Not so manic Monday

Now that I’m not working anymore 🙂 Mondays don’t have that awful Manic Monday feel to them – in fact every day is pretty cruisy.

This morning I had an early morning walk booked in with a friend and this gorgeous view was on display from my front door. I love the layers of rippling red, yellow and orange. It was well worth the effort of getting up early!

Monday morning

By the time we met up at 6.30am the colour had drained from the sky and it was warming up.  Another high 30 degree celcius day is forecast so it’s a good idea to get a walk in early!

Here are some other shots I’ve taken lately while out walking/running which I shared to my Instagram account (@debs__world).

I’m enjoying my ‘changed’ circumstances much more than I ever  thought possible.  I’m walking and running regularly and apart from a niggly calf muscle I’m feeling great.

Have a great not so manic Monday and a fantastic week ahead!

Deb 🙂

PS. You can follow Deb’s World on Twitter  @wonderwomandebz and on Instagram

24 Replies to “Not so manic Monday”

    1. Haha!! Yes I am crazy, my daughters made the same comment about why aren’t I sleeping in now that I can!! There’s a few reasons actually, I’m awake so I might as well get up, it’s been really hot so I get my exercise done before the heat hits and I set it as a thing to do in place of getting up and going to work so I wouldn’t feel the loss of work too badly. I can assure you I’m not missing it 🙂 I guess I must be a morning person. Thanks for your comment Ruth, it made me laugh 🙂

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  1. Great pictures. Something I don’t miss is that Monday morning feeling, or even Sunday evening feeling if I knew the day ahead was going to be difficult. It’s a useful barometer to keep in mind. I started to feel that way about one of my volunteer jobs and, because I don’t need to put myself through that any more, I could just resign. I’m still skipping off happily to my other roles.

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  2. I’m just getting up – 06.15. It’s 1°C here so pretty chilly. I’m off to work but it doesn’t feel manic. I’ll take my time, make lunch for my son and husband, have a lovely bowl of porridge then drive 35′ to Bristol for an 8 am start.
    Mind you, now that I’ve spent five mins writing this I may have to push on a bit!!
    Lovely pics as usual. I love a good sunrise. xx

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  3. What a beautiful sunrise. Like you said worth getting up early for.I start back at work later this week but normally have Mondays off> You are right they are manic. I love cruising into work and everyone is calm not manic. Hope your calf muscle improves and enjoy that fit feeling. Have a good week. Louise

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    1. Thanks Julie, that’s my favourite too. It was a beautiful evening. I’m surprising myself with how good I’m feeling especially as I went through so much from May – December but maybe that’s why I’m coping because it’s all over and I’ve let go…..thanks again for the comment.

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