Taking stock of life in October – let’s chat!

Taking Stock – October 2018

Are you comfy and ready for a chat?


As I sit here in my favourite café in Tumbarumba, enjoying the early morning bustle, I am taking a moment to evaluate my October. I’m surrounded by pretty flowers, including bunches of Waratahs; I have my cup of tea served in a pretty china cup and saucer, complete with tea strainer; and a passing parade of people, some I know but some I don’t.  I say hello to everyone, regardless!

It must be such an unusual sight to see me out and about so early in the morning (well it is 8.30am and I’m not only out, I’m dressed up and ready for the day ahead), that I’ve had several locals ask me what I’m up to!

As a retired lady of leisure, I no longer have a need to be out of the house too early unless I’m going out for a walk in the forest on my own.  But today, after my husband finishes his early morning meeting, we’re off to the big smoke of Wagga Wagga for a few appointments.

So how was October?

I have to say, it has been a lovely month for me.  It’s Spring, everything is renewing and reaching towards the sunshine, including me, and I’m feeling good.

I’ve been away from home a lot this month, mainly helping my daughter with her new baby girl Emilia.  As her husband had to return to work (reluctantly) and she was incapacitated after her emergency caesarian, she needed my help. I was the driver, the heavy lifter and the all round helper – a role I was more than happy to play!  I got to watch Emilia grow each day, start to smile and take in the world around her.  It was a very special time for me!

This photo shows me with Emilia, in her little WonderWoman in Training outfit – in case you didn’t know I sometimes get called WonderWoman Debz, so when I saw this outfit I just had to buy it for her! This is my new favourite *photo 🙂

Granny Debs and Emilia
Granny Debs and Emilia

Blogging Update….

I read a lot of blogs each week and I try to comment and share as much as I can, so I truly appreciate any interaction on my blog.  Thanks to all those who leave me comments, ‘like’ my posts or share them around! We have a great community of bloggers 🙂

Writing and Photography Challenges:

I’ve continued on with Lorna’s #Ginspired Writing prompts and you know what, I’ve really had fun with it.  These are my recent responses. Click the links to be taken to each post.

Crossed Wires, People watching, Puzzling through life, Blogging isn’t for the fainthearted (this last one has had a huge amount of comments from bloggers, it seems I hit a nerve with many agreeing about the pressures we put ourselves under with our blogging).

Better to write for yourself and have no public, than to write for the public and have no self.

Cyril Connelly

I’ve started participating in Terri’s Sunday Stills Photo Challenge, where she has a set theme for each week’s posts.  Terri missed the now defunct WordPress Weekly Photo Challenge so much, she started her own challenge.  It’s good fun to be involved! Anyone can join in.

Here are my posts for the October’s prompts: Orange, Photo Editor, Texture, Pink

My favourite post this month:

One of my favourite posts during the month was the one about Life being too short to wear beige, where I talked about my love of colour and my dislike for beige clothing! I don’t often do fashion posts so this was obviously something I felt strongly about. It was also fun to write.

From other bloggers:

I’m happy to share these three posts from other bloggers who I’ve enjoyed reading recently.  They cover a variety of subjects. I’m sure they’d appreciate your visit, just click on the links.

  1. Shannon’s Must Hike Must EatYou never forget your first time series 
  2. Sharon’s Musing from the Cold – in this post she joins the Sunday Stills photo challenge with her amazing Orange shots
  3. Leanne’s Cresting the Hill – I love all of Leanne’s post but this one struck a chord this month Right now she’s just living her best life



Being a grandmother is the best feeling, I love Emilia to bits 🙂 and I’m in awe of the job my daughter and her husband are doing.  It’s such a change to their lives and they’ve adapted exceptionally well! It takes me back to my early days as a new mother and the feelings of exhaustion, of being overwhelmed with the responsibility and all the unknowns being thrown at me.  It’s much better from the viewpoint of a grandmother I can tell you!

My new MacBook Pro

I keep asking my husband – have I told you how much I love my new computer?  He now just rolls his eyes at me when he hears me ask.

You see I bit the bullet and bought a new computer, predominantly for my blogging activities but it’s quickly become my new best friend.  I had been having trouble with my old laptop, it was slow, kept doing stupid things and wouldn’t work when I really wanted/needed it to.

I have an iPhone, iPad and an Apple watch, so I went with a MacBook Pro.  I researched, I asked my family who have Macs, chatted online to an Apple person about my needs and made a decision.

I’ve just realised this is the first computer I’ve bought that’s just mine, and not a hand-me-down from my husband.  I ordered it online and living in a small rural and relatively isolated town, I was totally surprised to have it arrive the next day. It was easy to setup and just works beautifully!

It’s made my life a whole lot easier!


As I was away for most of our winter months, I’m finding the onset of Spring (again) a bit discombobulating if I’m honest. It’s lovely but I can’t get my head around the fact that it’s almost Christmas and summer, as it seems just yesterday I was experiencing similar weather in Europe!  I know it sounds weird but hopefully someone understands what I’m getting at. The whole year has been one of discombobulation it seems! (I really like that word, don’t you?)

Apart from that odd sort of feeling, I’m going well with my health plan, eating well, walking, running a little and taking control. I noticed my improvement in my last month’s update and I’ve gone from strength to strength this month. My sugar consumption is reduced, my water intake increased and my healthy meals are starting to pay off.

I’m also feeling lucky to be able to enjoy have regular massages and facials in our little town.

Out and About….

I’ve been lucky to visit Canberra, Melbourne, Wagga Wagga and around my local  area this month.  With Spring in the air I’ve visited lots of open gardens and have been inspired!

My sister and I had a fun weekend catchup in Melbourne, where we went shopping, bought baby clothes, had manicures/pedicures and just enjoyed spending time together. It was just what I needed!

Forest Glade at Mt Macedon, just out of Melbourne, was a beautiful private garden open to the public.  We enjoyed a beautiful day walking around rhododendrons, tulips, daffodils, bluebells and many other cool climate varieties. I shared some of the photos from the gardens in my Texture post for Sunday Stills a few weeks ago.  We also enjoyed a late afternoon visit to Red Bluff lookout at Black Rock, just outside of the city, what fantastic views!

I attended the annual Debutante Ball in town as Anna, our Rotary Exchange Student from Hungary, made her Debut.  This is an anachronism which I have never really been a huge fan of, but it was a fun evening which Anna thoroughly enjoyed. She was well supported with the donation of a dress and had fun learning to dance.  It’s not something they do in Hungary apparently! Yes Debutantes still wear long white gloves.

Anna making her Debut
Anna making her Debut

Tumbarumba Tastebuds was a weekend of Open Gardens, a Flower Show, wine tastings and good food in gorgeous spring weather. I enjoyed visiting some of the gardens and seeing all the work that goes into them, lots of new ideas!


One of the best books I’ve read in ages was Any Ordinary Day by Leigh Sales.  I actually wrote a book review about it which you can read here: What happens after the worst day of your life  – Any Ordinary Day

Leigh ends the book with this – There’s only one lesson to take from all of this and that is to be grateful for the ordinary days and to savour every last moment of them.  They’re not so ordinary, really.  Hindsight makes them quite magical.

That’s a great quote to finish up on!

So, that was October in a nutshell.  I actually did more in the month than I thought!  I also managed to have morning teas and lunches with my friends, attend my discussion group, go to Rotary meetings and follow my daughter and her husband vicariously on their honeymoon around Europe and Fiji! It made my heart sing to see my youngest daughter visiting with her oldest sister in the UK and to speak with them both via Facetime – I love technology! Life doesn’t get much better.

Phew, after all that – bring on November 🙂 . I have my mother visiting in a day or two, so I’m madly running around cleaning windows and tidying up – maybe my husband is right, she should come to visit more often!

How are things with you? I’d love to hear what’s been happening in your life lately.

Feel free to leave me a comment below. I always enjoy hearing from you.

Nothing can dim the light that shines from within.

Maya Angelou

Deb xx

*You might be wondering about the lack of photos of Emilia given I’m so proud of being a new grandmother – as a family we are limiting her digital footprint and only a small selection of photos are being released on social media.  We have our own private family sharing app and I can assure you we are taking lots of gorgeous shots of her.  I’m thrilled to be able to share this photo of us together.

This is my version of A Sentence a Day.  Click here for more information or to join in.

Are you on Instagram? Check out Deb’s World here: Instagram for photo updates

You can also find Deb’s World here – let’s stay in touch!

You can contact me here

Midlife, Travel and Adventure - that's my life

62 Replies to “Taking stock of life in October – let’s chat!”

  1. I like the format you have taken for your Sentence a Day post. I am waaaaaaay behind on my SaD reading but better late than never. I hope! Isn’t grandmothering just spectacular? I love the way your grand is looking so lovingly at you. I have two granddaughters that are the world to me.

    Your photographs are gorgeous. The house with the pink door and potted plants is so quaint and inviting.

    Anna was a beautiful debutante. What a wonderful experience for her. Something she wouldn’t have had at home. I remember my mom wearing opera gloves and short gloves, too, when I was a little girl. Thought she was terribly fancy.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks so much Leslie, I’m behind in my readings other blogs too! I so love being a grandmother, as if you can’t already tell that!! It’s been a more peaceful time and I’m feeling good about things. Anna was a beautiful debutante and enjoyed the whole experience. I’ll visit you soon, to see what you’ve been up to 🙂


  2. I love the adoring look she gives her granny!
    Thank you for introducing me to the Sunday Stills challenge. I hope to return to a regular photography practice soon – and this sounds like the perfect motivation.


  3. You have been busy, Deb, and it sounds delightful–especially the new granddaughter. Your photos are beautiful, as always. Thank you for sharing. During October, I celebrated my birthday with family and friends, closed up our cabin, and completed the Hell Week exercise challenge. Happy November! #MLSTL

    Liked by 1 person

  4. I really enjoyed reading about your month of October, Debs, it is a way to get to know someone a little bit. I absolutely agree that being a Grandma (Nana for me) is the best! Loved the photo with your little Wonder Woman, and I know your daughter appreciated the help! Beautiful photos, too. #MLSTL

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks so much Candi, I really appreciate your visit and comment. It’s been a lovely time getting to know Emilia, while helping out as well has been great fun. I’m so fortunate to be in the position where I could help out. I think us grandmas rule! Happy to hear you enjoyed my photos too, it’s a nice hobby to have 🙂


  5. Great to have an Oct catch up with you Deb. Sounds like it’s been a busy one for you. For me Oct has been mainly work, exercise and the garden. I’ve been to the Forest Glade garden at Macedon. It’s beautiful. Love the photo of you with Emilia #MLSTL Shared on SM

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks Jennifer, I enjoyed your recent post and your garden is looking great. A catch up is a fun to relive what I’ve done through the month. I used to do a sentence a day but this more general post is great fun. I love the pic with Emilia, so special!


    1. Thanks Chris, it was a fun month and I can’t take any credit for the garden shots but I do love sitting out there soaking up the sunshine, admiring my husband’s efforts 🙂 Yes being a grandma is the best!


  6. What a wonderful month you’ve had Deb! Your little granddaughter is just delicious – so precious! I have a MacBook Pro too and love it. I use it when I’m away or out and about. Otherwise I use my iMac with the big screen. I can’t believe we’re racing towards Christmas either. It fills me with a wee bit of panic if I’m to be honest. Breathe Min! Happy November to you! xo

    Liked by 1 person

  7. What a wonderful month, Wonder Woman Debs…this is super reading and so full of life…your life. Loved it. I have a pic of me with my youngest granddaughter around the same age and it is so loving. I am glad you have embraced grandmothering and am enjoying the ride. I am an all things Apple Girl: IMac, IPad, Iphone, Mac laptop not a Macbook, BUT I can’t get the Apple watch ..too expensive (booo)
    Have a great November too. Denyse #mlstl

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes it’s been a fun month Denyse! My granddaughter is growing too fast and I miss being with her but I’m lucky she’s not too far away – well 3 hours in the car isn’t too bad!

      When I was made redundant I bought the apple watch as a present to myself for going though so much heartache. We weren’t allowed to have them working in the gaol due tot heir internet connection, so it was a real treat to have it. They paid me a lot of money to get rid of me so I spent some of it wisely! I’m so glad you enjoyed reading about my month and my life, I sometimes wonder if I’m too open but hey, that’s me! Thanks for stopping by and sharing for #mlstl


  8. Lots of lovely stuff within this post none more than your Grandmaship. Mine call me Grandma duck and like I would … I love the glances from those that hear my name. The giggles from them all when I tell them it may be time to drop the duck now you are getting older; only to get a cross armed stance and determined look fromthe eldest. “No never” he said then shouted “nice try.”
    Have you found scrivner yet? It is amazing, there is a free trial for 34 days and if you like it it is simple you keep the free one and enter a number they send wben you pay and it is done. But if you try you will want to buy it. I think it was $30 … anyway it is a one off payment and seriously you will love it. Unhappy i am to say it but they launched scrivner 3 … just for the mac book and i am dying for it to be on Windows as I will most definately get it. On a recent writing retreat i was shown it and fell in love with it. I am not earning anything from telling you I am just sharing because you have a mac book and sounded enthusiastic. Anyway there is lots on youtube if you want a look. Great post by the way.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks so much Jono, I try to ensure I have my end of month post partly written but this month I was too busy and left it to the last minute! I’m glad I managed to remember what actually happened!! It’s a lovely time sharing and making memories with Emilia, I’m so lucky 😊

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks so much Donna, I’m pleased to hear you’ve enjoyed my photos 😊 it’s been a wonderfully rich month. I am fortunate to have been able to spend so much time with my daughter and her little family and loved every minute of it. Isn’t she just adorable?


  9. Well that is quite the month Deb. Nothing more precious that being a Grandma and yes what fun to watch our daughters as mothers. Our daughter had a c-section as well and how lucky we felt to have the flexibility to be helpful. Your little one looks like she is adoring her Grandma. Well of course she does! Thanks so much for within that busy moth taking the time to contribute to our collaborative article. Wishing you a happy month ahead.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. It was our pleasure to contribute to your post Sue, it turned out great 😊. I know you understand the preciousness of this new role and how lucky we are to be able to help out at this time in our lives. It’s very special. Thanks for your lovely comment, it’s been so good to meet you through our blogging connections. We have so much in common.

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  10. A wonderful month for you Deb and isn’t being a grandmother the best!!! I’ve heard good reviews on the book from Leigh Sales so will put that on my list. I always enjoy your photos and the first images of your morning tea surrounded by beautiful flowers was a lovely way for me to start my day. Have a fabulous November, my friend xx

    Liked by 1 person

  11. It sounds like you had a lovely month Debbie…also you win at life by having Spring in Europe AND spring back home! That is the way a lady of leisure should live! 😉

    Liked by 1 person

      1. My aunt once said her idea of a perfect life would be avoiding winter by moving from the UK to NZ when it starts to get cold. I think she (and you) have the right idea.

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    1. Thanks Sam, she is adorable isn’t she? It was a good month I’m happy to say. Wagga Wagga is about 110kms (over an hours drive away from us) and is our nearest big city. There’s nothing much along the way except forests and farmlands – it’s near Book Book 🙂 . No joke.

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  12. What a wonderful month Deb – loved Emelia’s little outfit (and the pic of you loving each other). Our grandgirls aren’t on SM much either – and I’m always careful to check before I post the occasional pic. Thanks for the link to my blog post – nothing like sharing the love. I also loved all your Spring flower pics and the fact that you seem to be really enjoying the retired/lady of leisure lifestyle – I can’t wait til it’s my turn one day (although I can’t really complain at my 2 days a week!)

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I’m glad you are Ok with the link to your post Leanne! It’s been a big month and I really am enjoying my lady of leisure lifestyle (which I think is pretty obvious!!) . I would have been happy to go two days a week for a while but the freedom we have now without any work commitments is just fabulous. Your turn will come 🙂 and I know you’ll enjoy it all. I had fun writing my catch up post and sharing our spring flowers and news. Thanks again for being so supportive and encouraging, we do have a lot in common 🙂


  13. Oh the joy I see and feel with you holding Emelia! ❤ I get the digital footprint thing. My son forbids me to post my granddaughters pictures on my blog. I get away with a few on Facebook to friends only, but get reprimanded when I post too many! lol! It's so hard not to share, but I must respect his wishes, and I do understand. Great to read your post and share in your Spring joy as we approach Autumn and Winter!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks so much Jodi. I understand too about the photo situation and I have so many I want to share! This one is my favourite as I love the look she’s giving me and I am just about glowing incandescently with joy. It’s great to have friends all over the world we can share our lives with isn’t it? I love it! Great having you along with me 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

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