Reblog: Not a good week!  – Deb’s World

I can’t let today, 10 May 2017, go by without mentioning that one year ago today we were told our jobs as educators in the State’s Correctional Centres were to be axed by the end of 2016. It started a dreadful time of worry, concern, upset, ill health and general malaise.  We were all summonsed to Sydney,  to a meeting to hear the gory details, just two days later.  It really was an awful time.

We fought hard during the year, but to no avail, the changes went through. Staff were either made redundant or stayed on in a clerical role.

I am delighted to say that despite how awful it all was at the time, I am now happy and content as a very young ‘retiree’. The government and centres are the losers but it’s not my worry anymore.

I have finally seen the silver lining everyone was talking about. I remember hating it when anyone used that phrase or the one about a new door opening 😦

As I’ve stated in a recent post, I smile a lot more, I don’t have to put up with toxic people or situations, I’m healthy again, I’m rarely angry or stressed and I fully appreciate the fact that I’m one of the lucky ones.

I have collated all my articles from this time in a page called Redundancy – what does it mean? , so I have them all together.  It tells quite a story.

It’s also quite ironic that my husband found my box of diaries, which I’d dumped in the garage on my last day of work and haven’t looked at since, and decided to start burning them in his afternoon burn offs in the paddock.  I was going to look through them for old times sake but decided not to and he’s burning a year at a time!

It seems I’m more political than I thought! I’m also very angry! I’ve rarely shared information about my work on my blog but this week I have well and truly broken that self impos…

I re-read this post from a year ago and shudder at how angry I was! What a difference a year makes 

Reblogged from May 2016 – Source: Not a good week!  – Deb’s World

Thanks for revisiting this day with me 🙂  I’m sure there’s many others who have been though a similar experiences and I’d love to hear how things have gone for you.

Deb 🙂

17 Replies to “Reblog: Not a good week!  – Deb’s World”

  1. OMG! I so hate it when people talk about another door. I want to be like, “SHUT THE HELL UP, I LIKE THIS DOOR AND THIS DOOR NEEDS TO COME BACK!” Thank you for sharing and I’m sorry you had to endure that painful time in your life!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. It is hard to take at the time Deb and easy for people to say ‘take something positive’ from the experience. However, looking back you can see that although you were hurt and angry at the time you probably are enjoying life a lot more these days.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I had a box of diaries too which I thought I might like to look through for memories – but they never even made it home in the end, and were junked with everything else. No loss – glad you’re happy with your new(ish) situation.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. I think I may have been one of those people who frustrated you with the silver lining thing, Debbie… but may I say just one more annoying thing and then I’ll leave it there. Told ya! Hehehe! 😀
    Seriously though, look at you now, a year on and Feeling Great. Well, that’s how you’re coming across, so I’m really pleased for you. Onwards. Ever onwards!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes Tom, I’m sure you were one of the many!! It’s certainly fine for you to say I told you so now. 😊 I am definitely feeling great now. Thanks for the support.


  5. When things happen we don’t immediately understand because we are so closely connected but in time much more becomes clear as to our perceived roles and levels of importance. After 39 years in the field and choosing to retire it was time away that helped me see and gain perspective. You too are seeing this.


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