52 week photography project – Week 2: Winter

Source: Week 2: Winter

For those of you playing along at home here is Week 2 of our 52 week photography project.

Who’s who in the story…

I have joined with 6 photographers, of varying experience, to take a photo every week for a year, one theme at a time. It’s turned into a bit of a family affair actually with my sister, my brother-in-law, my nephew, my husband, my daughter and a close friend of my sister’s.  You can read more about us all here in the About page.

Each week for 52 weeks…

Each week we are given a new theme and must take a photo, add some words and submit it to Tim, who will compile a post at 52 Weeks Photography Group, before letting us know our next theme…and so on for 52 weeks!

This is the first time I’ve been involved in this project but some of the others are on their second time round. At the end of the previous project they produced a beautiful coffee table book with all the photos and words included from their weekly submissions. It’s a magnificent record of a year in photos.

Week 2 theme – Winter

The theme for Week 2 was Winter which resulted in another great selection of photos. As we are all mainly in the Southern Hemisphere, we had a range of interpretations but surprisingly a lot of blue sky.  My daughter in the UK made the comment that the summer temperatures she is experiencing are actually colder than some of our winter temps!

Winter, raindrops and blue sky

This is my photo for Week 2 and my words: Raindrops keep falling….no snow, or frost photos, just rain drops and blue skies.  I was thinking of how to capture the mercurial changes of winter weather and on my way up the driveway this was the scene that presented itself to me – raindrops and blue sky!  I captured the view out of the car’s windscreen, with my iPhone, and that was it, done.

Our Week 1 – Self Portrait photos can be found in the link at the start of my post. My summary post for the first week can be found here – Week 1: Self Portrait

I’m now thinking of how to interpret the next theme of Transport.

It’s great to be involved in such a creative challenge with a small supportive group.  I’d love to hear your thoughts on our various takes on either of these themes.  Be sure to click on the link to check out the full post on the blog 52 Weeks Photography Group.

Happy photographing!

Deb 🙂

You can also find Deb’s World here – I’d be delighted if you’d join me.

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34 Replies to “52 week photography project – Week 2: Winter”

  1. Absolutely love this photo, Deb! Has everything I’d look for in a photo, great colours, great lines, interesting perspective. The brightness of the sky, contrasting the land, is beautiful, and the subtlety of the road leading away is fantastic. Really, truly love this!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. This comment made my day Shaun, so thank you very much. It was a great shot that presented itself to me and I went with it – never let an opportunity go by is my motto. I’m thrilled you love it too 🙌🏻

      Liked by 1 person

      1. You’ll go far with that attitude 🙂 I often think Photography is almost like two extremes… You have your shots that simply appear out of the blue, sometimes fleeting moments that you must capture then and there or else they’re gone for ever, and you have your shots which are carefully planned/practiced, which you sometimes have to patiently wait and work towards… Again, really love this shot, Debbie 🙂 Fantastic!

        Liked by 1 person

  2. This is a great challenge- what a fun group! How did you hear about it? Did I miss that part? I’m not a photographer, but this sounds like an excellent way to get out and just experience stuff, and think about it differently. That’s definitely my cup of tea. I love your picture, too. Awesome.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi Angela, it’s basically just a small group of photographers and my sister invited me and my husband to join in. You’re exactly right, it makes you think about how to interpret the set theme and extend yourself that little bit. I’m enjoying it immensely. Glad you like my pic too!

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Your daughter is so right about some of the summer temperatures here in the UK being cooler than the winter temperatures in Austrailia. I have a sister in Brisbane who was complaining how cold it was. When I asked what the temperature was she replied 16 degrees. That was one degree higher than the daytime temperature in my part of the UK!
    Love the photo of the raindrops, Deb. Such a refreshing photograph.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. I’ve just caught up on last week’s photos, the about page and this week’s photos. Such a creative project and you are all fantastic photographers. How nice you have family participating! Love your photo of the rain on the windshield. And your self portrait is perfect!

    Liked by 1 person

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