Romance is alive, just not here – #Writespiration

Our wedding day

Writespiration - is a challenge courtesy of Sacha Black.  The challenge is to write something using the weekly theme in just 52 words…. EXACTLY 52 words, no more, no less. This week Sacha has asked us to use the theme of Romance. This week your challenge is to write the most romantic 52 words you can. …

A sad day

Today is Stephanie Scott’s 28th birthday and her mother asked us all to join the family by stopping for a cup of tea and a mint slice (her favourite biscuit) at 3pm today. My workplace stopped to honour and remember Stephanie, it was a sombre tea break to say the least.

I’m pleased to say that most shops sold out of mint slices today as people heeded a mother’s simple request. At the end of the day I was able to come home knowing my three daughters are all safe and happy living their lives to the fullest. I have a 28 year old planning her wedding and another daughter was married late last year so this hit me very hard. I can only wish her family and her fiancee peace and the strength to continue on.

Her body was found on the day of her wedding and her killer was convicted to a life sentence just days before her 28th birthday. How sad!

As I said in my original post ‘Rest in Peace Stephanie’.

Deb's World

Today should have been the happiest day of their lives but it was the saddest day of all.

You may have heard of this but just in case you haven’t…..

A young teacher went into her school last weekend to complete work for while she was to be away on her honeymoon. She was due to be married within days. She was never seen again by her fiancée, her family or her friends. A massive search was undertaken.

What is thought to be her remains were found today, the day she was to be married to her childhood sweetheart. It is alleged that she was murdered by a cleaner at the school.

As the mother of a bride to be, I can’t begin to imagine how her fiancée and her family are coping with this awful tragedy. With everything ready for the wedding and guests arriving, the sadness would be…

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Hugh’s Weekly Photo Challenge: The morning after

Happily ever after....the day after my daughter's wedding looked a bit like this... I couldn't sleep in despite the huge day we'd had, so I got up and wandered around the marquee picking up bottles, collecting glasses, enjoying the presence of the wild brumbies and kangaroos, not to mention the shaft of early morning light. …

Sally D’s Mobile Photography Challenge: Rose bud

Here's a photo of one of my favourite rosebuds.  This particular rose bush has the most delightful fragrant yellow roses so I'm quite surprised that there is so much other colour in this bud. As an aside we used some of these roses petals for my daughter's wedding on the weekend.  My husband and I collected a …

Weekly photo challenge: A weekend of treats!

Treats and indulgences can take many forms.  We are asked to show what brings us happiness for this week's photo challenge. My weekend of treats went something like this.... finishing work on Friday afternoon for 2 whole weeks of holidays 🙂 Drive 5 hours down the highway to the big smoke  Afternoon tea with my sister after a …

Weekly photo challenge: Be careful of my heart!

heart rock

Be careful where you tread! Michelle W asks us to show something careful for this week's photo challenge.... This week, show us something careful — a photo taken with care, a person being careful, or a task or detail requiring care. I was out for an early morning walk while at a Rotary conference over the weekend and …

MOB update #2 – to spray tan or not to spray tan?

Update #2 from Mother of the Bride (aka MOB) My daughter, B2B, informed me a few weeks ago that the big day was less than 100 days away.  It's now way less than that.  Cue excitement levels rising!! I can't believe that time is flying by so fast.  She appears organised, so I'm feeling quite relaxed about it all …

Tea Time #12 – I’ve found IT!

Come on over to the Tea Party at Justine's Tea Time , I want to share with you my very exciting news! As we're now sitting comfortably and all have a delicious snack close to hand, superbly provided by the many other bloggers in attendance, (such as Desley), and accompanied by Justine's delicious chocolate tea, or Lucile's …