Why does this sweet potato make me smile?

What’s making me smile at the moment?

It’s not hard to make me smile.

I’ve actually got a smile named after me, the ‘Debbie Smile’ – honestly it’s a real thing!

This week I’m smiling at this sweet potato.  Do you know why?

Sweet potato
Sweet Potato 🙂

My daughter and her husband are expecting their first baby, so my husband and I are now officially ‘Grandparents in Waiting‘. Yes I know, it’s pretty exciting!  It’s enough to make anyone smile 🙂

But wait there’s more!

I’ve got access to an app that charts the growth of the baby and this week it just happens to be the size of a sweet potato, so I couldn’t resist taking a photo of this sweet potato to share with you.

According to the app the baby is now 5 1/2 inches long (13.97cm) and weighs about 7 ounces (198.45gms) and hopefully it won’t be as orange as a sweet potato!

Last week it was the size of  a tangy pomegranate and I managed to photograph one in the local supermarket. I’m loving the vegetable comparisons, one week it was a dill pickle, the next a brilliant beetroot and before that a brussel sprout!


I love reading all the information available on the app, about how the baby is progressing, its size, how its eyelashes are forming, the fact that it will be starting to move soon and my daughter will feel it kicking.  It’s a long time since I was pregnant and I’ve forgotten so much. This time I’m enjoying it as an outsider looking in, which is waaaaay more comfortable. There seems to be so much information out there now and I’m fascinated at having it so readily available.  Back in my day it was all so different.  I must say that I thoroughly sparkled during my three pregnancies and have nothing but good memories from that exciting time of my life.

It makes me smile every time I read something new 🙂

This week’s Daily Post photo challenge asks for something or someone that puts a smile on our face .

This week, show us a smile (yours or someone else’s), make us smile, or both. Share a photo of something that has brought a moment of joy into your life recently, or focus on the outcome of that joy.

I can honestly say it’s the simple things in life, like taking a photo of a sweet potato, that has made me smile this week 🙂

I’ll leave you with this photo, taken in December, which I took as part of our 52 week photo project.  The theme for the week was , you guessed it, smile 🙂

beach smiley face at Vincentia
beach smiley face

Now if you don’t have a smile on your face after that then you’re just not trying!

Smile and the world smiles with you!

What’s made you smile recently? I’d love to know 🙂

This sweet potato made me smile

Deb xx

You can also find Deb’s World here – let’s stay in touch!

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52 Replies to “Why does this sweet potato make me smile?”

  1. Definitely a smile inspiring post. I came to your post through your daughter (her Tassie post), and I’m pleased to have been introduced. You sound like your going to be a lot of fun to get to know. A Grandchild – once he/she arrives you’re going to be thinking, ‘this is great, why didn’t I have grandchildren first’.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Welcome Chris! It’s lovely to have you join in the fun. I’m so glad you found me through Melanie’s blog and I love your comment that I’ll wish I had grandchildren first. I’ve been waiting a while 😊

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Congratulations! I’m not a grandparent yet, as our kids are 4 and 3, but I can totally see the appeal, being able to spoil them and then drop them back off with mom and dad, hehe. You’ll be splendid!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. That’s great to hear Jen. I’m glad you can relate to my smiles and yes it brings back memories to me too. Oh to be young and pregnant for the first time again – well sometimes I think I’d prefer to be in my current situation than go back through it all but at other moments I love the thoughts that rush back at me.


  3. Oh my gosh, I can relate to the smile. Even if I’m feeling bad or not having a good day my grandbabies can always put a smile on my face! I’m excited for you! Shared x 4 ♥

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Oh boy! Nothing better than a grandchild. My world today isn’t up and running yet, but yesterday’s smile came from my Facebook memories! I had post a whole bunch of 2 month old photos of my oldest granddaughter and looking through them again did truly make me smile.
    🙂 gwingal

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Congratulations!! My daughter posted vegetables and fruit to show the size of the baby when she was pregnant two years ago. This is how I found out she was pregnant again when she sent a pic of a lemon and the ultrasound. It is such fun to be a grandparent. What a blessing.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. I know Victoria, it’s astounded me how much things have changed since I had my three girls. I’m loving the excitement just in case you can’t tell!! Thanks for your lovely comment. 🌞


  6. Ahhhhh the joys of anticipating a grandbaby – the only thing that beats it is the actual appearance of that baby – they take over your heart. My son comments on what a pushover I am as a grandmother compared to how strict I was as a mother. I can’t help it – she melts my heart!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I’m expecting that to be the case Leanne 🙂 Already my other two daughters are feeling neglected and letting me know they think I’ve got a favourite daughter who just happens to be pregnant. Thanks for stopping by 🙂


  7. Congratulations on becoming a Grandmother 🎉. It certainly does make you smile! Do you know what your grandmother name will be yet? I totally agree with your amazement at available information out there now. I guess “there are “instructions” on being on parent!” Lol

    Liked by 1 person

      1. 👍
        It’s Great! Isn’t it an exciting decision whether to be a Nana, Nona, Nonni? Perhaps Grandma, Memere, or Granny are possible for some. I had a Nana and a Ma. My kids grandmothers were Ma and Grandma. My grandmother name is Marme but Mar for short from the book LITTLE WOMEN 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

  8. My daughter has that app Deb, and my grandson told me once it was the size of a pomegranate which was pretty good for a 4 y.old. It is a lovely way to get an idea of the size of the baby. Such an exciting time Deb. We only have about 8 or 9 weeks to go and then we will have a new baby brother or sister for Ethan. xx

    Liked by 2 people

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