busy but not too hectic, interested, involved and free.  

I’m happy 🙂

I will be revisiting my retirement progress from time to time during the year so I can document my progress through the various stages as per my post in Girls just wanna have fun.

I haven’t had to answer the question ‘What do you do’ yet, so will look forward to that.  I also haven’t had too many people ask me how I’m filling in my time, I think they know me well!

So in summary, life is good!  It’s still early days and I know there will be ups and downs but for the moment I’m coping quite well.  I’m very lucky to be in this position and am grateful, something I didn’t think I would ever say.

How’s life treating you?

Deb 🙂

Last updated February 2019

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In my happy place in Fiji
Happy Debbie

Everyone has a story to tell!

Debbie - mother of a 40 year old

Deb is a young-at-heart & active 60+ blogger/retiree, after being made redundant from her 22-year career managing education programs in a men’s correctional centre (jail). She now spends her time reading, blogging, riding her ebike and travelling. Deb was awarded a Bravery Award from the Queen when she was 17 after a tragic accident – a definite life changing moment! She is married with 3 grown-up daughters & has 4 grandchildren. You can read more of Deb’s story here

Copyright © 2024 – All rights reserved

97 Replies to “Surprisingly there is a life after retirement – Musings on a Monday”

  1. Hi Debbie, I love the sound of your new life! It pretty much mirrors mine, except I don’t run! I like to walk or do Pilates/Yoga instead. One of my big hobbies is travelling and photography too. I still work part-time doing some freelance writing, but otherwise write my blog and keep fit and active. This morning I strolled down to Burleigh Point near where I live and watched the surfers on the towering waves, had coffee and then chatted with an acquaintance prior to strolling back home. I can do this every single day and that is what is so great about being retired. #TeamLovinLife

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks for your comment Kathy. It sounds like you have a lovely life too! My husband and I went to the movies at 11am today to see Lion – it seemed a bit decadent but hey why not? Glad to have connected.


  2. I retired seven years ago and I absolutely “loving it” more everyday. I was a librarian/professor/Director foe 25 years. I miss the interactions of a few of colleagues. I read books constantly because I never had time to do it. I visit and spoil my grandsons in Chicago when the weather is nice in the summer and fall. I “runaway” to the Florida Panhandle, as soon as the weather “thinks” about getting cold. I read, blog, and go to the beach to watch sunsets. My husband of 46 years relaxes, watching and curses out the tv, when a certain guy is on the news. I refuse to do so. I “Aquasize” twice a week and pray. It is important to thank God daily.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks very much for sharing your retirement lifesyle with me, it’s always good to hear how others are going. I’m glad to read you are enjoying yourself and you sound very happy with how things are going!! Stay happy 🙂


    1. Thanks for visiting Beverly. I’m happy to know that retirement gets better over the years. I’m glad to be involved in the Over the Moon party linkup, thanks for having me 🙂


  3. Good to hear, Deb. As you know, I took a different view on my upcoming retirement, but we’re now on the same path and enjoying what it has bought us. I keep myself very busy, In fact, I’ve no idea how I managed to do everything and work full time. Time seems to go much faster, but I’m enjoying every single second on this road.

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    1. That seems to be what people say Hugh, that time does go much faster and I agree now too. You’re an inspiration and I aim to follow your example by enjoying every second of the journey ahead 🙂

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  4. Your retired life sounds blissful! My first 8 months of retirement was a lot like yours. I blogged a lot and prepped my upcoming new classes. Two years later, I now keep my own schedule, even my teaching schedule is of my own making. I now teach 15 units a year, so much for retirement. Once my hubby retires in a few years, so will i.

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  5. Deb – what a great list! It really sounds like you are embracing retirement and getting the hang of leisure time 🙂
    BTW – I think that your dedication to exercise is key. My non-scientific belief is that the sweat generated by exercise removes toxins from your body so that you can remain positive and optimistic! Which you are!

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Retirement is, as another responder wrote, an art form. Like all art forms one needs to decide which medium; is it quiet of frenzy. the great thing about retirement is that we get to decide.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. That’s it Beth – we get to decide. Today I decided I needed to rest after a busy morning run and massage so I’ve indulged in some hammock time. All good! Lovely to have you along – enjoy!


  7. I have loved retirement! I love doing whatever I want to do whenever I want to do it! If I want to have a supper of soup or ice cream, OK! If I want to stay up late and watch any movie I want until the wee hours of the morning, OK. I even gave up some church projects because it seemed if you were retired you MUST want to spend your time doing church work! On their schedule, NOT!!!! I’m retired, I don’t have or need a SCHEDULE. Next year my hubby retires…….Hmmm. I will have to adjust to his being here 24/7. Now he travels all the time, so no problem. I may have to go back to work! Ha Ha!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I’m so glad to hear that you are happy enjoying your retirement! I know exactly what you mean about no schedules, it’s liberating isn’t it 🙂 My husband finished work a few months before me so he was comfortable by the time I joined him. It’s working out really well and I’m sure you will manage too. All the best, lovely to have you along 🙂

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  8. Hi Debbie, I retired at 55 to spend more time with my husband (9 years older than I). I have to admit it was a culture shock after working full time all my adult life. It really was difficult for me to adjust. However, I started a blog and that really helped. I also mind my darling grandson one day a week and am involved with other activities. I love some of your ideas which I may borrow. In fact, I’ve just rediscovered crosswords myself! Enjoy your week!
    Sue from Sizzling Towards 60 & Beyond.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks Sue, it’s been great to connect with you on various platforms, facebook, blogging, pinterest, Instagram. I love my blogging and it’s so good for me to be creative, although I started it while working full time it’s been such fun to get into it with more time available. Feel free to borrow any of my ideas, I love reading your posts and learn from them all the time. You are super generous. Enjoy the week ahead 🙂


  9. You really summed it up Deb. We know what you mean by what you don’t miss and can relate to the joys of being in somewhat control of each day and not having someone in the human chain to answer too. It gets better every day too.

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  10. I especially like the last item on your list of what you do. I love my days off but can’t imagine every day being like that. What a huge change it must be. I’ll look forward to reading more.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. It is really different to just having the odd day off now and again but in a good way. Having time to read more is great as is the time to comprehend and imbibe more information. Thanks for your comment, I love getting feedback 🙂


  11. I have been retired for a year. I ease into it slowly, gradually reducing my hours for several years. Like you, I exercise in the morning. This time of year, I walk to the gym, workout for an 1-2 hours, have a steam, and then walk home. That takes up most of the morning. When the weather improves, I’ll be out on the bikes more. And like you, I blog, read, plan trips, work around the house (sometimes), and socialize when I feel like it. I like it!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Great to hear you also enjoy retirement! I find the days go by so quickly though, whereas when I was at work the day dragged on and on. I think my lead up to being forced to retire was so hard this new life is now just so delightful. Thanks for leaving me a comment, always great to hear from you. 😊

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I never thought of it like that. Time passes quickly, and I am never bored. The difference is that I do what I want, when I want, and don’t have a schedule imposed on me. I wish I had made the switch sooner.

        Oh yeah, I like your idea of taking time on Monday to do some free thinking. I may join you.

        Liked by 1 person

  12. I’m so glad you are enjoying retirement Deb, although I use the word almost tongue in cheek. You may not be in traditional employment, but it sounds like you are fully engaged with living.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. That’s not too long away for you. I didn’t have any time in planning as it was a result of a redundancy, so I wish you well with getting ready to retire. It is a wonderful life and I’m sure you’ll enjoy it too. Thanks for your comment. 🙂

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  13. I have discovered that retirement, like most things in life, has to be worked at. It is an art form in itself and finding the perfect balance of idleness and a sense of purpose, socialising and the joy of ‘me’ time or ‘us’ time for hubby and I, a blend of learning new things and sharing what we already know with the grandchildren, of being too lazy to cook and choosing to eat out or suddenly having a baking marathon and filling the freezer – so much choice and we feel so fortunate to have our health and just enough money to do these things. Retirement is a blessing so keep on doing what works for you.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. What a lovely, insightful comment! You have summed it up perfectly, s some days I’m a domestic goddess and others (like today) I’m a sloth. The choice is mine and I am lucky too to have the finances to do what I want when I want (as long as I don’t go too mad). It is a real blessing and I intend to make the most of our years together. Thanks again for commenting 🙂


    1. Thanks for the comment Bren, no regrets at all and it’s something to look forward to if you can live the life you want. I’m fortunate in many ways and I know it, so I really appreciate my new lifestyle. Life is good 🙂


    1. Thanks Alana, it’s been a great time so far but my end of working life was pretty difficult a the time. I’m glad to have you here and look forward to hearing of your experiences when your time comes to retire.


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