Magnetic Poetry Saturday Challenge #5 – Awesome

awesome poem

I’m happy to present my latest poem for this week’s Magnetic Poetry Saturday Challenge, joining in with others at Specks and Fragments.  

This week I have had fun using the Geek magnetic poetry kit to create this little gem! Go ahead, click the link and start creating for yourself, it doesn’t cost anything but be aware it can become quite addictive.

I want to be awesome

like a firey star

with a galactic force

always smart and stunning

how hard is it

to create an action figure


a good girl like me

I do apologise for some incorrect spelling bit it is very difficult when the words I want to use aren’t there and I have to make them up from the bits and pieces that are available.  I would also like the option of some punctuation but that’s just me being a bit pedantic.  (Have you read my About Me page?  It might make more sense to you then.)

If you would like to see what other poems have been created you can follow this link to see the weekly wrap-up.

Here are links to my previous posts for the Magnetic Poetry Saturday Challenge.   I hope you enjoy

#1 Nature

#2 The Waterfall

#3 Longing for summer

#4 Life

Are you into poetry?  I’m not usually but I must admit that this challenge has unleashed a little well of creativity in me.  I try not to spend too much time agonising over which words to use from the pool available but usually something will get me started and off I go until I’m happy with the result.

I enjoyed being a bit geeky today and would love to see myself as an action figure! What about you?

Deb 🙂



17 Replies to “Magnetic Poetry Saturday Challenge #5 – Awesome”

  1. The newest superhero: the Blue Poet (second cousin of the Blue Tic) appears at a scene of a conflict, quickly assesses the situation for the right prompt words, dashes out a poem that makes everyone realize that fighting is not the answer, and that we are better off working together as team to solve whatever problems we are facing.

    But I think there is a desire in every poet (and everyone has at least a little bit of a poet in them) to be the super nova: the brightest thing around. even those of us that shun the spotlight.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes I hear you! We are all so busy I’m not sure another distraction is needed but I must admit that I quite enjoy the challenge of thinking and being a bit creative. Thanks for the comment Su, much appreciated.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Hi Deb, you’re doing well with these poems… I like playing with words to create rhymes and poems, but find the magnetic challenge really difficult. I may give it another go, though, just to see if it has got any easier!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks Tom. It’s not easy but it gets me thinking so I’m persevering with it and pushing myself to come up with something each week. It is quite a fun challenge. You are very good with words!


  3. You’re doing such as a great job with these poems. I am purposely avoiding trying for the first time because I need another addictive thing like a whole in the head. Maybe in my Christmas holidays… but I will. I want try it myself every time you post.

    You are are an action girl and your top is orange with spots. Geeky Sunday sounds like it could go somewhere….

    Not sure when you are leaving for NZ but take care on the bikes – for you, your husband and the other two with trying to keep up with you. Louise x

    Interestingly enough I didn’t spot the spelling mistakes until I re -read your poem. It’s the old brain making compensations. If it was typed I would have but because it is the little tiles I didn’t, Or maybe it was because my brain was gobbling up your latest creation to fast to notice. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks so much Louise, it amazes me how many bloggers are out there and how many become ‘friends’ along the way. We leave in a month’s time and it will be my husband who we will have to keep up with, he’s a machine! Your ‘trainer’ reminds of him at times, I often see similarities in your posts and smile to myself. I’m glad that I pointed out the spelling mistakes, the brain does make compensations!

      Liked by 1 person

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